Translations of Chinese Buddhist texts included in the Taishō canon (Taishō shinshū daizōkyō 大正新脩大藏經. Tokyo: Taishō issaikyō kankōkai 大正一切経刊行会, 1924-1934.):
T01n0001: Chang a han jing 長阿含經 Dīrghâgama [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Ichimura, Shohei
The Canonical Book of the Buddha’s Lengthy Discourses
BDK English Tripiṭaka Series. Berkeley: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America. Vol. 1, 2015 (Sutras 1-10). Vol. 2, 2016 (Sutras 11-20). Vol. 3, 2018 (Sutras 21-30).
translated by: Waldschmidt, Ernst
In: Das Mahāvadānasūtra: ein kanonischer Text über die sieben letzten Buddhas; Sanskrit, verglichen mit dem Pāli nebst einer Analyse der in chinesischer Übersetzung überlieferten Parallelversionen auf Grund von Turfan-Handschriften
Part 1 (Jahrg. 1952, Nr.8. (1953)): Einführung und Sanskrittext im handschriftlichen Befund; Teil 2 (Jahrg. 1954, Nr. 3): Die Textbearbeitung: Vorgang 1–32; Teil 3 (Jahrg. 1956): Die Textbearbeitung: Vorgang 33–51. Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1953–1956.
translated by: Jin, Siyan
Grand soutra sur l'essence des choses, Mahāpadāna-sutta
Paris: Editions You Feng, 2011. ISBN: 978-2-84279-503-0. Bilingual edition.
translated by: Jin, Siyan
Soutra de l'ultime voyage ou le dernier discours du Bouddha
Paris: Editions You Feng, 2013. ISBN: 978-2-84279-576-4. Bilingual edition.
translated by: Weller, Friedrich
"Buddhas letzte Wanderung, Aus dem Chinesischen übersetzt"
Monumenta Serica, 5 (1940): 141–207.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Buddha’s Last Meditation in the Dīrgha-āgama"
The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies Vol. 15 (2014): 1-43. Reprinted in Anālayo: Dīrgha-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing, 2017.
translated by: Meisig, Konrad
In: Das Sūtra von den vier Ständen: Das Aggañña-Sutta im Licht seiner chinesischen Parallelen
Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1988.
translated by: Jin, Siyan; Lechemin, Robert; Tampalawela Dhammaratana
Agaññasutta Soutra de la genèse
Paris: Editions Youfeng, 2022.
translated by: Anālayo
"Maitreya and the Wheel-turning King"
Asian Literature and Translation: A Journal of Religion and Culture Vol.2-7 (2014), pp. 1-29. Reprinted in Anālayo: Dīrgha-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing, 2017, pp.349-391.
translated by: Jin, Siyan
Traduction d'un texte sacré et naissance du chinois médiéval au Ve siècle - Cas du Cakkavatti sutta en bilingue
Paris: Editions You Feng (2023).
translated by: Anālayo
"Debate with a Sceptic – The Dīrgha-āgama Parallel to the Pāyāsi-sutta"
Part 1: Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies, vol. 13 (2012), pp. 1-26. Part 2: Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies, vol. 14 (2013), pp. 1-27. Reprinted in Anālayo: Dīrgha-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing, 2017
translated by: Behrsing, Siegfried
"Das Chung-Tsi-King (眾集經) des chinesischen Dîrghâgama"
Asia Major. First Series, Vol. 7–1/2, 1932: 1–149. See also: Behrsing (Asia Major Vol.7–3: 32) "Nachträge und Verbesserungen zu, 'Das Chung-Tsi-King des chinesischen Dîrghâgama' in A.M.VII 1/2", and Behrsing (Asia Major Vol.8–1: 18): "Weitere Nachträge und Verbesserungen zu S. Behrsing, Das Chung-Tsi-King etc. in AM VII 1/2 (s. auch AM VII 3)".
translated by: Anālayo
"Three Chinese Dīrgha-āgama Discourses Without Parallels"
In: Research on the Dīrgha-āgama, Dhammadinnā (ed.), 2014, pp. 1–55, Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Corporation. Reprinted in Anālayo: Dīrgha-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing, 2017.
translated by: Anālayo
"Summaries of the Dharma, A Translation of Dīrgha-āgama Discourse no. 12"
Asian Literature and Translation: A Journal of Religion and Culture, vol. 1 (2009) no. 6 pp. 1–14. Reprinted in Anālayo: Dīrgha-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing, 2017.
translated by: Weller, Friedrich
"Über den Aufbau des Pāṭikasuttanta ii) Übersetzung des Chinesischen Textes"
Asia Major 5 (1928), pp. 104–40.
translated by: Pannasiri, Bhadanta
Visva-Bharati Annals 3 (1950): 150–228; T1(16) trans. 204 ff.
translated by: DiSimone, Charles
"Intertextuality, Contradiction, and Confusion in the Prasādanīya-sūtra, Sampasādanīya-sutta, and 自歡喜經 (Zì huānxǐ jīng)"
Buddhist Studies Review Vol.33-2 (2016): 141-162
translated by: Weller, Friedrich
"Das Brahmajālasūtra des Chinesischen Dirghāgama"
translated by: Anālayo
"Views and the Tathāgata – A Comparative Study and Translation of the Brahmajāla in the Chinese Dīrgha-āgama"
in Buddhist and Pali Studies in Honour of the Venerable Professor Kakkapalliye Anuruddha, K.L. Dhammajoti et al. (ed.), Hong Kong: Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong, 2009, pp. 183–234.
translated by: Meisig, Konrad
"Chung Teh King - The Chinese Parallel to the Soṇadaṇḍa-Sutta"
In: Kalyana-Mitta: Professor Hajime Nakamura Felicitation Volume, ed. V.N. Jha, Delhi 1991, pp. 51–62.
translated by: Meisig, Konrad
Beginnings of Buddhist Ethics: The Chinese Parallel to the Kūṭadantasutta. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2011.
translated by: Meisig, Konrad
"A Translation of the Chinese Kevaddha-Sutta together with the Critical Apparatus of the Pāli Text"
In: Festschrift Dieter Schlingloff zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres dargebracht von Schülern, Freunden und Kollegen, ed. by Friedrich Wilhelm. Reinbek: Wezler Verlag für Orientalistische Fachpublikationen, 1996, pp. 187-200.
translated by: Anālayo
"Brahmavihāra and Awakening: A Study of the Dīrgha-Āgama Parallel to the Tevijja-Sutta"
Asian Literature and Translation, 3 (2015), pp. 1–27
translated by: MacQueen, Graeme
In: A Study of the Śrāmaṇyaphala-sūtra
Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1988. 50–70.
translated by: Howard, Angela Falco
In: The Imagery of the Cosmological Buddha. (Appendix 1)
Leiden: Brill, 1986, 115-156.
T01n0005: Fo ban ni huan jing 佛般泥洹經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Puini, Carlo
Mahaparinirvana-sutra ovvero il libro della totale estinzione del Buddha
Lanciano: Casa Editrice Rocco Carabba, 1919. Probably identical with Mahaparinirvana Sutra (Genova: I Dioscuri, 1990) by the same author. Rare edition available here.
T01n0010: Bai yi jing chuang er po luo men yuan qi jing 白衣金幢二婆羅門緣起經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Meisig, Konrad
In: Das Sūtra von den vier Ständen: Das Aggañña-Sutta im Licht seiner chinesischen Parallelen
Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1988.
T01n0016: Shi jia luo yue liu fang li jing 尸迦羅越六方禮經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Pannasiri, Bhadanta
Visva-Bharati Annals 3 (1950): 150–228; T1(16) trans. 165 ff.
T01n0017: Shan sheng zi jing 善生子經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Pannasiri, Bhadanta
Visva-Bharati Annals 3 (1950): 150–228; T1(16) trans. 173 ff.
T01n0019: Da san mo re jing 大三摩惹經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Waldschmidt, Ernst
In: Bruchstücke Buddhistischer Sūtras aus dem zentralasiatischen Sanskritkanon. Leipzig: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, 1932, pp. 154-196.
T01n0022: Ji zhi guo jing 寂志果經 Śrāmaṇyaphala sūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: MacQueen, Graeme
In: A Study of the Śrāmaṇyaphala-sūtra
Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1988. 51–71.
T01n0026: Zhong a han jing 中阿含經 Madhyamâgama [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Anālayo; Bucknell, Roderick S.
The Madhyamāgama
BDK English Tripiṭaka Series. Berkeley: Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai America. Volume 1 (Sutras 1–71):2013 (with M. Bingenheimer et al.), Volume 2 (Sutras 72–131):2020, Volume 3 (Sutras 132-181):2022, Volume 4 (Sutras 182-222):2023.
translated by: Pāsādika, Bhikkhu
"The Madhyamāgama Parallel to the Rathavinīta Sutta of the Majjhima Nikāya"
In: Dhammasami (ed.): Buddhism for the New Millenium, London: World Buddhist Foundation, 2000.
translated by: Levi, Sylvain
"Notes sur des Inscriptions de Piyadassi- Le Lāghulovāda de l'Edit de Bhabra"
Journal Asiatique 1896, pp 475–485.
translated by: Anālayo
"Karma and Liberation - the Karajakāya-sutta and its Madhyama-āgama Parallel"
Festschrift for Bhikkhu Pāsādika, Marburg: Indica et Tibetica, 2009.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Arahant Ideal in Early Buddhism - the Case of Bakkula"
Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies, vol. 8, pp. 1–21. (2007)
translated by: Anālayo
"The Bodhisattva and Kassapa Buddha – A Study Based on the Madhyama-āgama Parallel to the Ghaṭikāra-sutta"
Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies vol. 10 (2009), pp. 1–33.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Āneñjasappāya-sutta and its Parallels on Imperturbability and the Contribution of Insight to the Development of Tranquillity"
Buddhist Studies Review, 2009, vol. 26 no. 2
translated by: Kuan, Tse-fu
In: Mindfulness in Early Buddhism: New Approaches Through Psychology and Textual Analysis of Pali, Chinese and Sanskrit Sources
London: Routledge, 2008, pp. 155-165
translated by: Waldschmidt, Ernst
In: Bruchstücke Buddhistischer Sūtras aus dem Zentralasiatischen Sanskritkanon, Kleinere Sanskrit-Texte
Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1932, vol. 4, pp 54–57.
translated by: Saddhāloka, Bhikkhu
"The Discourse on the Foundations of Mindfulness"
In: 佛友 - Buddhist Friendship, World Fellowship of Buddhist (世佛友會港澳分區總會), Hong Kong, 1983, pp. 9–18.
translated by: Nhat Hanh, Thich
In: Transformation & Healing: The Sutra on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness
Berkeley, CA: Parallax Press 1990, pp. 151–167.
translated by: Kuan, Tse-fu
In: Mindfulness in Early Buddhism: New Approaches Through Psychology and Textual Analysis of Pali, Chinese and Sanskrit Sources
London: Routledge, 2008, pp. 145-154.
translated by: Bareau, André
In: Recherches sur la Biographie du Buddha dans les Sūtrapiñaka et le Vinayapiñaka Anciens
Paris: Publications de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient, 1963, vol. 1, pp 63–66.
translated by: Anālayo
"Mahāpajāpati's Going Forth in the Madhyama-āgama"
Journal of Buddhist Ethics Vol.18 (2011), pp. 268-317. Reprinted in: Anālayo. Madyama-āgama Studies. Taipei, 2012. pp.449-488.
translated by: Waldschmidt, Ernst
In: Bruchstücke Buddhistischer Sūtras aus dem Zentralasiatischen Sanskritkanon, Kleinere Sanskrit-Texte
Leipzig: Brockhaus,1932, vol.4, pp 60–112.Partial translation of MĀ 134
translated by: Pannasiri, Bhadanta
Visva-Bharati Annals 3 (1950): 150–228; T1(16) trans. 187 ff.
translated by: Meisig, Konrad
In: Das Sūtra von den vier Ständen: Das Aggañña-Sutta im Licht seiner chinesischen Parallelen
Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1988, pp. 74–169.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Verses on an Auspicious Night, Explained by Mahākaccāna – A Study and Translation of the Chinese Version"
Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies, Vol. 4 (2008), pp. 5–29.
translated by: Anālayo
"Qualities of a True Recluse (Samaṇa), According to the Samaṇamaṇḍika-sutta and ist Madhyama-āgama Parallel"
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka, 2009, vol. 6
translated by: Tsukamoto Tsukamoto, Zenryu; L. Hurwitz (trsl.)
In: A History of Early Chinese Buddhism, From its Introduction to the Death of Hui-yüan
Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1985, pp. 1093–1100.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Bahudhātuka-sutta and its Parallels on Women's Inabilities"
Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 2009, vol. 16.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Spirit of Free Inquiry in Early Buddhism - A Study of the Vīmaṃsaka-sutta and its Madhyama-āgama Parallel"
In: Buddhism as a Stronghold of Free Thinking - The Philosophical, Ethical and Social Dimensions of Buddhism, S. Fey (ed.), Germany, 2009.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Sixfold Purity of an Arahant, According to the Chabbisodhana-sutta and its Parallel"
Journal of Buddhist Ethics, Vol.15 (2008), pp. 241–277.
translated by: Meisig, Konrad
"Sheng Tao King, die Chinesische Fassung des Mahācattārīsaka Sutta"
In: Hinduismus und Buddhismus - Festschrift für Ulrich Schneider. Harry Falk (Ed.). Freiburg: Falk, 1987, pp. 220–248.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Mahācattārīsaka-sutta in the Light of its Parallels"
Journal of the Center of Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka, Vol. 8 (2011), pp.59-93. Reprinted in: Anālayo. Madyama-āgama Studies. Taipei, 2012, pp. 289-324.
translated by: Anālayo
"A Gradual Entry into Emptiness, Depicted in the Early Buddhist Discourses"
Thai International Journal of Buddhist Studies, Vol. 3 (2012), pp.25-56. Reprinted in: Anālayo. Madyama-āgama Studies. Taipei, 2012, pp. 325-363.
translated by: Choong, Mun-keat
In: The Notion of Emptiness in Early Buddhism
Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1999, pp. 66–76.
translated by: Choong, Mun-keat
In: The Notion of Emptiness in Early Buddhism
Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1999, pp. 79–84.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Chinese version of the Dantabhūmi Sutta"
In: Buddhist Studies Review, Vol. 23-1 (2006), pp. 3–18.
translated by: Bareau, André
In: Recherches sur la Biographie du Buddha dans les Sūtrapiñaka et le Vinayapiñaka Anciens
Paris: Publications de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient, 1963, vol. 1, pp 172–182.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Buddha's Truly Praiseworthy Qualities – According to the Mahāsakuludāyi-sutta and its Chinese Parallel"
Journal of the Pali Text Society, Vol.30 (2008), pp. 127–150.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Vekhanassa-sutta and its Madhyama-āgama Parallel - A Case Study in the Transmission of the Pāli Discourses"
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Vol. 5 (2007), pp. 89–104.
translated by: Anālayo
"What the Buddha would not do, according to the Bāhitika-sutta and its Madhyama-āgama parallel"
Journal of Buddhist Ethics, Vol. 14 (2007), pp. 153–179.
T01n0080: [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Committee for the Authorized Translations of Won-Buddhist Scriptures
Sūtra on the Differences in the Karmic Recompense of Action
In: The Doctrinal Books of Won-Buddhism (Wonbulgyo Kyosŏ), Iksan: Wonkwang Publishng Co, 2016, pp.934-959.
T02n0099: Za a han jing 雜阿含經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Anālayo
On the Five Aggregates (1) - A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 1 to 32
Dharma Drum Journal of Buddhist Studies, Vol. 11 (2012), pp. 1–61.
translated by: Anālayo
On the Five Aggregates (4) ─ A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 33 to 58
Dharma Drum Journal of Buddhist Studies, Vol. 14 (2014), pp. 1–72.
translated by: Anālayo
On the Five Aggregates (3) ─ A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 59 to 87
Dharma Drum Journal of Buddhist Studies, Vol. 13 (2013), pp. 1–66.
translated by: Anālayo
On the Five Aggregates (5) ― A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 103 to 110
Dharma Drum Journal of Buddhist Studies, Vol. 15 (2014), pp. 1–65.
translated by: Anālayo
In: Saṃyukta-āgama Studies
Taipei: Dharma Drum Insitute of Liberal Arts, 2015.
translated by: Anālayo
On the Six Sense-spheres (1) - A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 188 to 229 (Fascicle 8)
Dharma Drum Journal of Buddhist Studies, Vol. 18 (2016), pp. 1–61.
translated by: Anālayo
On the Five Aggregates (2) ─ A Translation of Saṃyukta-āgama Discourses 256 to 272
Dharma Drum Journal of Buddhist Studies, Vol. 12 (2013), pp. 1–69.
translated by: Choong, Mun-keat
Annotated Translations of Sutras from the Chinese Saṃyuktāgama Relevant to the Early Buddhist Teachings on Emptiness and the Middle Way.
Penang: Chee Khoon Printings, 2004. Second revised edition 2010.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Healing Potential of the Awakening Factors in Early Buddhist Discourse."
In: P. Salguero (ed.) Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp 16-17.
translated by: Anālayo
"Dabba’s Self-cremation in the Saṃyukta-āgama"
Buddhist Studies Review, no. 29.2 (2012), pp. 153–174.
T02n0100: Bie yi za a han jing 別譯雜阿含經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bingenheimer, Marcus
Studies in Āgama Literature - With special reference to the Shorter Chinese Saṃyuktāgama
Taipei: Xinwenfeng 新文豐, 2011. Available here
translated by: Bingenheimer, Marcus
"Problems and Prospects of Collaborative Edition and Translation Projects in the Era of Digital Text."
In: Meisig, Konrad (Ed.): Translating Buddhist Chinese: Problems and Prospects. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010, pp. 21-43.
translated by: Bingenheimer, Marcus
"Two Sūtras in the Chinese Saṃyuktāgama without Direct Pāli Parallel – Some remarks on how to identify ‘later additions’ to the corpus."
Buddhist Studies Review, Vol. 30-2 (2013), pp. 201-214.
translated by: Bingenheimer, Marcus
"Two Sūtras on Healing and Healers from the Chinese Canon."
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 163-169.
translated by: Bingenheimer, Marcus
“A Study and Translation of the Yakṣa-saṃyukta in the Shorter Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama.”
In: Dhammadinnā (ed.), Research on the Saṃyukta-āgama. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Corporation, pp.763-841.
T02n0101: Za a han jing 雜阿含經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lin, Yueh-Mei
Study on the Anthology Za Ahan jing (T101) Centered on Its Linguistic Features, Translation Style, Authorship and School Affiliation.
Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2010.
T02n0120: Ying jue mo luo jing 央掘魔羅經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of Aṅgulimālika
In: The Tathāgata Store - Selected Mahāyāna Sūtras. Bloomington: Author House, 2016: 92-193. ISBN: 978-1-5246-4636-3.
T02n0124: Yuan qi jing 緣起經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
The Scripture Explaining the First Arising of Mutually Dependent Conditions (Of Sentient Existence That Cause Affliction)
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment: An Explanation of The Heart Sūtra Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 100–103. ISBN: 979-8-593-11943-8.
T02n0125: Zeng yi a han jing 增壹阿含經 Ekottarikâgama [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Thích Huyên-Vi
Ekottarāgama I-XIV
Buddhist Studies Review 1.2 (1983–1984) (T02n125p549a1), 2.1 (1985), 3.1 (1986), 3.2 (1986), 4.1 (1987), 4.2 (1987), 5.1 (1988), 5.2 (1988), 6.1 (1989), 6.2 (1989), 7.1–2 (1990), 8.1–2 (1991), 9.2 (1992), 10.1 (1993) (579a24)
translated by: Thích Huyên-Vi in collaboration with Sara Boin-Webb and Bhikkhu Pāsādika
Ekottarāgama XV-XXXIV
Buddhist Studies Review 10.2 (1993)(T02n125p581b29), 11.1 (1994) (582c23), 11.2 (1994) (585a18), 12.1 (1995) (587b4), 12.2 (1995)(589a9), 13.1 (1996) (591a8), 13.2 (1996)(592c10-p593a16), 14.1 (1997)(593b24-p595a8), 15.1 (1998)(593c13), 15.2 (1998) (595a9), 16.1 (1999)(596a8), 16.2 (1999)(597a22), 17.1 (2000)(598b5), 18.2 (2001)(599c5), 19.1 (2002) (600c29), 19.2 (2002)(601c24), 20.1 (2003) (602c16), 20.2 (2003) (603c18), 21.1 (2004) (604c7), 21.2 (2004) (605b18).
translated by: Anālayo
"Two Versions of the Mahādeva Tale in the Ekottarika‐āgama"
In: Dhammadinnā (ed.). 2013. Research on the Ekottarika-āgama. Taipei: Dharma Drum. pp.1–70. And in: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, Chapter 'Makhādeva-sutta (MN 83) Part 3', pp.165-214.
translated by: Anālayo
"Chapter Five on Nuns in the Ekottarika-āgama"
In: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, pp. 301-324.
translated by: Anālayo
In: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, pp.249-265.
translated by: Anālayo
In: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, pp. 267-299.
translated by: Anālayo
In: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, pp. 381-411.
translated by: Anālayo
In: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, pp. 267-299.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Ekottarika-āgama Parallel to the Saccavibhaṅga-sutta and the Four (Noble) Truths"
Buddhist Studies Review, vol. 23 (2006) no. 2 pp. 145–153. And in: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, Chapter 'Saccavibhaṅga-sutta', pp. 239-248.
translated by: Anālayo
In: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, pp. 31-50.
translated by: Anālayo
"Living in Seclusion and Facing Fear –The Ekottarika-āgama Counterpart to the Bhayabherava-sutta"
In: Buddhism as a Stronghold of Free Thinking? Social, Ethical and Philosophical Dimensions of Buddhism, S.C.A. Fay and I.M. Bruckner (ed.), Germany, Nuesttal: Edition Unbuntu, 2011, pp. 203–231. And in: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, Chapter 'Bhayabherava-sutta', pp. 9-30.
translated by: Anālayo
In: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, pp. 215-238.
translated by: Anālayo
"Beautiful Eyes Seen with Insight as Bereft of Beauty – Subhā Therī and Her Male Counterpart in the Ekottarika-āgama"
The Journal of the Sati Center for Buddhist Studies, vol. 2 (2014), pp. 37–51. And in: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, Chapter 'Subhā-therīgāthā' pp. 239-248.
translated by: Dhammadinnā
"The Celestial Coral Tree and the Noble Disciple: Ekottarika-āgama Discourse 39.2"
In: François Chenet et al. (ed.), Dharmayātrā, Felicitation Volume in Honour of Ven. Dr. Tampalawela Dhammaratana, Paris: Éditions Nuvis, 2021, 92–99.
translated by: Anālayo
In: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, pp. 413-442.
translated by: MacQueen, Graeme.
In: A Study of the Śrāmaṇyaphala-sūtra
Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1988. 72–89.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Conversion of the Brahmin Sela in the Ekottarika-āgama"
Thai International Journal of Buddhist Studies, vol. 2 (2011) pp. 37–56. And in: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, Chapter 'Sela-sutta' pp. 325-343.
translated by: Anālayo
In: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, pp.87-112.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Tale of King Ma(k)hādeva in the Ekottarika-āgama and the Cakravartin Motif"
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka, 9 (2011), pp. 43–77. And in: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, Chapter 'Makhādeva-sutta' (Part 1), pp.113-140.
translated by: Anālayo
"The Tale of King Nimi in the Ekottarika-āgama"
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka, Vol. 10 (2012), pp. 69–94. And in: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, Chapter 'Makhādeva-sutta' (Part 2), pp.141-164.
translated by: Anālayo
In: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, pp.51-85.
translated by: Anālayo
In: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, pp.359-380.
translated by: Anālayo
In: Ekottarika-āgama Studies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing: 2016, pp. 381-411.
T02n0128: Xu mo ti nü jing 須摩提女經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tokiwai, Tsuru-Matsu
In: Studien zum Sumagadhāvadāna
Studien zum Sumagadhāvadāna. Einleitung zu einer mit Professor Leumann vorbereiteten Ausgabe nebst Übersetzung der chinesischen Bearbeitungen. Inaugural-Dissertation. Darmstadt : G. Otto's Hof-Buchdruckerei, 1898.See also Iwamoto Yutaka: "Sumagadhāvadāna. Studien zur buddhistischen Erzählungsliteratur II." Kyoto: Hôzôkan Verlag, 1968. Abridged English summary (after Tokiwai), 171–174.
T02n0129: San mo jie jing 三摩竭經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tokiwai, Tsuru-Matsu
In: Studien zum Sumagadhāvadāna
Studien zum Sumagadhāvadāna. Einleitung zu einer mit Professor Leumann vorbereiteten Ausgabe nebst Übersetzung der chinesischen Bearbeitungen. Inaugural-Dissertation. Darmstadt : G. Otto's Hof-Buchdruckerei, 1898.See also Iwamoto Yutaka: "Sumagadhāvadāna. Studien zur buddhistischen Erzählungsliteratur II." Kyoto: Hôzôkan Verlag, 1968. Abridged English summary (after Tokiwai), 175–180.
T02n0130: Ji gu zhang zhe nü de du yin yuan jing 給孤長者女得度因緣經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tokiwai, Tsuru-Matsu
In: Studien zum Sumagadhāvadāna
Studien zum Sumagadhāvadāna. Einleitung zu einer mit Professor Leumann vorbereiteten Ausgabe nebst Übersetzung der chinesischen Bearbeitungen, Inaugural-Dissertation. Darmstadt : G. Otto's Hof-Buchdruckerei, 1898.See also Iwamoto Yutaka: "Sumagadhāvadāna. Studien zur buddhistischen Erzählungsliteratur II." Kyoto: Hôzôkan Verlag, 1968. Abridged English summary (after Tokiwai), 134–160.
T02n0142: Yu ye nü jing 玉耶女經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lo, Yuet Keung
"Recovering a Buddhist Voice on Daughters-In-Law: The Yuyenü Jing"
History of Religions, Vol. 44, No. 4 (May 2005), pp. 318-350. (Translation on pp.347-350).
T02n0146: She wei guo wang meng jian shi shi jing 舍衛國王夢見十事經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Kim, Kyong-Kon
"Le Rêve énigmatique du roi Prasenajit: Introduction philologique et historique à l’oniromancie bouddhique"
Revue des sciences religieuses 90, no. 2 (2016): 165-187.
T02n0147: She wang guo wang shi meng jing 舍衛國王十夢經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Kim, Kyong-Kon
"Le Rêve énigmatique du roi Prasenajit: Introduction philologique et historique à l’oniromancie bouddhique"
Revue des sciences religieuses 90, no. 2 (2016): 165-187.
T03n0148: Guo wang bu li xian ni shi meng jing 國王不梨先泥十夢經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
In: Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du tripitaka chinois et traduits en francais
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1962. Vol. 3, 317–325. [First published: Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1910.]
translated by: Tagore, Amitendranath
Sutra on Dreams of King Prasenajit
Visva Bharati Annals, Vol.1, 1945: 62-69. (Translated from the French of Chavannes)
T03n0150A: Qi chu san guan jing 七處三觀經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Vetter, Tilmann; Harrison, Paul
An Shigao’s Chinese Translation of the Saptasthānasūtra
In Sūryacandrāya: Essays in Honour of Yuyama Akira on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, edited by Paul Harrison and Gregory Schopen. Swisttal-Odendorf: Indica et Tibetica Verlag, 1998, pp. 197-216.
T03n0152: Liu du ji jing 六度集經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du tripitaka chinois et traduits en francais
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1962. Vol. 1, pp. 1- 346. [First published: Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1910.]
translated by: Link, Arthur E.
"Evidence for Doctrinal Continuity of Han Buddhism from the Second through the Fourth Centuries: The Prefaces to An Shih-kao's Grand Sutra on Mindfulness of the Respiration and K'ang Seng-hui's Introduction to 'The Perfection of Dhyana'"
In: Papers in Honour of Professor Woodridge Bingham: A Festschrift for his Seventy-fifth Birthday, ed. James B. Parsons, 55–126. San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center, 1976.
translated by: Hara, Minoru
"A Note on the Buddha’s Asceticism: The Liu du ji jing (Six Pāramitā-sūtra) 53."
In: Buddhavidyāsudhākaraḥ: Studies in Honour of Heinz Bechert on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, edited by Petra Keiffer-Pülz and Jens-Uwe Hartmann. Swisttal-Odendorf: Indica et Tibetica Verlag, 1997, pp. 249–260.
translated by: Shyu, Ching-mei
In: A Few Good Women: A Study of the Liu du ji jing (A Scripture on the Collection of the Six Perfections) from Literary, Artistic and Gender Perspectives.
PhD dissertation, Cornell University, 2008, pp. 175-176, and 180-183.
translated by: Zacchetti, Stefano
Storie delle sei perfezioni : Racconti scelti dal Liu du ji jing a cura di Stefano Zacchetti con testo a fronte
Venezia: Marsilio, 2013.
translated by: Huber, Édouard
In: “Études de littérature bouddhique. I: Le Râmâyaṇa et les Jâtakas.”
Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient 4 (1904): 698-701.
T03n0153: Pu sa ben yuan jing 菩薩本緣經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Höke, Holger
Das P’u-sa pen-yüan ching (Frühere Leben des Bodhisattva). Eine Sammlung buddhistischer Geschichten.
Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung 7 (1984): 113–213.
T03n0154: Sheng jing 生經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
In: Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du tripitaka chinois et traduits en francais
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1962. [First published: Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1910.]T154(2), Chavannes 3:146-150; T154(6), Chavannes 3:151-155; T154(10), Chavannes 3:155-157; T154(11), Chavannes 3:157-166; T154(24), Chavannes 3:166-175; T154(25), Chavannes 3:175-176; T154(26), Chavannes 3:177-178; T154(28), Chavannes 3:179-184; T154(29), Chavannes 3:184-186; T154(30), Chavannes 3:187-189; T154(34), Chavannes 3:189-192; T154(35), Chavannes 3:192-193; T154(37), Chavannes 3:193-197; T154(38), Chavannes 3:197-202; T154(53), Chavannes 3:202-204; T154(54), Chavannes 3:204-206. These translations are often only partial (Chavannes sometimes picks out the core animal fable, and omits the frame narrative stating where the Buddha was, who his interlocutors were, etc.).
translated by: Huber, Édouard
Études de littérature bouddhique
Bulletin de l’Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient 4 (1904): 698-726. Transl. at pp. 704-707.
translated by: Dschi, Hiän-lin (Ji Xianlin)
"Parallelversionen zur tocharischen Rezension des Punyavanta-Jātaka."
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 97, no. 3/4 (1943): 284-324. Trans. at pp. 296-303.
translated by: Campbell, Duncan
An Historical Anecdote, a Religious Parable, and a Novel.
In: Qian, Zhongshu. Patchwork: Seven Essays on Art and Literature, 247-268. Leiden: Brill, 2014. Translation by Duncan Campbell of an revised article first published in Chinese in Wenxue yanjiu 文學研究 [Literary Research] (1983), No. 4.
T03n0157: (T03n0158): Karuṇāpuṇḍarīkasūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
Three eng from Hybrid Sanskrit. Yamada Isshi "Karuṇāpuṇḍarīka - The white lotus of compassion" (London: SOAS, 1968). Royal Weiler: "The Karuṇāpuṇḍarīka: Chapters I and II" (Unpublished PhD, University of Pennsylvenia, 1956); Terakawa Shunsho: "The Karuṇāpuṇḍarīka: Chapters V and VI" (Unpublished PhD, University of Pennsylvenia, 1969).T03n0159: Da sheng ben sheng xin di guan jing 大乘本生心地觀經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Giebel, Rolf
The Mahayana Sutra of Previous Lives and Contemplation of the Mind-ground
Moraga, CA: BDK America, Inc. (Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai), 2021.
T03n0171: Tai zi xu da na jing 太子須大拏經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
In: Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du tripitaka chinois et traduits en francais
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1962. Vol. 3, 362–395. [First published: Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1910.]
T03n0172: Pu sa tuo shen shi e hu qi ta yin yuan jing 菩薩投身飴餓虎起塔因緣經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Matsumura, Junko
"The Sūtra Illustrating the Origins of the Stūpa Commemorating Bodhisattva’s Body-sacrifice to save a Starving Tigress. Transmitted in Gandhāra: Text and English Translation"
Journal of Ñāṇasaṃvara Centre for Buddhist Studies Vol. 1 (2561 [2018]), pp. 125–162
T03n0173: Fu li tai zi yin yuan jing 福力太子因緣經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Dschi, Hiän-lin (Ji Xianlin)
“Parallelversionen zur tocharischen Rezension des Punyavanta-Jātaka.”
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 97, no. 3/4 (1943): 284-324.
T03n0184: Xiu xing ben qi jing juan shang 修行本起經卷上 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Zürcher, Erik.
In: Het leven van de Boeddha vertaald uit de vroegste Chinese overlevering
De Oorsterse Bibliotheek, Deel 10, Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1978.
translated by: Karetzy, Patricia Eichenbaum.
The Life of the Buddha: Ancient Scriptural and Pictorial Traditions
New York: University Press of America, 1992.
T03n0186: (T03n0187): Lalitavistara [Check CBC Attribution Database]
Numerous eng, fra and deu translations from the Sanskrit, one partial eng from Mongolian (Poppe, Nicholas (1967, 1968)), one conplete fra from the Tibetan (Foucaux, Philippe Édouard (1848) of this there is an eng by Bays, Gwendolyn (The Voice of the Buddha: The Beauty of Compassion. Dharma Publishing, 1983.)T03n0190: Fo ben xing ji jing 佛本行集經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Beal, Samuel
The Romantic Legend of Śakya Buddha
London: Turner and Co., 1875.
T04n0192: Fo suo xing zan 佛所行讚﹐ Buddhacarita [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Beal, Samuel
The Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king: A life of Buddha by Asvagosha Bodhisattva
Oxford University Press, 1883. (Sacred Books of the East 19) [Reprint Delhi: Motilal 1964, 1968, 1975].A full German translation has been done from Beal's translation under the title: Buddhas Leben und Wirken. (Th. Schulze (transl.). Leipzig: Reclam, 1894.) There are numerous e, f, g and i versions from the Sanskrit and the Tibetan. One E from the Sanskrit has been done by Johnston, Edward H. (1936–1937).
translated by: Willemen, Charles
Buddhacarita: In Praise of Buddha’s Acts
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2010.
T04n0196: Zhong ben qi jing 中本起經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Zürcher, Erik.
In: Het leven van de Boeddha vertaald uit de vroegste Chinese overlevering
De Oorsterse Bibliotheek, Deel 10, Amsterdam: Meulenhoff 1978.
T04n0198: Yi zu jing 義足經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bapat, P.V.
Arthapada sutra: Arthapada sutra spoken by the Buddha
Originally published as 'The Arthapada-Sutra Spoken by the Buddha' in Visva-Bharati Annals, vol. 1 (1945): 135-227 (part 1), and Vol.3 (1950): 1-109 (part 2). Reprinted as one volume as Visva-Bharati Studies, No. 13, Santinekan,1951. One volume edition available here.
T04n0200: Xuan ji bai yuan jing 撰集百緣經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Fa, Chow 法周
"Chuan Tsi Pai Yuan King and the Avadānaśataka"
Visva-Bharati Annals, vol. 1 (1945): 35-55. Aka Pa Chow 巴宙, aka Pachow, W..
T04n0201: Da zhuang yan jing lun 大莊嚴經論 (*Mahālaṃkāra-sūtra-śāstra) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Huber, Édouard
Sûtrâlaṃkâra/Açvaghoṣa: Traduit en français sur la version chinoise de Kumârajîva
Paris: Leroux, 1908.Available at the Internet Archive
translated by: Huber, Édouard
Études de littérature bouddhique
Bulletin de l’Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient 4 (1904): 698-726. Translation at pp. 713-719 (No.54), 719-722 (No.16), 723-726 (No.26).
translated by: Beal, Samuel
Abstract of Four Lectures on Buddhist Literature in China
London: Truebner and Co.1882, pp. 101-139.Available at the Internet Archive. A Sanskrit version of the text is discussed in Lüders, Heinrich: Bruchstücke der Kalpanāmaṇḍitikā des Kumāralāta. Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1926.
T04n0202: Xian yu jing 賢愚經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Brown, W.
"From Sutra to Pien-wen: A Study of 'Sudatta Erects a Monastery' and the Hsiang-mo Pien-wen"
Tamkang Review Vol. 9 (1978), pp. 67–101.
translated by: Mair, Victor
"The Linguistic and Textual Antecedents of The Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish"
Sino-Platonic Papers No. 38 (1993), pp. 38–61.
translated by: Li, Channa
In: “Challenging the Buddha’s Authority: A Narrative Perspective of Power Dynamics between the Buddha and His Disciples.”
PhD diss., Leiden 2020. (#23, 出家功德尸利苾提品, pp. 59-63; #48, 須達起精舍品, pp. 71-77; #31, 月光王頭施品, pp. 85-89)
T04n0203: Za bao zang jing 雜寶藏經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
In: Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du tripitaka chinois et traduits en francais
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1962. Vol. 3, pp 1–145. [First published: Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1911.]
translated by: Willemen, Charles
The Storehouse of Sundry Valuables
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1994. 275 pp.
translated by: Huber, Édouard
In: “Études de littérature bouddhique. III: Pañcatantra”
Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient 4 (1904): 708-709.
T04n0204: Za pi yu jing 雜譬喻經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Wagner, Hans-Günter
Das Zapiyu-Sutra: Buch der buddhistischen Gleichnisse
Dietzingen: Reclam, 2020, pp.159-190.
T04n0205: Za pi yu jing 雜譬喻經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du tripitaka chinois et traduits en francais
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1962. Vol. 2, pp 139–146. [First published: Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1911.]
translated by: Wagner, Hans-Günter
Das Zapiyu-Sutra: Buch der buddhistischen Gleichnisse
Dietzingen: Reclam, 2020, pp.193-286.
T04n0206: Jiu za piyu jing 舊雜譬經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du tripitaka chinois et traduits en francais
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1962. Vol. 1, pp 347–428. [First published: Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1910.]
translated by: Wagner, Hans-Günter
Das Zapiyu-Sutra: Buch der buddhistischen Gleichnisse
Dietzingen: Reclam, 2020, pp. 15-158.
T04n0207: Za pi yu jing 雜譬喻經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du tripitaka chinois et traduits en francais
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1962. Vol. 2, pp 1–67. [First published: Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1911.]
translated by: Wagner, Hans-Günter
Das Zapiyu-Sutra: Buch der buddhistischen Gleichnisse
Dietzingen: Reclam, 2020, pp. 287-384.Note: Wagner's book might give the impression that the text under translation here is the Zhongjing zhuan za piyu jing 眾經撰雜譬喻 T208, because against the Taishō, which treats T207 as anonymous, he gives a idiosyncratic ascription of T207 to Kumārajīva (see Wagner, frontispiece to T207 translation, p. 285; also p. 388), and because he states that *Zhong jingzhuan zaibiyujing [sic], which closely resembles the title of T208, is an alternate title for the same work (p. 388; this statement might in part be justifiable on the basis of the v.l. 眾經撰雜譬經 for the title of T207, recorded at T vol. 4 522 n. 9). This impression might also be reinforced by the fact that Wagner states he has translated all of "the" Za piyu jing (he treats all works with this title as if they are parts of "the same" work). However, no translation of T208 features in his book, and the text under translation which he ascribes to Kumārajīva is in fact T207. [M. Radich]
T04n0208: Zhong jing zhuan za pi yu 眾經撰雜譬喻 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
In: Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du tripitaka chinois et traduits en francais
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1962. Vol. 2, pp 68–138. [First published: Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1910.]
T04n0209: Bai yu jing 百喻經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du tripitaka chinois et traduits en francais
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1962. Vol. 2, pp 147–230. [First published: Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1910.]
translated by: Liao, Tetching (Robert Liao, 寥德珍)
Sakyamuni’s One Hundred Fables
New York: 1981.
translated by: Li Rongxi 李榮熙
A Garland for the Fool: The Scripture of One Hundred Parables 百喻經 (composed by Venerable Saṅghasena, Translated from the Chinese into English by Li Rongxi)
Taipei: Fokuang Cultural Enterprise Co. 1997.
translated by: Bhikshuni Heng Tao 廖鳳鳴 et al.
The Sutra of A Hundred Parables
Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 Vols. 166-238 (with intervals) 1984-1990. Online.
translated by: Pang Bingjun 庞秉钧
“Fifteen Parables from The Sutra of One Hundred Parables”
Hongkong: Renditions 1992, pp.69-76.
translated by: Tanahashi, Kazuaki; Levitt, Peter
A Flock of Fools
New York: Grove Press, 2004.
translated by: Fung, Mary M.Y.
The Sutra of One Hundred Parables by Sanghasena (from Gunavrddhi’s Chinese version)
Hongkong: Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2019.
translated by: Wagner, Hans G.
Das Sutra der Hundert Gleichnisse: Buddhistische Weisheit für das Alltagsleben
Stammbach: Beyerlein u. Steinschulte, 2012.
T04n0210: Fa ju jing 法句經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Dhammajoti, Bhikkhu Kuala Lumpur (法光)
The Chinese Version of Dharmapada
Colombo: Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya 1995, pp. 104-276.
T04n0211: Fa ju pi yu jing 法句譬喻經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Beal, Samuel
Texts from the Buddhist canon, commonly known as Dhammapada, with accompanying narratives.
London: Trübner & Co, 1878. [Reprint London and Benares: The Theosophical Publishing Society 1902].
translated by: Willemen, Charles
The Scriptural Text: Verses of the Doctrine, with Parables
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2000. 238 pp.
T04n0212: Chu yao jing 出曜經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du tripitaka chinois et traduits en francais
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1962. Vol. 3, pp 297–308. [First published: Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1910.]
T04n0213: Fa ji yao song jing 法集要頌經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Willemen, Charles
The Chinese Udanavarga: A Collection of Important Odes of the Law (Fa chi yao sung ching)
Mélanges chinois et bouddhiques 19. Bruxelles: Institute Belge des hautes études chinoises, 19. 1978. [Re-edition Berkeley: Institute of Buddhist Studies and BDK America, 2013 (with new introduction and containing the Chinese-Sanskrit glossary of 1975:Tokyo:Hokuseido Press)].
T04n0217: Bi yu jing譬喻經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Saddhāloka Bhikkhu
The Discourse on the Simile spoken by the Buddha
In: Visakha Puja - Annual Publication of the Buddhist Association of Thailand 1973, pp.38-39.
T04n0219: Yi yu jing 醫喻經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bingenheimer, Marcus
"Two Sūtras on Healing and Healers from the Chinese Canon."
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 163-169.
T05n0220: Da banruo poluomiduo jing 大般若波羅密多經 Mahāprajñāpāramitāsūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
This largest collection of prajñāpāramitā sutras exists in Tibetan (from Sanskrit), Mongolian (from Tibetan) and Manchu (from Chinese) versions.T05n0220-4: : Di si hui + Di wu hui, Aṣṭasāhasrikā prajñāpāramitāsūtra (see T08n0224.) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
T05n0220-8: : Na jia zhi li fen, Nāgaśriparipṛcchā (see T08n0234) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
T05n0220-9: T05–07n0220 (9): Neng duan jin gang fen, Vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitāsūtra (see T08n0235) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
T08n0221: (T08n0222, T08n0223): Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā prajñāpāramitāsūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
E by Edward Conze from Sanskrit.T08n0222: Guang zan jing光讚經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Zacchetti, Stefano
In Praise of Light - A Critical Synoptic Edition with an Annotated Translation of Chapters 1–3 of Dharmarakṣa's Guang zan jing 光讚經, being the earliest Chinese Translation of the Larger Prajñāpāramitā
Tokyo: The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, 2005. (Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica Vol. VIII)
T08n0223: Mo he ban ruo bo luo mi jing 摩訶般若波羅蜜經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
The Core of the Heart Sūtra as found in Volume One of The Longer Version of the Sūtra on the Deliverance of Transcendental Discernment
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment: An Explanation of The Heart Sūtra Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 80–82. ISBN: 979-8-593-11943-8
T08n0224: (T08n0225, T08n0226, T08n0227, T08n0228): Dao xing bo re jing 道行般若經, Aṣṭasāhasrikā prajñāpāramitāsūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lancaster, Lewis R
An Analysis of the Aṣṭasāhasrikā prajñāpāramitā Sūtra from the Chinese Translations
Ph.D. diss., University of Wisconsin (Madison), 1968. (e of T224)E from Sanskrit: Conze, Edward. The Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines and Its Verse Summary. San Francisco: Four Seasons Foundation, 1973/1995. (from Sanskrit).
translated by: Paul, Diana
In: Women in Buddhism - Images of the Feminine in Mahāyāna Tradition
Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1979. Second Edition University of California Press, 1985. Pp. 118-134.
translated by: Giddings, William
Unpublished PhD thesis, King’s College London2014: 247-327. Available online.
T08n0227: Xiao pin ban ruo bo luo mi jing 小品般若波羅蜜經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Shi, Huifeng (Orsborn, Matthew)
Annotated English Translation of Kumārajīva's Xiaopin Prajñāpāramitā sūtra
Asian Literature and Translation Vol. 4, No. 1, 2017: 187- 238. (
translated by: Orsborn, Matthew
Annotated English Translation of the ‘Sadāprarudita Avadāna’ in Kumārajīva’s Xiaŏpĭn Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra
Asian Literature and Translation Vol. 8, No. 1, 2021: 1-46. (
T08n0230: Prajñāpāramitā nāmāṣṭaśatakā [Check CBC Attribution Database]
E by Edward Conze from Sanskrit.T08n0232: (T05–07n0220 (7), TT08n0233, T11n 0310 (46)): Wen shu shi li suo shou mo he ban ruo bo luo mi jing 文殊師利所說摩訶般若波羅蜜經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of Mahā-Prajñā-Pāramitā Pronounced by Mañjuśrī
In: Thinking of Amitabha Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2011, pp.153-170.
translated by: Swanson, Paul
The Teachings of Mañjuśrī
In: Clear Serenity, Quiet Insight. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press2017, Vol.3: pp.1611-1617.
T08n0234: Ru shuo pu sa wu shang qing jing fen wei jing 濡首菩薩無上清淨分衛經, Nāgaśriparipṛcchā [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rahder, Johannes
in:Demiéville, Paul (ed.) Hōbōgirin: Dictionaire encyclopédique du Bouddhisme. Vol. 2 (Tokyo: Maison Franco-Japonaise, 1930. 164–166. sub voc. bunne)
translated by: Lancaster, Lewis
in: Conze, Edward (ed.) Perfect Wisdom - The short Prajñāparāmitā texts, London: Luzac & Co.1973 [Reprint: Buddhist Publishing Group 1993], p. 160–164. (For the assertation that this was translated by Lancaster, see Conze's preface p. v.)
T08n0235: (T08n0236, T08n0237, T08n0238, T08n0239): Jin gang bo re bo luo mi jing 金剛般若波羅蜜經, Vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitāsūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Beal, Samuel
"Vajracchediká, the 'Kin Kong King', or Diamond Sútra."
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, New Series Vol. 1 (1864). 1–24.
translated by: Gemmel, William
The Diamond Sutra (Chin-kang-ching) or Prajna-paramita
London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Truebner, 1912. New York: Dutton, 1913.
translated by: Bikshu Wai-Tao 慧道 and Goddard, Dwight
The Diamond Sutra, a Buddhist Scripture: A new translation from the Chinese text of Kumarajiva
Santa Barbara: 1935. [Reprint in Goddard, Dwight: A Buddhist Bible, 2nd edition, expanded and enlarged, Thetford Vermont, 1938; New York: Dutton, 1952]
translated by: Price, A.F. and Wong Mou-lam
The Diamond Sutra and the Sutra of Hui Neng
Berkeley: 1971 (second edition). [Reprint: Boston: Shambhala, 1990].
translated by: Red Pine
The Diamond Sutra: The Perfection of Wisdom (text and commentaries)
Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 2001.
translated by: Charles Luk
The Diamond Sutra. Translated into Chinese from Sanskrit by Kumarajiva. Translated into English from Chinese Version by Upasaka Lu Kuan-Yu [Charles Luk].陸寬昱居士(由中譯英)『金剛經』
Hong Kong(?): n.d.
translated by: Harrison, Paul
"Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā - A New English Translation of the Sanskrit Text Based on Two Manuscripts from Greater Gandhāra"
In: Jens Braavig (Ed.): Buddhist Manuscripts, Vol.3. Oslo: Hermes, 2006. pp.133–160. Though this translation is based on the Sanskrit text, Harrison discusses Chinese and Tibetan parallels extensively. Together with the edition by Harrison and Watanabe in the same volume (pp. 89–132) this must be considered the authoritative translation and edition on the sutra for now.
translated by: Yang, Zonghan 楊宗翰
New Taipei City 新北市: 原泉出版社, 2017.
translated by: Shi Cheng Kuan 釋成觀
金剛經 The Diamond Sutra (Bilingual Edition)
Taipei: Vairocana Publishing Company, Ltd. 毘盧出版社, 2005 (2007, 2010).
translated by: Buddhist Text Translation Society and the International Translation Institute
The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra
Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海, Nos. 248 (1991) -278 (1993), Nos. 459-461 (2008).
translated by: Chung Tai Translation Committee
The Diamond Prajna Paramita Sutra 金剛般若波羅蜜經
Puli, Taiwan: Chung Tai Chan Monastery 中台禅寺, 2000.
translated by: Harlez, Charles Joseph de
"Vajracchadikā (Prajñāpāramitā) Tr. du texte sanscrit, avec comparaisondes versions chinoise, et mandchoue."
In: Journal Asiatique (Paris: 1891). 400–509. As monograph: Vajracchadikā Prajñāpāramitā. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1892.
translated by: Walleser, Max
Prajñāpāramitā: Die Vollkommenheit der Erkenntnis – nach indischen, tibetischen und chinesischen Quellen
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht; Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1914. 140–158. (Quellen der Religionsgeschichte 6, Gruppe 8).The Vajracchadikā has also been translated from Sanskrit, Tibetan, Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uigurian.
T08n0240: (T08n0241, T08n0242, T08n0243, T08n0244): Adhyardhaśatikā prajñāpāramitāsūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
E by Conze from Sanskrit.T08n0243: Da le jin gang bu kong zhen shi san mo ye jing 大樂金剛不空真實三麼耶經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Gelfman, Wayne
The Rishukyō and Its Influence on Kūkai: The Identity of the Sentient Being with the Buddha
Ph.D. diss., University of Wisconsin, 1979.
translated by: Miyata, Taisen
The Way of Great Enjoyment - Mahā-sukha-vajra-amogha-samaya-sūtra (Prajñā-pāramitā-naya) [Hannya rishukyō]
Northern California Koyasan Temple, Sacramento, CA, 1989. Republished as 'The Sutra of the Vow of Fulfilling the Great Perpetual Enjoyment and Benefiting All Sensient Beings Without Exception' In: Esoteric Texts. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2015
translated by: Ian Astley-Kristensen (ed. and tr.)
The Rishukyō: the Sino-Japanese Tantric Prajñāpāramitā in 150 verses (Amoghavajra's version)
Tring, Hertfordshire, UK: Institute of Buddhist Studies, 1991. (Buddhica Britannica, Series Continua)
translated by: Yamamoto, Chikyō
In: Works of St. Kōbō Daishi
Kōyasan: Kōyasan University 1993, pp. 599–618.
T08n0245: (T08n0246): Ren wang bo re bo luo mi jing 仁王般若波羅密經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: De Visser, Marianus W.
In: Ancient Buddhism in Japan: Sutras and Ceremonies in Use of the Seventh and Eighth Centuries A.D. and Their History in Later Times
Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1935. Vol.1. 125–158.
translated by: Conze, Edward
In: The Short Prajñāpāramitā Texts
London: Luzac, 1973. New Jersey: Rowman & Littlefield, 1974. 165–183.
T08n0246: (T08n0245): Ren wang hu guo bo re bo luo mi duo jing 仁王護國般若波羅蜜多經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Charles Orzech
"The Transcendent Wisdom Scripture for Humane Kings Who Wish to Protect Their States"
Politics and Transcendent Wisdom: The Scripture for Human Kings in the Creation of Chinese Buddhism. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998. pp. 207–274.
translated by: De Visser, Marianus W.
In: Ancient Buddhism in Japan: Sutras and Ceremonies in Use of the Seventh and Eighth Centuries A.D. and Their History in Later Times
Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1935. Vol.1. 125–158.
translated by: Charles Orzech
"The Scripture on Perfect Wisdom for Human Kings Who Wish to Protect Their States"
Religions of China in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996, pp. 377–380.
T08n0250: (T08n0251, T08n0252, T08n0253, T08n0254, T08n0255, T08n0256, T08n0257): Mo he bo re bo luo mi da ming zhou jing 摩訶般若波羅密大明咒經, Hṛdaya prajñāpāramitāsūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Beal, Samuel
"The Páramitá-hridaya Sútra, or, in Chinese ‘Mo-ho-pō-ye-po-lo-mih-to-sin-king’, i.e. ‘The Great Páramitá Heart Sútra’."
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1 (1865). 25–29.
translated by: Lee, Shao-chang
In: Popular Buddhism in China
Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1939. 23–26.
translated by: Lu, K’uan-yu (Charles Luk)
In: Fo-hsüeh ts’ung-shu
Taipei: 1962, 134–136. (Bilingual Series 1).
translated by: Hurvitz, Leon
"Two Polyglott Recensions of the Heart Scripture."
Journal of Indian Philosophy Vol. 3 (1975), pp. 61–66.
translated by: Luk, Charles
The Heart Sutra. Translated into Chinese from Sanskrit by Hsuan Tsang. Translated into English from Chinese Version by Upasaka Lu K'uan-Yu 〔Charles Luk〕.陸寬昱居士(由中譯英)『心經』
Hong Kong(?): n.d.
translated by: Buswell, Robert E., Jr.
"The Heart Sūtra"
In: Buswell, Robert E., Jr, The Zen Monastic Experience: Buddhist Practice in Contemporary Korea (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992), pp. 232-233.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of the Great Illumination Mantra of Mahā-Prajñā-Pāramitā
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.120.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of the Heart of Prajñā-Pāramitā
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.121.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of the All-encompassing Knowledge Store, the Heart of Prajñā-Pāramitā
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.122-124.
translated by: I Kuo Jung et al.
The Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra With the Standless Gathas and Explanation of Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua
Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 Vols. 8-25 (with intervals) 1970-72. Online
translated by: Gwendolyn B. Winser
Supreme Wisdom Mind Sutra
Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 Vols. 60-62 1975. Online
translated by: Buddhist Text Translation Society
The Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra With the Standless Gathas and Explanation of Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua
Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 Vols. 213-234 (with intervals) 1988-89. Online
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
The Sūtra on the Great Spiritual Invocation That Delivers Transcendental Discernment
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment: An Explanation of The Heart Sūtra Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 83–84. ISBN: 979-8-593-11943-8.
translated by: Deshimaru, Taisen
"Le Sutra de la Grande Sagesse: Hannya Shingyō"
Paris: Editions Retz-Zen1980.German translation from French "Hannya Shingyō: Das Sutra der Hoechsten Weisheit". Heidelberg: Werner Kristkeitz Verlag, 1988.
translated by: Cornu, Philippe
"Soûtra de la Connaissance transcendante en une seule formule d'éveil, traduction du chinois de Kumârajîva"
In: Soûtra du Diamant et autres soûtras de la Voie médiane, Paris, Fayard, (Trésors du bouddhisme), 2001, pp. 81–84.
translated by: Carré, Patrick
"Soûtra du Cœur de la Connaissance transcendante, traduction du chinois de Xuanzang"
In: Soûtra du Diamant et autres soûtras de la Voie médiane, Paris, Fayard ( Trésors du bouddhisme), 2001, p. 85–86.
T08n0251: Ban ruo bo luo mi duo xin jing 般若波羅蜜多心經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
The Sūtra on Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment: An Explanation of The Heart Sūtra Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra (An Lạc Publications, 2020), p. 85. ISBN: 979-8-593-11943-8
T08n0252: Pu bian zhi zang ban ruo bo luo mi duo xin jing 普遍智藏般若波羅蜜多心經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
The Sūtra on Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment From the Womb of Universal Wisdom
Johnson, Peter Lunde, Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment: An Explanation of The Heart Sūtra Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 89–90. ISBN: 979-8-593-11943-8
T08n0253: Ban ruo bo luo mi duo xin jing 般若波羅蜜多心經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
The Sūtra on Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment
Johnson, Peter Lunde, Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment: An Explanation of The Heart Sūtra Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 81–92. ISBN: 979-8-593-11943-8
T08n0254: Ban ruo bo luo mi duo xin jing 般若波羅蜜多心經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
The Sūtra on Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment
Johnson, Peter Lunde, Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment: An Explanation of The Heart Sūtra Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 93-94. ISBN: 979-8-593-11943-8
T08n0255: Ban ruo bo luo mi duo xin jing 般若波羅蜜多心經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
The Sūtra on Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment
Johnson, Peter Lunde, Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment: An Explanation of The Heart Sūtra Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 95-96. ISBN: 979-8-593-11943-8
T08n0256: Tang fan fan dui zi yin ban ruo bo luo mi duo xin jing 唐梵翻對字音般若波羅蜜多心經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
The Sūtra on Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment (w/ Sanskrit Version)
Johnson, Peter Lunde, Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment: An Explanation of The Heart Sūtra Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 88. ISBN: 979-8-593-11943-8
T08n0257: Sheng fo mu ban ruo bo luo mi duo xin jing 聖佛母般若波羅蜜多經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
The Sūtra on Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment
Johnson, Peter Lunde, Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment: An Explanation of The Heart Sūtra Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 97-98. ISBN: 979-8-593-11943-8
T08n0258: Fo mu xiao zi bo re bo luo mi duo jing 佛母小字般若波羅蜜多經, Svalpākṣarā prajñāpāramitāsūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Willemen, Charles
"A Tantric Heart Sūtra."
Samadhi 7 (1973). 2–11.
translated by: Yuyama Akira
"Svalpākṣarā prajñāpāramitā."
In: Kawamura, Leslie (Ed.): Buddhist Thought and Asian Civilization: Essays in Honour of H.V. Guenther. Emeryville (CA): Dharma Publishing, 1977. 299–301.
T09n0262: (T09n0263, T09n0264, T09n0265): Miao fa lian hua jing 妙法蓮華經, Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Soothill, W.E
The Lotus of the Wonderful Law, or the Lotus Gospel
Oxford: Clarendon Press 1930. Reprint RoutledgeCurzon, 1995. 288 pp.Abridged edition, superseded by Katō Bunnō. The first translation of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra is of course Burnouf's Le Lotus de la Bonne Loi (1852) (from Sanskrit).
translated by: Murano Senchū
The Lotus Sutra
Tokyo: Nichirenshū Shūmuin, 1964. [Reprint 1974 under the title 'The Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law.']
translated by: Katō Bunnō, revised by W. E. Soothill and Wilhelm Schiffer
Myōhō-Renge-Kyō: The Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law
Tokyo: Kosei, 1971. [Reprint with further revisions by P.P. del Campana as The Threefold Lotus Sutra New York: Weatherhill; Tokyo: Kosei, 1975.]
translated by: Hurvitz, Leon
Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma
New York: Columbia University Press, 1976.With glossary and comparisions to the Sanskrit version.
translated by: Buddhist Text Translation Society
The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra
San Francisco: Sino-American Buddhist Association 1976–1982. 10 vols. (Vol. 1., 1976; Vol. 2, 1977; Vols. 3-5, 1979; Vols. 6-8, 1980; Vol. 9, 1981; Vol. 10, 1982.)With extensive commentary by Hsüan-Hua (1918–1995).
translated by: Kubo, Tsugunari; Yūyama, Akira
The Lotus Sutra
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1991. 363 pp.
translated by: Watson, Burton
The Lotus Sutra
New York: Columbia University Press, 1993. Somewhat revised as 'The Lotus Sutra and Its Opening and Closing Sutras' Published by Soka Gakkai (2009). Of the 2009 version a Spanish translation by Paula Tizzano et al. (Barcelona: Herder, 2015 (ISBN: 978-84-254-3419-8)).
translated by: Reeves, Gene
The Lotus Sutra - A Contemporary Translation of a Buddhist Classic
Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publishing, 2010. ISBN: 978–0861715718
translated by: Lee, Minerva T. Y.
The Lotus Sutra and its Opening and Closing Sutras. translated by . No apparent publisher, 2014.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015. ISBN: 1500930806
translated by: Cheng Kuan 釋成觀
妙法蓮華經 The Lotus Sutra of Wondrous Dharma (Bilingual Edition)
Taoyuan: Neo-carefree Garden Buddhist Canon Translation Institute 新逍遙園譯經院, 2014.
translated by: Buddhist Text Translation Society
The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Sutra: a New Translation with Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua (15 Volumes)
Dharma Realm Buddhist Association/ Buddhist Text Translation Society, 2020-2021. [Earlier edition serialized in Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 Vols.3-2020 (with intervals) . Online.]
translated by: Beal, Samuel
In: A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese
London: Trübner, 1871. [Reprint 1970.]
translated by: Richard, Timothy
In: The New Testament of Higher Buddhism - Being a new translation of the Saddharma Pundarika and the Mahayanasraddhotpada Sastra
Edinburgh: Clark; New York: Scribner; Shanghai: Kelly & Walsh, 1910. 121–161.
translated by: Soothill, W.E
The Lotus of the Wonderful Law or the Lotus Gospel: Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra – Miao-fa lien hua ching
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1930. [Reprint 1975.]
translated by: Suzuki Daisetz Teitaro
In: Manual of Zen Buddhism
Kyoto: The Eastern Buddhist Society, 1935. [Reprints: London: Rider, 1950 (1974); New York: Grove Press, 1960.]
translated by: Robinson, Richard H
In: Chinese Buddhist Verse
translated by: Nearman, Hubert
Three Chapters from the Lotus Scripture
In: Buddhist Writings. Mount Shasta, CA: Shasta Abbey Press, 1994. pp. 5-45.
translated by: Buddhist Text Translation Society
觀世音菩薩普門品 The Universal Door of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva Chapter
Dharma Realm Buddhist Association/ Buddhist Text Translation Society
translated by: Chung Tai Translation Committee
The Universal Gateway of Guanyin Bodhisattva
Puli, Taiwan: Chung Tai Chan Monastery 中台禅寺, 2011.
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
On Measuring the Lifespan of The One That Has Descended Into This World
Johnson, Peter Lunde, The Land of Pure Bliss: Sukhāvatī. Second Edition (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 396–401. ISBN: 979-8-5951-0477-7.
translated by: Robert, Jean-Noël
In: Le sutra du lotus, suivi du Livre des sens innombrables et du Livre de la contemplation de Sage-Universel
Paris, Editions Fayard (collection Espace Intérieur), 1997.
translated by: Borsig, Margareta von
Lotos-Sūtra : Sūtra von der Lotosblume des wunderbaren Gesetzes
Gerlingen: Lambert Schneider, 1992. Republished Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1993. ISBN: 3–7953–0540–3.
translated by: Deeg, Max
Das Lotos-Sūtra
Darmstadt: Primus, 2007. ISBN: 978–3–89678–607–4. With an introduction by Max Deeg and Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer
translated by: Baruch, W
In: Beiträge zum Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra
Leiden: Brill, 1938.
translated by: Günzel, Marcus
Das Allumfassende Tor zur Befreiung - Das Guanyin Kapitel aus dem Lotussūtra mit einem Kommentar des Dharmameisters Daoyuan
Berlin: Buddhistischer Studienverlag, 2010.
translated by: Puini, Carlo
Avalokiteśvara Sutra / Kuwan-sci-yin Pomen pin king / Kuwan-ze-on Fumon-Bon Kyan. - tr. italienne de la version chinoise avec introduction et notes
Geneve: H. Georg; Paris: E. Leroux; London: Trübner, 1873.
T09n0270: Da fa gu jing 大法鼓經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of the Great Dharma Drum
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.154-183.
T09n0273: Jin gang san mei jing 金剛三昧經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Buswell, Robert E, Jr.
The Formation of Chan Ideology in China and Korea: The Vajrasamadhi-Sutra, a Buddhist Apocryphon
Princeton University Press, 1989.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of the Vajra Samādhi
In: The Tathāgata Store - Selected Mahāyāna Sūtras. Bloomington: Author House, 2016: 230-278. ISBN: 978-1-5246-4636-3.
T09n0275: Da sheng fang guang zong chi jing 大乘方廣總持經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Mahāyāna Vaipulya Sūtra of Total Retention
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.184-195.
T09n0276: Wu liang yi jing 無量義經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Robert, Jean-Noël
In: Le sutra du lotus, suivi du Livre des sens innombrables et du Livre de la contemplation de Sage-Universel
Paris, Editions Fayard (collection Espace Intérieur), 1997.
translated by: Reeves, Gene
The Sutra of Inumerable Meanings
In: The Lotus Sutra - A Contemporary Translation of a Buddhist Classic. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publishing, 2010: 21-50. ISBN: 978–0861715718
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of Immeasurable Meaning
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.196-212.
translated by: Kubo, Tsugunari Kubo; Logan, Joseph
The Infinite Meanings Sutra
In: Tiantai Lotus Texts. BDK English Tripiṭaka Series. Berkeley: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, 2013.
T09n0277: Guan pu xian pusa xing fa jing 觀普賢菩薩行法經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Robert, Jean-Noël
In: Le sutra du lotus, suivi du Livre des sens innombrables et du Livre de la contemplation de Sage-Universel
Paris, Editions Fayard (collection Espace Intérieur), 1997.
translated by: Katō Bunnō, Tamura Yoshirō, and Miyasaka Kōjirō
In: Three Fold Lotus Sutra: Innumerable Meanings, the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law, and Meditation on the Bodhisattva Universal Virtue
New York, Tokyo: 1975.
translated by: Reeves, Gene
Sutra of Contemplation on the Dharma Practice of Universal Sage Bodhisattva
In: The Lotus Sutra - A Contemporary Translation of a Buddhist Classic. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publishing, 2010: 399-424. ISBN: 978–0861715718
translated by: Kubo, Tsugunari Kubo; Logan, Joseph
"The Sutra Expounded by the Buddha on Practice of the Way through Contemplation of the Bodhisattva All-embracing Goodness"
In: Tiantai Lotus Texts. BDK English Tripiṭaka Series. Berkeley: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, 2013.
T09n0278: Da fang guang fo hua yan jing 大方廣佛華嚴經, Avataṃsakasūtra (see also T09n0279 and T09n0293) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Buddhist Text Translation Society
The Flower Adornment Sutra
San Francisco: 1970–present. The translation group founded by Ven. Hsuan Hua 宣化 has worked on this since the 1970s and produced many editions. The first were serialized in the journal Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 Online, and various bound, multi-volume editions were issued over time, often with commentary by Hsuan Hua.
translated by: Doi Torazaku
Das Kegon Sutra: Das Buch vom Eintreten in den Kosmos der Wahrheit. – Im Auftrag des Tempels Tōdaiji aus dem chinesischen Text übersetzt und mit einer Einführung versehen von Torazaku Doi
Tokyo: Doitsubun-Kegonkyō-Kankōkai, 1978.
translated by: Doi Torazaku
Das Kegon Sutra II
Tokyo: Doitsubun-Kegonkyō-Kankōkai, 1981.
translated by: Doi Torazaku
Das Kegon Sutra III
Tokyo: Doitsubun-Kegonkyō-Kankōkai, 1982.
translated by: Doi Torazaku
Das Kegon Sutra I
Tokyo: Doitsubun-Kegonkyō-Kankōkai, 1983.
T09n0278-22: (T10n0279, T10n0285, T10n0286, T10n0287): Shi di pin 十地品 Daśabhūmikasūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
See T09n0279. There is one annotated E done from Sanskrit by Honda Megumu (In: Studies in South, East and Central Asia. Sinor, Denis (Ed.). New Delhi: 1968. 115 -267).T10n0279: Da fang guang fo hua yan jing 大方廣佛華嚴經, Avataṃsakasūtra (see also T09n0278 and T09n0293) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Cleary, Thomas
The Flower Ornament Scripture
Boulder & London: Shambala, 1984–1987. 3 vols. Reprint in one volume Shambala, 1993.
translated by: Bhikshu Dharmamitra
The Flower Adornment Sutra
Seattle: Kalavinka, 2022. 3 vols. (ISBN: Vol1: 978-1935413356, Vol2: 978-1935413363, Vol3: 978-1935413370).
translated by: Carré, Patrick
Soûtra des Dix Terres, Dashabhûmika, traduction du chinois
Paris, Fayard, Trésors du bouddhisme, 2004.
translated by: Carré, Patrick
Soûtra de l’Entrée dans la dimension absolue - Gaṇḍavyūha-sūtra avec le commentaire de Li Tongxuan
Padmakara, 2018.
translated by: Cheng Chien Bhikshu [Mario Poceski]
Manifestation of the Tathagata: Buddahood According to the Avataṃsaka Sūtra
Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1993. German version of this as "Alles ist reiner Geist: die Stufen der Erkenntnis und der erhabene Zustand der Buddhaschaft" = Avataṃsaka-Sūtra / aus dem Chines. übers., eingel. und kommentiert von Cheng Chien Bhikṣu. [Einzig berechtigte Übers. aus dem Engl. von Giovanni Bandini (Text und Anh.) und Umāmaheśvara (Vorw. und Einl.)] Bern; München; Wien: Barth Verlag, 1997.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Mahāvaipulya Sūtra of Buddha Adornment, Chapter 26 – The Ten Grounds
In: The Bodhisattva Way. Bloomington: Author House 2013, pp.121-244.
translated by: Rulu 如露
The Eleventh Ground: The Virtual Buddha Ground. Mahāvaipulya Sūtra of Buddha Adornment Fascicles 40-45
In: Two Holy Grounds. Bloomington: Author House 2014, pp.38-134.
translated by: Rulu 如露
The Twelfth Ground: The Buddha Ground. Mahāvaipulya Sūtra of Buddha Adornment Fascicles 46-52
In: Two Holy Grounds. Bloomington: Author House 2014, pp.142-256.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Mahāvaipulya Sūtra of Buddha Adornment, Fascicles 53-59
In: Transcending the World. Bloomington: Author House 2015, pp.29-150.
T10n0285: Jian bei yi qie zhi de jing 漸備一切智德經 (see also T09n0286), Daśabhūmika-sūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
T10n0286: Shi zhu jing 十住經 (see also T09n0285), Daśabhūmika-sūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bhikshu Dharmamitra
The Ten Grounds Sutra - The Daśabhūmika Sūtra
Seattle: Kalavinka, 2019. ISBN: 978-1935413103.
T10n0293: Da fang guang fo hua yan jing 大方廣佛華嚴經 (see also T09n0278 and T09n0279) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C
In: The Buddhist Teaching of Totality: The Philosophy of Hwa Yen Buddhism
University Park & London: The Pennsylvenia State University, 1971. 187–196. London: Allen & Unwin, 1972. Reprint Delhi: Motilal.Of this a German translation by Ernst Schönwiese: Die buddhistische Lehre von der Ganzheit des Seins: das holistische Weltbild der buddhistischen Philosophie. Bern; München; Wien: Barth Verlag, 1989.
translated by: Simpei Shao. 邵心培
Discourse on Samantabhadra's Beneficience Aspirations. 邵心培『普賢行願品 中英文合訂本』
Hong Kong, 1971.
translated by: Upasika Chihmann (Miss P. C. Lee).
‘The Vows of Samantabhadra of the Mahavaipulya Buddha’
In The Four Buddhist Books in Mahayana, Singapore?: n.d., pp.5–29 (repr. as: On Entering the Inconceivable State of Liberation through the Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra (The Avatamsaka Sutra, Chapter 40 『普賢行願品 中英文合訂本』, Singapore: Golden Earth Design and Printing, May 2000).
translated by: Heng Sure
"Chapter on Entering the Inconceivable Liberated State of Samantabhadra's Practices and Vows"
In: 'Sacred Literature into Liturgy: Jingyuan (1011–1088) and the Development of the Avataṃsaka Liturgy in Song China,' 2003, Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley
translated by: Rulu 如露
Mahāvaipulya Sūtra of Buddha Adornment, fasc. 40
In: Thinking of Amitabha Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2011, pp.107-120.
translated by: Giddings, William J.
"Liberating the Whole World: Sudhana’s Meeting With Samantanetra."
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 92-102.
translated by: Jin, Siyan; Lechemin, Robert
Les voeux et les pratiques du bodhisattva Samantabhadra d'entrer dans l'état de la délivrance inconcevable
Paris: Editions Youfeng, 2016.
T10n0301: Da fang guang ru lai bu si yi jing jie jing 大方廣如來不思議境界經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Mahāvaipulya Sūtra of the Inconceivable State of Tathāgatas
In: Thinking of Amitabha Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2011, pp.171-180.
T10n0304: Da fang guang ru lai zhi de bu si yi jing 大方廣入如來智德不思議經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Mahāvaipulya Sūtra of Entering a Tathāgata’s Inconceivable State of Wisdom
In: Transcending the World. Bloomington: Author House 2015, pp.179-191.
T10n0306: Da fang guang fo hua yan jing xiu ji fen 大方廣佛花嚴經修慈分 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Duan, Qing.
In: The Maitrī-bhāvanā-prakaraṇa: A Chinese Parallel to the Third Chapter of the Book of Zambasta.
In: Iranian Languages and Texts from Iran and Turfan: Ronald E. Emmerick Memorial Volume. Ed. M. Macuch et al. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2007. Pp. 39-58.
T11n0310: Da bao ji jing 大寶集經, Mahāratnakūṭasūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
The Mahāratnakūṭasūtra is a collection of 49 texts. Below only those are mentioned for which we have at least partial translations.translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (p. 315–338)
The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.Other version: T11n0313
translated by: Dantinne, Jean
La Splendeur de l’Inébranlable (Akṣobhyavyūha). Traduit et annoté. Tome I (Chapitres I-III: Les Auditeurs (Śrāvaka)
Louvain-la-Neuve: Institut Orientaliste de l’Université Catholique de Louvain, 1983. (Publications de l’Institut Orientaliste de Louvain 29).Other version: T11n0313
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (p. 134–147)
The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (p. 191–218)
The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.
translated by: Pedersen, Kusumita Priscilla.
In: The Dhyāna Chapter of the Bodhisattvapiṭaka-sūtra
PhD dissertation, Columbia University 1976.
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (149–162)
The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (p. 243–255)
The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.Other version: T12n0328
translated by: Paul, Diana Y
In: Woman in Buddhism: Images of the Feminine in Mahāyāna Tradition
Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1979. 201–211. [2nd ed. 1985].Other versions: T12n0334, T12n0335, T12n0336
translated by: Xing Yun, John Gill, and Jonathan Ko
In: Ten Paths to Happiness: A Commentary on the Sumati Sutra
Los Angeles: Buddha's Light Publishing, 2014. ISBN-13: 978-1932293920Other versions: T12n0334, T12n0335, T12n0336
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (256–260)
The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.Other versions: T12n0334, T12n0335, T12n0336
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (p. 37–40)
The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (115–132)
The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.Other version: T12n0337
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (73–97)
The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.see T12n0338
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (27–36)
The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.see T12n0340
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (41–70)
The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.Other Versions: T12n034, T12n0342
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
"On the Pāramitā of Ingenuity"
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (pp. 427–468). The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.Other Chinese version: T12n0347. A translation from the Tib parallel is included in Tatz, Mark. The Skill in Means (Upāyakauśalya) Sūtra
. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1994.
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
"The Elucidation of Consciousness."
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (pp. 223–237). The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.Other Version: T12n0347
translated by: Weller, Friedrich
"Kāśyapaparivarta nach der Tjin-Übersetzung verdeutscht. Als Manuskript gedruckt."
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig. 13 (1964). Gesellschafts- und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe. Heft 4. 771–804.
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.)
"The Sutra of Assembled Treasures"
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (387–414). The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.
translated by: Pāsādika, Bhikkhu
"The Dharma-Discourse of the Great Collection of Jewels: the Kāśyapa Section Mahāratnakūṭadharmaparyāya – Kāśyapaparivarta: English Translation and Restoration of the Missing Sanskrit Portions (VIII), Chapter 116–140"
Published serially in Linh-Son publication d'études bouddhiques (1977–1979), I-IX.
translated by: Silk, Jonathan
In: The Origins and Early History of the Mahāratnakūṭa. Tradition of Mahāyāna Buddhism with a Study of the Ratnarāśisūtra and Related Materials
PhD dissertation University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: 1994. 258–385.
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
"Abiding in Good and Noble Deportment"
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (280–312). The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (414–424)
The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.
translated by: Chang, Garma C.C. (Ed.).
"Mañjuśrī's Discourse on the Pāramitā Wisdom"
In: A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras. Selections from the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra. (100–114) The Buddhist Assiociation of the United States. University Park & London: The Pennsylvania State University, 1983.
T11n0312: Ru lai bu si yi mi mi da sheng jing 如來不思議祕密大乘經 (Tathāgatācintyaguhya/Tathāgataguhyaka) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Shaku, Shingan
The Secrets of the Tathāgata: The Mahāyāna Sūtra on the Inconceivable Secrets of the Tathāgata.
Kamakura: Lulu, 2021. ISBN 978-1-716-23850-5.
T11n0316: (T11n0310 (12)): Da sheng pu sa zang zheng fa jing 大乘菩薩藏正法經, Bodhisattvapiṭaka. [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Pedersen, Kusumita Priscilla.
In: The Dhyāna Chapter of the Bodhisattvapiṭaka-sūtra
PhD dissertation, Columbia University 1976.
T11n0317: (T11n0310 (13)): Bao tai jing 胞胎經, Garbhāvakrāntinirdeśa. [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Huebotter, Franz
"Die Sūtra über Empfängnis und Embryologie."
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens, 36 (Tokyo: 1932). Part C, 26 pp.Download [PDF].
T12n0321: (T04n0170, T11n0310 (18)): Hu guo zun zhe suo wen da sheng jing 護國尊者所問大乘經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Ensink, Jacob
The Question of Rāṣṭrapāla
Zwolle: J. Tijl, 1952. (Done mainly from the Sanskrit edition by Finot (1901), but with reference to the Tibetan and Chinese versions.)
translated by: Boucher, David
In: Bodhisattvas of the Forest and the Formation of the Mahāyāna
Honolulu: Hawaii University Press, 2008. (Done mainly from the Sanskrit edition by Finot (1901), but with reference to the Tibetan and epecially the Chinese versions.)
T12n0322: (T11n0310 (19), T12n0323): Fa jing jing 法鏡經, Ugraparipṛcchā [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Schuster, Nancy Joann
The Ugraparipṛcchā, the Mahāratnakūṭasūtra and Early Mahāyāna Buddhism
Ph.D. diss: University of Toronto, 1976. 2 vols.
translated by: Nattier, Jan
In: A Few Good Men. The Bodhisattva Path According to the Inquiry of Ugra (Ugraparipṛcchā)
Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2003.
T12n0325: (T11n0310 (24), T12n0326): Jue ding pi ni jing 決定毘尼經, Upāliparipṛcchā [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Python, Pierre
Vinaya-Viniścaya-Upāli-Paripṛcchā: Enquete d’Upāli pour une exégèse de la discipline. Tr. du sanscrit, du tibétain et du chinois. Avec introduction, édition critique des fragments sanscrits et de la version tibétaine, notes et glossaries. En appendice: texte et traduction de T. 1582, I, et du Sugatapañcatriṃśatstotra de Mātṛceṭa
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1973. (Collection Jean Przyluski 5).
T12n0332: (T11n0310(29), T12n0333): You tian wang jing 優填王經, Udayanavatsarājaparipṛcchā [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Paul, Diana Y
In: Woman in Buddhism: Images of the Feminine in Mahāyāna Tradition
Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1979. 27–50. [2nd ed. 1985].
T12n0345: (T12n0346, T310(38)) i.e. the Upāyakauśalya-Jñānottarabodhisattva paripṛcchā [Check CBC Attribution Database]
T12n0347: Da sheng xian shi jing 大乘顯識經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Mahāyāna Sūtra of Consciousness Revealed
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.126-150.
T12n0350: (T11n310(43), T12n0351, T12n0352): Yi ri mo ni bao jing 遺日摩尼寶經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Weller, Friedrich
"Kāśyapaparivarta nach der Han-Fassung verdeutscht."
Buddhist Yearly 1968/69: Jahrbuch für Buddhistische Forschungen. Halle (Germany): Buddhist Centre Halle, 1970. 57–221 (translation:105–155).[Reprinted in Friedrich Weller Kleine Schriften (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1987) vol. 2 pp. 1136–1304].
T12n0351: (T12n0350, T11n310(43), T12n0352): Mo he yan bao yan jing 摩訶衍寶嚴經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Weller, Friedrich
"Kāśyapaparivarta nach der Djin-Fassung verdeutscht."
Mitteilungen des Instituts für Orientforschung (Berlin). No. 12 (1966). 379–462.
T12n0352: (T11n0310(43), T12n0350, T12n0351): Da jie ye wen da bao ji zheng fa jing 大迦葉問大寶積正法經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Weller, Friedrich
"Die Sung-Fassung des Kāśyapaparivarta. Versuch einer Verdeutschung."
Monumenta Serica 25 (1966). 207–361. [Reprinted in Friedrich Weller Kleine Schriften (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1987) vol.2 pp.1305–1459.]Weller has also prepared a German translation from the text as found in the Sanskrit/ Tibetan. There is a complete English translation of the Kāśyapaparivarta by Bhikkhu Pāsādika (see T11n0310(43)).
T12n0353: Sheng man shi zi hu yi sheng da fang bian fang guang jing 勝鬘師子吼一乘大方便方廣經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Wayman, Alex and Hideko
The Srimala Devi Sutra. The Lion's Roar of Queen Srimala Discourse. A Buddhist Scripture on the Tathagatagarbha Theory
First published: New York: Columbia University Press, 1974. Reprint Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.("Translation of the lost Sanskrit work made from a collection of the Chinese, Japanese, and Tibetan versions.")
translated by: Paul, Diana Y.
The Sutra of Queen Srimala of the Lion's Roar: Translated from the Chinese
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2004. ISBN: 978–1–886439–31–3. (In one volume with John McRae's Vimalakīrti Sutra.)
translated by: Rulu 如露
Vaipulya Sūtra of Śrīmālā's Lion's Roar That Reveals the Great Skillful Means of the One Vehicle.
In: The Tathāgata Store - Selected Mahāyāna Sūtras. Bloomington: Author House, 2016: 63-91. ISBN: 978-1-5246-4636-3.
T12n0358: Du yi qie zhu fo jing jie zhi yan jing 度一切諸佛境界智嚴經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of Entering the States of All Buddhas Adorned with Wisdom
In: Transcending the World. Bloomington: Author House 2015, pp.165-178.
T12n0360: (T11n0310(5), T12n0361, T12n0362, T12n0363, T12n0364): Wu liang shou jing 無量壽經, (Larger) Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Müller, F. Max
The Larger Sukhāvatī-vyūha
In: Buddhist Mahāyāna Texts. Oxford: Carendon Press, 1894. pp. 1–76. (Sacred Books of the East 49). Reprint Delhi: Motilal, 1965.
translated by: Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii
In: The Shinshū Seiten: The Holy Scriptures of the Shin sect
Honolulu: Published by the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, 1955.
translated by: anonymous (D.T. Suzuki?)
Fo-shuo Wu-liang-shou-ching
Eastern Buddhist Vol.8-3 (1957): 10-26, Vol.8-4 (1958): 10-17.
translated by: Inagaki, Hisao
The Larger Sutra on Amitayus
In: The Three Pure Land Sutras. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1995.
translated by: Gomez, Luis
The Land of Bliss: The Paradise of the Buddha of Measureless Light: Sanskrit and Chinese Versions of the Sukhavativyuha Sutras
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1996.
translated by: Wong Mou Lam. 黃茂林
The Sutra of the Buddha of Immeasurable Length of Life.『無量壽經』
Hong Kong. (before 1939)
translated by: n.a. ['The translator']
The Buddha's Teaching On The Sutra Of Awakening To The Equanimity, Pure Adornment Of The Immeasurable Lifespan Of The Great Vehicle.『佛說大乘無量壽清淨平等覺經』
Reprint Malaysia, Yidai怡保: Jingzong Temple 淨宗道埸; 104 pp.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of Amitāyus Buddha
In: Thinking of Amitabha Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2011, pp.41-83.
translated by: Eracle, Jean
In: Aux sources du Bouddhisme Mahayana - Trois Sotras et un Traité sur la Terre Pure
Genéve: Aquarius, 1984. 67–222.
translated by: Usami Osenken
Buddhas Reden über Amiyatus
Berlin: H.H., 1925. 35–97.
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
The forty-eight vows of the Monk ‘Treasury of Purpose’ from The Longer Scripture on the Buddha of Infinite Life
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, The Land of Pure Bliss: Sukhāvatī. Second Edition (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 376–378. ISBN: 979-8-5951-0477-7
T12n0365: Guan wu liang shou fo jing 觀無量壽佛經, *Amitāyurdhyānasūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Takakusu Junjirō
The Amitāyur-dhyāna-sūtra.
In: Buddhist Mahāyāna Texts. M. Müller (Ed.). Oxford: Carendon Press, 1894. 159–201. (Sacred Books of the East 49). Reprint Delhi: Motilal, 1965.
translated by: Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii
In: The Shinshū Seiten: The Holy Scriptures of the Shinsect
Honolulu: Published by the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, 1955.
translated by: Lu K’uan Yü (Charles Luk)
In: The Secrets of Chinese Meditation
London: Rider, 1964; New York: Samuel Weiser, 1969. 86–106.
The Smaller Sukhavativyuha: The Sutra of Visualizing the Buddha of Immeasurable Length of Life
Chinese Buddhist Society of Australia, 1975. (Buddhist Publication Series 1.)
translated by: Inagaki,Hisao
The Sutra on Contemplation of Amitayus
In: The Three Pure Land Sutras. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1995.
translated by: Bhikkhu Assaji 惟幻法師
The Sutra of Visualizing The Buddha of Immeasurable Length of Life. Translated into Chinese from Sanskrit by Kalayasas. Translated into English from the Chinese Version by Bhikkhu Assaji. 惟幻法師(由中文譯英文)『觀無量壽佛經』
Hong Kong: July 1939.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of Visualization of Amitāyus
In: Thinking of Amitabha Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2011, pp.89-105.
translated by: Śraddhāpa
Sutra on the Visualization of the Buddha Amitāyus
In: Great Faith, Great Wisdom. Cambridge: Windhorse Publications 2016, pp. 301–324.
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
The Scripture on the Buddha’s Teaching About Meditation on the Enlightened Being ‘Of Infinite Life’
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, The Land of Pure Bliss: Sukhāvatī. Second Edition (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 54–75. ISBN: 979-8-5951-0477-7
translated by: Eracle, Jean
In: Aux sources du Bouddhisme Mahayana Trois Sotras et un Traité sur la Terre Pure
Genéve: Aquarius, 1984. 225–280.
translated by: Ducor, Jérôme; Loveday, Helen
Le Sūtra des Contemplations du Buddha Vie-Infinie
Tournhout: Brepols Publishers, 2010. (Bibliothèque de l’École des Haute Études Science Religieuses Vol. 145)
T12n0366: (T12n0367): A mi tuo jing 阿彌陀經, (Smaller) Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Müller, Max
The Smaller Sukhāvatī-vyūha. In: Buddhist Mahāyāna Texts
Oxford: Carendon Press, 1894. 87–104. (Sacred Books of the East 49). Reprint Delhi: Motilal, 1965.
translated by: Utsuki Nishū
Kyoto: The Educational Department of the West Hongwanji, 1924 (1929).
translated by: Shanghai: 1932
Buddhabhashitamitayus Sutra (The Smaller Sukhāvatī-vyūha)
Bilingual Edition.
translated by: Kimura, H
The Smaller Sukhāvatī-vyūha
Ryūkoku University: 1948.
translated by: Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii
In: The Shinshū Seiten: The Holy Scriptures of the Shinsect
Honolulu: Published by the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, 1955.
translated by: Chinese Buddhist Society of Australia
The Smaller Sukhavativyuha: The Sutra of Visualizing the Buddha of Immeasurable Length of Life
Chinese Buddhist Society of Australia, 1975. (Buddhist Publication Series 1.)
translated by: Inagaki, Hisao
The Smaller Sutra on Amitayus
In: Three Pure Land Sutras. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1995.
translated by: Upasaka Lim Teon Aik.
The Sayings of the Buddha about Amitabha Sutra 佛說阿彌陀經. –With Translation & Commentary in English. (The Sukhavati Vyuha Sutra. Translation and Commentary by: Upasaka Lim Teong Aik, 17th May, 1963, 2507, Penang. Typed and Compiled by: Upasaka L. Chia. Chinese Writing by: Upasika A. H. Chia, 25th May, 1975, 2519. With: The Forty-Eight Vows of Amitabha Buddha).
Singapore: 1975? Revised and updated: Singapore, 21 Nov. 1986; repr. as The Amitabha Sutra (With Translation and Commentary in English), Singapore, 2005.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of Amitābha Buddha
In: Thinking of Amitabha Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2011, pp.84-88.
translated by: Buddhist Text Translation Society
佛說阿彌陀經淺釋 The Buddha Speaks of Amitabha Sutra: a General Explanation with Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
Burlingame, California: Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, 2003. [And other editions. First serialized in Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海, Nos. 9, 34-53 (with intervals), 1973-74]
translated by: Imaïzoumi & Yamata
O-mi-to-king; ou, Soukhavati-vyouha-soutra d'après la version chinoise de Koumarajiva.
Annales du Musée Guimet. Tome 2. Paris, 1881.
T12n0370: A mi tuo gu yin sheng wang tuo luo ni jing 阿彌陀鼓音聲王陀羅尼經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Shaku Seigan
The Sūtra of the Dhāraṇī of the King of the Sound of Amitābha's Drum
2022. [local copy]
T12n0371: Guan shi yin pu sa shou ji jing 觀世音菩薩授記經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of the Prophecy Bestowed upon Avalokiteśvara
In: Thinking of Amitabha Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2011, pp.181-194.
T12n0374: (T12n0375, T12n0376, T12n0377, T12n0390, T12n0391): Da ban nie pan jing 大般涅槃經, Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Yamamoto, Kōshō
The Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra
Ubeshi: Karinbunko, 1973, 1974, 1975. 3 vols. 1047 p. (The Karin Buddhological Series 5). '...the first ...translation into English of the Daihatsu nehangyo, i.e. The Mahayana Mahaparinirvana-sutra (sic), done from Sanskrit into classical Chinese by Dharmaraksa the years 416–23;...the southern ed.... collated & rev. by Egon [and others] of the Toanji temple (in Japan).'Digital and revised version by Tony Page.,Yamamoto,Page,2007.pdf (Accessed 5 May 2009). This is the "southern text" of the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra in 36 fasc.
translated by: Beal, Samuel
In: A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese
London: Trübner, 1871. 160–172, 173–188.
translated by: Beal, Samuel
In: The Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king: A life of Buddha by Asvagosha Bodhisattva
Oxford University Press, 1883. (Sacred Books of the East 19) [Reprint Delhi: Motilal 1964, 1968, 1975]. 365–371.
translated by: Whalen Lai
"The Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra and its Earliest Interpreters in China: Two Prefaces by Tao-lang and Tao-sheng,"
Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 no. 1 (1982), 101–102.
translated by: Cole, Alan
In: Mothers and Sons in Chinese Buddhism
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998.
translated by: Blum, Mark
The Nirvana Sutra: Volume 1
BDK English Tripiṭaka Series. Berkeley: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, 2013.
T12n0384: Pu sa cong dou shu tian long shen mu tai shuo guang pu jing 菩薩從兜術天降神母胎說廣普經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Przyluski, Jean
Extrait du P'ou-sa tch'ou t'ai king
In: Le Concile de Rājagṛha - Introduction a l’histire des canons et des sectes bouddhiques. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1926, pp. 125-129.
T12n0386: Lian hua mian jing 蓮華面經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Shinohara, Koichi
The story of the Buddha's begging bowl
In Granoff and Shinohara (ed.): Pilgrims, Patrons and Place. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2003, pp. 76-87.
T12n0387: Da fang deng wu xiang jing 大方等無想經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Forte, Antonino
Political Propaganda and Ideology in China at the End of the Seventh Century: Inquiry into the Nature, Authors and Function of the Dunhuang Document S.6502
Second Edition. Kyoto: Scuola Italiana di Studi sull'Asia Orientale, 2005 [1976], pp. 333–349. (Appendix A)
T13n0389: Fo chui pan nie pan lüe shuo jiao jie jing 佛垂般涅槃略說教誡經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Nukariya Kaiten (1867–1934)
The Sutra of Buddha’s Last Instruction: English Text of the Scripture of the Buddha’s Bequeathed Teaching (Eibun Butsu yuikyō kyō 英文仏遺教經).
Tōkyō: Morie shoten 森江書店, 1897.
translated by: Eidmann, Phillip Karl
The Sutra of the Teachings Left by the Buddha
Osaka : Koyata Yamamoto, 1900s (sic)
translated by: Khantipalo, Bhikkhu
The Buddha’s Last Bequest: A Translation from the Chinese Tipitaka
Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, 1967.
translated by: Chou Hsiang-Kuang. 周祥光
The Sutra of Buddha’s Bequeathed Teaching. Translated into Chinese from Sanskrit by KUMARAJIVA. Translated into English from Chinese Version with Annotations by PROF. CHOU HSIANG-KUANG, PH. D. 周祥光(由中譯英亦註釋)『遺教經』
Reprint Singapore: Nanyang Buddhist Culture Service 南洋佛學書局, 1977, pp.1–30.[First published in Calcutta 1961]
translated by: Cleary, Jonathan C.
"The Bequeathed Teaching Sutra"
In: Apocryphal Scriptures. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2005.
translated by: Blofeld, John
The Sutra of the Doctrine Bequeathed by the Buddha
In: The Sutra of Forty-Two Sections and Two Other Short Sutras of the Mahayana School. London: The Buddhist Society, 1947, rev. ed. 1977.
translated by: Nearman, Hubert
The Scripture of the Buddha’s Last Teachings
In: Buddhist Writings. Mount Shasta, CA: Shasta Abbey Press, 1994. pp. 247-260.
translated by: Heng Shun
The Buddha Bequeaths the Teaching Sutra
Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 , No. 158-166 (with intervals), 1983-84.
T12n0395: Fo shuo dang lai bian jing 佛說當來變經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Heng Sure and Heng Ch’au
The Buddha Speaks the Sutra of Changes to Come
Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 , No. 152, 1983.
T12n0396: Fa mie jin jing 法滅盡經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Heng Sure恒實, Heng Yin恒隱
Slandered by Demons: A Translation of The Buddha Speaks the Ultimate Extinction of the Dharma Sutra
Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 , No. 77, 1976.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of the Total Annihilation of the Dharma
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.72-74.
T13n0397: Da fang deng da ji jing 大方等大集經, Mahāvaipulyamahāsaṃnipātasūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: O'Neill, Alexander James; Patton, Charles D II; Āloka, Dharmacakṣus
The Great Collection Sūtra: Volume One: A Translation of the Mahāsaṃnipāta Sūtra
Dharmakāya Books2023.
translated by: Lévi, Sylvain
"Notes chinoises sur l’Inde. IV. V."
Bulletin de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient. 4 (1904),543–573; 5 (1905) 262–284.
T13n0402: Bao xing tuo luo ni jing 寶星陀羅尼經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Dutt, Nalinaksha (Ed.)
In: Gilgit Manuscripts. Vol. IV
Calcutta: 1959. iii-xiv.
T13n0403: A cha mo pu sa jing 阿差末菩薩經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
T13n0409: Guan xu kong zang pu sa jing 觀虛空藏菩薩經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Silk, Jonathan
"The Jifayue sheku tuoluoni jing: Translation, Non-Translation, Both or Neither?"
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 31, no. 1-2 (2008[2010]): 369-420
T13n0412: Di zang pu sa ben yuan jing 地藏菩薩本願經, Kṣitigarbhasūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Heng Ching
Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva: The Collected Lectures of Tripitaka Master Hsüan Hua
New York: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 1974.
In: Chinese-English: The Sutra of Buddha’s Bequeathed Teaching, The Sutra of Forty-two Sections, The Enlightenment Sutra, The Buddhabhasita Dasabhadra Karmamarga Sutra, The Smaller Sukhavati-Vyuha, The Sutra of Visualizing, The Sutra of the Master of Healing, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra
Singapore: Nanyang Buddhist Culture Service, 1977.
translated by: Pitt Chin Hui.
Bilingual Sutra on the Original Vows and the Attainment of Merits of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Translated from Chinese into English by Miss Pitt Chin Hui, President of the Singapore Regional Centre of the World Fellowship of Buddhists.《中英合璧 地藏菩薩本願經》
Singapore:国营印刷承印, n.d. (before 1976).
translated by: Upasaka Tao-tsi Shih (tr.), Dr. Frank G. French (ed.)
The Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha’s Fundamental Vows. Translated into Chinese from Sanskrit by Tripitaka Sramana Siksananda from the Khotan County in the T’ang Dynasty
New York: Young Men’s Buddhist Association of America, 1985 (2nd ed.: 2000). Reprint Taipei: The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation).
translated by: Yifa 釋依法; Peter M. Romaskiewicz
The Sutra on the Past Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva
Taiwan: Buddha's Light Publishing, 2007. Woodenfish Translation Series.
translated by: Buddhist Text Translation Society
Sutra of the Past Vows of the Earth Store Bodhisattva
Burlingame, CA: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 1983 [2nd edition 2003. First serialized in Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 , No.26-57 (with intervals), 1972-74. Revised version again in Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 , since Vol.489 (2011)].
translated by: Cheng Kuan 釋成觀
地藏經 The Sutra of Terra-Treasure
Taiwan臺灣, Vairocana Publishing Company, Ltd. 毘盧出版社, 2009.
T13n0417: Ban zhou san mei jing 般舟三昧經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of the Pratyutpanna Buddha Sammukhāvasthita Samādhi
In: Thinking of Amitabha Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2011, pp.137-152.
T13n0418: Ban zhou san mei jing 般舟三昧 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Harrison, Paul
The Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1998.Harrison has also worked on the Tibetan text: Harrison, Paul. The Tibetan Text of the Pratyutpanna-buddha-saṃmukhâvasthita-samādhi-sūtra (Tokyo: The Reiyukai Library, Studia Philological Buddhica Monograph Series I, 1978). Harrison, Paul Maxwell: The Samādhi of Direct Encounter with the Buddhas of the Present: An Annotated English Translation of the Tibetan Version of the Pratyutpanna-Buddha-sammukkhâvasthita-samādhi-sūtra with Several Appendices Relating to the History of the Text. Tokyo: International Institute for Buddhist Studies, 1990.
translated by: Swanson, Paul
The Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra
In: Clear Serenity, Quiet Insight. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press2017, Vol.3: pp.1618-1629.
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
Chapter Two ‘On the Practice’ (of Keeping the Buddha in Mind) from The Scripture on the Resolve of Meditation In Which the Buddhas All Stand Up Before One
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, The Land of Pure Bliss: Sukhāvatī. Second Edition (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 420–422. ISBN: 979-8-5951-0477-7.
T13n0423: (T13n0424): Seng qie zha jing 僧伽吒經, Saṅghāṭa Sūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
T14n0449: (T14n0450, T14n0451, T21n1331 (12)): Yao shi ru lai ben yuan jing 藥師如來本願經, Bhaiṣajyagurusūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hsing Yun
The Sutra of the Medicine Buddha with an Introduction, Comments and Prayers
Buddha’s Light Publishing, 2002. 192 pp.
translated by: Chow Su-Chia (tr.), Shen Shou-Liang (ed). 周叔迦博士(由中譯英)沈壽梁居士(校訂者)
The Sutra of the Master of Healing. Translated into Chinese from Sanskrit by Hsuan-Tsang. Translated into English from Chinese Version by Prof. Chow Su-Chia Ph. D. Revised by Upasaka Shen Shou-Liang.
Singapore(?): n.d. (repr. BS 2503).
translated by: Dutt, Nalinaksha (Ed.)
In: Gilgit Manuscripts. Vol. I
Srinagar-Kashmir: 1939. 51–57.
translated by: Soper, Alexander Coburn
In: Literary Evidence for Early Buddhist Art in China
Ascona: Artibus Asiae Publishers, 1959. (Artibus Asiae, Supplementum 19), 169–178.
translated by: Pelliot, Paul
"Le Bhaiṣajyaguru."
Bulletin de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient. 3 (1903), 33–37.
T14n0450: Yao shi liu li guang ru lai ben yuan gong de jing 藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Liebenthal, Walter
The Sutra of the Lord of Healing (Bhaishajyaguru Vaiduryaprabha Tathagata)
Peking: The Society of Chinese Buddhists, Nien Hua Szŭ (Sales Agent: The French Bookstore), 1936.
translated by: Birnbaum, Raoul
The Lapis Lazuli Radiance Buddha, Master of Healing: A Study in Iconography and Meaning
Ph.D. Dissertation. Columbia University (New York), 1976. Translations of T14n0450, T14n0451, T20n1161 and the preface of T14n0449 later published as Birnbaum, Raoul: The Healing Buddha. Boulder: Shambala, 1979. (German translation: Birnbaum, Raoul: Der heilende Buddha - Heilung und Selbstheilung im Buddhismus. Bern/München/Wien: Otto Wilhelm Barth, 1982.)
translated by: Iyanaga, Nobumi
The Scripture Of Master Of Medicine, Beryl Radiance Tathāgata
Moraga, CA: Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai America, Inc. 2018. BDK English Tripiṭaka Series.
translated by: Buddhist Text Translation Society
Medicine Master Sutra - With commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
Dharma Realm Buddhist Association/ Buddhist Text Translation Society.
translated by: Chung Tai Translation Committee
The Sutra on the Original Vows and Merits of the Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light Tathagata
Taiwan: Chung Tai Chan Monastery 中台禅寺, 2009.
T14n0451: Yao shi liu li guang qi fo ben yuan gong de jing 藥師琉璃光七佛本願功德經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Jin, Siyan; Lechemin, Robert
Sutra sur les mérites des voeux originels des sept bouddhas dont le maître de médecine lumière de l'aigue-marine.
Paris: Editions Youfeng, 2017.
T14n0453: Mi le xia sheng jing 彌勒下生經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Watanabe, Kaikioku [Watanabe Kaikyoku 渡辺海旭]
Dr. Kaikioku Watanabe's Verdeutschung von M. 208
In: Leumann, Ernst. 1919. Maitreya-samiti, das Zukunftsideal der Buddhisten. Strassburg: Karl Trübner. Pp. 245-254.M.208 refers to the sutra number in Nanjio's catalog.
T14n0454: Mi le xia sheng cheng fo jing 彌勒下生成佛經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Watanabe, Kaikioku [Watanabe Kaikyoku 渡辺海旭]
Dr. Kaikioku Watanabe's Verdeutschung von M. 205
In: Leumann, Ernst. 1919. Maitreya-samiti, das Zukunftsideal der Buddhisten. Strassburg: Karl Trübner, Pp. 227-236.
translated by: Iida, Shotaro and Goldstone, Jane
The Sutra that Expounds the Descent of Maitreya Buddha and His Enlightenment
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2016.
T14n0455: Mi le xia sheng cheng fo jing 彌勒下生成佛經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Watanabe, Kaikioku [Watanabe Kaikyoku 渡辺海旭]
Dr. Kaikioku Watanabe's Verdeutschung von M. 207
In: Leumann, Ernst. 1919. Maitreya-samiti, das Zukunftsideal der Buddhisten. Strassburg: Karl Trübner. Pp. 237-244.
T14n0456: Mi le da cheng fo jing 彌勒大成佛經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Watanabe, Kaikioku [Watanabe Kaikyoku 渡辺海旭]
Dr. Kaikioku Watanabe's Verdeutschung von M. 209
In: Leumann, Ernst. 1919. Maitreya-samiti, das Zukunftsideal der Buddhisten. Strassburg: Karl Trübner. Pp. 255-280.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of Maitreya’s Attainment of Buddhahood
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.78-96.
T14n0463: Wen shu shi li ban nie pan jing 文殊師利般涅槃經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lamotte, Étienne
T’oung Pao 48, no. 1/3 (1960): 35-39.
translated by: Quinter, David
"Visualizing the Mañjuśrī Parinirvāṇa Sutra as a Contemplation Sutra"
Asia Major, 3d series, 23, part 2 (2010): 97–128.
T14n0468: Wen shu shi li wen jing 文殊師利問經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Beal, Samuel
The Eighteen Schools of Buddhism
Indian Antiquary IX, 1880, pp. 299–302.[Local copy]
translated by: McRae, John
The Sutra of Mañjuśrī’s Questions
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2016.
translated by: Swanson, Paul
The Questions of Mañjuśrī
In: Clear Serenity, Quiet Insight. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press2017, Vol.3: pp.1630-1632.
T14n0474: (T14n0475, T14n0476): Wei mo jie jing 維摩詰經, Vimalakīrtinirdeśa [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Ōhara, Masatoshi
"Vimalakīrti-Nirdeśa-Sūtra. Translated from the Chinese"
Hansei Zasshi (Tokyo) 13 (1898).
translated by: Izumi, Hōkei
"Vimalakīrti’s Discourse on Emancipation. Translated from the Chinese Vimalakīrti-Nirdeśa."
The Eastern Buddhist (Kyoto) 3 (1924–1925), 4 (1926–1928).
translated by: Lu, K’uan Yü (Charles Luk)
The Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra (Wei mo chieh so shuo ching)
Berkeley, London: Shambala, 1972. London: Kegan & Paul, 1973. [Reprint as: Ordinary Enlightenment: A Translation of the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra. Shambhala, 2002. ]
translated by: Thurman, Robert A. F
The Holy Teaching of Vimalakīrti: A Mahāyāna Scripture
Univ. Park; London: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1976. [Reprint 1981]. Available online (2004).(Translated from the Tibetan)
translated by: Watson, Burton
The Vimalakirti Sutra
New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.
translated by: McRae, John
The Vimalakīrti Sutra
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2004. ISBN: 978–1–886439–31–3. In one volume with Diana Paul's The Sutra of Queen Srimala of the Lion's Roar.
translated by: Gómez, Luis; Harrison, Paul
Vimalakīrtinirdeśa - The Teaching of Vimalakīrti
Berkeley, CA: Mangalam Press, 2022.. Translation from the Sanskrit.
translated by: Mackenzie, D.N. (Ed.)
In: The Buddhist Sogdian Texts of the British Library
Leiden: Brill; Liège: Bibliothèque Pahlavi, 1976. (Acta Iranica 10. Textes et Mémoires 3), 21–31 and 31–36.
translated by: Paul, Diana
In: Women in Buddhism - Images of the Feminine in Mahāyāna Tradition
Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1979. Second Edition University of California Press, 1985. Pp. 224-232.
translated by: Lamotte, Étienne
L’Enseignement de Vimalakīrti (Vimalakīrtinirdeśa)
Louvain: Institut Orientaliste, Publications Universitaires, 1962.French translated into English by Sara Boin. London: Pali Text Society, 1976. Translated from the Tibetan with references to the Chinese especially Xuanzang's version T14n0476.
translated by: Carré, Patrick
Soûtra de la Liberté inconcevable, les enseignements de Vimalakîrti, traduction du chinois,
Paris, Fayard, « Trésors du bouddhisme », 2000.
translated by: Dragonetti, Carmen; Tola, Fernando
Buenos Aires: Fundación Instituto de Estudios Buddhistas, 2018.
translated by: Fischer, Jakob; Yokota, Takezō
Das Sūtra Vimalakīrti (Das Sūtra über die Erlösung) – nach einem nipponischen Manuskript von Kawase Kōzyun
Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press, 1944. [Reprint 1969.] [Reprint: Taipei: Shin wen feng, 1993.]
translated by: Reichelt, Hans
In: Die Soghdischen Handschriftenreste des Britischen Museums – in Umschrift und Übersetzung herausgegeben. 1.Theil: Die Buddhistischen Texte
Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1928, pp.2–13.
T14n0480: Yue shang nü jing 月上女經, Candrottarādārikāparipṛcchā [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Giebel, Rolf
The Sutra Of The Girl Candrottarā
Moraga, CA: Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai America, Inc. 2018. BDK English Tripiṭaka Series
translated by: Paul, Diana Y
In: Woman in Buddhism: Images of the Feminine in Mahāyāna Tradition
Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1979. Pp. 193–199. [2nd ed. 1985].
T12n0494: A nan qi meng jing 阿難七夢經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
T14n0507: Wei sheng yuan jing 未生冤經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Yuet-Keung Lo and Jonathan A. Silk
The Composition of the Guan Wuliangshoufo-jing: Some Buddhist and Jaina Parallels to Its Narrative Frame
In: Silk, Jonathan A. 'The Composition of the Guan Wuliangshoufo-jing: Some Buddhist and Jaina Parallels to Its Narrative Frame.' Journal of Indian Philosophy 25 (1997): 224–229.
T14n0508: A she shi wang wen wu ni jing 阿闍世王問五逆經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Shaku, Shingan
In: The King Ajātaśatru Sūtra: A Translation of the Ajātaśatrukaukṛtyavinodana Sūtra from the Chinese of Lokakṣema together with three short sūtras on Ajātaśatru.
Kamakura: Lulu, 2022. ISBN 978-1-4583-2712-3.
T14n0509: A she shi wang shou jue jing 阿闍世王授決經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Shaku, Shingan
In: The King Ajātaśatru Sūtra: A Translation of the Ajātaśatrukaukṛtyavinodana Sūtra from the Chinese of Lokakṣema together with three short sūtras on Ajātaśatru.
Kamakura: Lulu, 2022. ISBN 978-1-4583-2712-3.
T14n0510: Cai hua wei wang shang fo shou jue hao miao hua jing 採花違王上佛授決號妙花經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Shaku, Shingan
In: The King Ajātaśatru Sūtra: A Translation of the Ajātaśatrukaukṛtyavinodana Sūtra from the Chinese of Lokakṣema together with three short sūtras on Ajātaśatru.
Kamakura: Lulu, 2022. ISBN 978-1-4583-2712-3.
T14n0515: Ru lai shi jiao sheng jun wang jing 如來示教勝軍王經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Radich, Michael
Sutra in which the Thus Come One Exposes a Teaching for King Prasenjit
In: Buddhist Stone Sutras in China: Shaanxi Province. Vol. 2. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2024, pp. 363-370.
T14n0551: Mo deng nü jing 摩鄧女經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Mukhopadhyaya, Sujitkumar
The Śārdūlakarṇāvadāna
Sanniketan: Visvabharati, 1954, pp. 213-217.
T14n0553: (T14n0554): Nai nu ji yu yin yuan jing 奈女祇域因緣經, [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
Amrapali and Jivaka Sutra. In: Cinq Cents Contes et Apologues: Extraits Du Tripitaka Chinois Et Traduits En Français
Paris: Libraire D'Amerique et D'Orient, 1962.Discussion in Zysk, Kenneth G. 1998 [1991], Asceticism and Healing in Ancient India: Medicine in the Buddhist Monastery, New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
T14n0555: Wu mu zi jing 五母子經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Paul, Diana
In: Women in Buddhism - Images of the Feminine in Mahāyāna Tradition
Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1979. Second Edition University of California Press, 1985. Pp. 68-70.The Taishō contains two versions of this short sutra (both numbered T.555). This is a translation of the second version.
T14n0556: Qi nü jing 七女經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Paul, Diana
In: Women in Buddhism - Images of the Feminine in Mahāyāna Tradition
Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1979. Second Edition University of California Press, 1985. Pp. 15-25.
T14n0562: Wu gou xian nü jing 無垢賢女經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Balkwill, Stephanie
The Sūtra of the Unsullied Worthy Girl as Spoken by the Buddha
Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies Vol. 34 (2021): 5–26.
T14n0575: (T14n0576, T14n0577): Da fang deng xiu duo luo wang jing 大方等修多羅王經, Bhavasaṃkrāntisūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Stramigioli, Giuliana
Rivista delgi Studi Orientali (Roma), 16 (1936). 294–306.
T15n0590: Si tian wang jing 四天王經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sørensen, Henrik H.
"Divine Scrutiny of Human Morals in an Early Chinese Buddhist Sūtra: A Study of the Si Tianwang jing (T590)."
Studies in Central and East Asian Religions 8 (1995): 44-83. (Translation at 50-53)
T15n0592: Tian qing wen jing 天請問經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Matsuyama, Matsutaro 松山松太郎
"Buddha and a Deva."
In: The Sutra of Forty-Two Sections and Other Two Short Sutras. Kyoto: Buddhist Propagation Society, 1892, pp. 15-17.
T15n0595: Jie wa nang fa tian zi shou san gui yi huo mian e dao jing 嗟韈曩法天子受三歸依獲免惡道經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Ware, James
"Studies in the Divyāvadāna: I. Sūkarikāvadana."
Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 48 (1928), pp. 159-165. (Translated from Sanskrit with detailed references to the Tibetan and Chinese.)
T15n0598: Hai long wang jing 海龍王經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Paul, Diana
In: Women in Buddhism - Images of the Feminine in Mahāyāna Tradition
Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1979. Second Edition University of California Press, 1985. Pp. 235-241.
T15n0600: Shi shan ye dao jing 十善業道經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Upasaka Won Mou-Lam 黃茂林居士
The Buddhabhasita Dasabhadra Karmamarga Sutra
Hong Kong(?); n.d. [repr. Singapore, n.d.]
translated by: Bhikkhu Saddhaloka
The Discourse on the Ten Wholesome Ways of Action
Hong Kong: Private print, no ISBN. ('For free distribution.') Download here [13 MB].
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of the Path of the Ten Good Karmas
In: Bodhisattva Precepts. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.33-38.
T15n0602: Da anban shouyi jing 大安般守意經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Link, Arthur
"Evidence for Doctrinal Continuity of Han Buddhism from the Second through the Fourth Centuries: The Prefaces to An Shih-kao’s Grand Sūtra on Mindfulness on Respiration and Kang Seng-hui’s Introduction to the Perfection of Dhyāna."
In: James B. Parsons (ed.) Papers in honor of Professor Woodbridge Bingham: a Festschrift for his seventy-fifth birthday. San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center. 1976, pp. 55-87.
T15n0606: Xiu xing dao di jing 修行道地經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Demiéville, Paul
"Le Yogācārabhūmi de Saṇgharakśa"
Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient (BEFEO) 44-2 (1951), 339–436. Available at
T15n0613: Chan mi yao fa jing 禪祕要法經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Greene, Eric M.
In: The Secrets of Buddhist Meditation.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2021, pp.111-248.
T15n0614: Zuo chan san mei jing 坐禪三昧經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Yamabe, Nobuyoshi; Sueki, Fumihiko
The Sutra on the Concentration of Sitting Meditation
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2009.
T15n0615: Pu sa he se yu fa jing 菩薩訶色欲法經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
"Sûtra de la règle du Bodhisattva condamnant les désirs sexuels"
In: Mission archéologique dans la Chine septentrionale, Tome 1. Deuxième partie: La Sculpture bouddhique. Paris : Ernest Leroux, 1915, p. 524-525.
T15n0616: Chan fa yao jie 禪法要解 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Thich, Hang Dat
"The Essential Explanation of The Method of Dhyāna"
In: A Reappraisal of Kumārajīva's role in medieval Chinese Buddhism. An Examination of Kumārajīva's translation text on 'The Essential Explanation of the Method of Dhyana.' Unpublished MA-Thesis (University of the West, Rosemead, CA).2011.
T15n0617: Si wei lüe yao fa 思惟略要法 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Willemen, Charles
Outlining the Way to Reflect
Mumbai: Somaiya Trust, 2012.
translated by: Mukhopadhyaya, Sujitkumar
An Outline of Principle Methods of Meditation
Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1972, pp. 25-53.
T15n0618: Da mo duo luo chan jing 達摩多羅禪經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chan, Yiu-wing
An English Translation of the Dharmatrāta-Dhyāna-Sūtra - With Annotation and a Critical Introduction
PhD dissertation, University of Hong Kong, 2013.
T15n0620: Zhi chan bing mi yao fa 治禪病祕要法 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Greene, Eric M.
In: The Secrets of Buddhist Meditation.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2021, pp.249-300.
T15n0626: A she shi wang jing 阿闍世王經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Shaku, Shingan
In: The King Ajātaśatru Sūtra: A Translation of the Ajātaśatrukaukṛtyavinodana Sūtra from the Chinese of Lokakṣema together with three short sūtras on Ajātaśatru.
Kamakura: Lulu, 2022. ISBN 978-1-4583-2712-3.
T15n0639: (T15n0640, T15n0641): Yue deng san mei jing 月燈三昧經, Samādhirājasūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Regamey, Constantin
Three chapters from the Samādhirājasūtra
Warszawa: 1938. (The Warsaw Society of Sciences and Letters. Publications of the Oriental Commission 1).
T15n0642: Shou leng yan san mei jing 首楞嚴三昧經, Śūraṅgamasamādhisūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: McRae, John R.
The Surangama Samadhi Sutra
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1998.
translated by: Lamotte, Étienne
La Concentration de la marche héroique (Śūraṃgamasamādhisūtra)
Bruxelles: Institut Belge des Hautes Études Chinoises, 1965. [1975]. An English translation of Lamotte's French was done by Sarah Boin-Webb: Sūramgamasamādhisūtra. The Concentration of Heroic Progress: An Early Mahāyāna Buddhist Scripture. London: Buddhist Society and Curzon Press, 1999.
T15n0643: Guan fo san mei jing 觀佛三昧海經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Demiéville, Paul; Benveniste, Émile
Notes sur le Fragment Sogdien de Buddhadhyanasamadhisagarasutra
Journal Asiatique Vol.233, (1933): 195-213. Many single passages of T. 643 are translated in Yamabe, Nobuyoshi. 1999. The Sutra on the Ocean-like Samādhi of the Visualization of the Buddha. PhD Dissertation (Yale).
T16n0663: (T16n0664, T16n0665): Jin guang ming jing 金光明經, Suvarṇaprabhāsottamasūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Salguero, C. Pierce
"Understanding the Doṣa: A Summary of the Art of Medicine from the Sūtra of Golden Light."
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 30-41.Full translation from the Sanskrit by Ronald Emmerick: The Sūtra of Golden Light: Being a Translation of the Suvarṇabhāsottamasūtra. London: Luzac and Company Ltd., 1970
T16n0665: (T16n0663, T16n0664): Jin guang ming zui sheng wang jing [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Nobel, Johannes
Suvārṇaprabhāsottama Sūtra: Das Goldglanz Sūtra. Ein Sanskrittext des Mahāyāna-Buddhismus. I-tsing’s chinesische Version und ihre tibetische Übersetzung
Leiden: Brill, 1958. 2 vols.
translated by: Salguero, C. Pierce
"Understanding the Doṣa: A Summary of the Art of Medicine from the Sūtra of Golden Light."
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 30-41.
T16n0666: Dafang guang rulaizang jing 大方等如來藏經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: William Grosnick
"The Tathagatagarbha Sutra."
in: Buddhism in Practice, Donald Lopez (Ed.). Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995, pp. 92–106.
translated by: Zimmerman, Michael
A Buddha Within: The Tathāgatagarbhasūtra, The Earliest Exposition of the Buddha-Nature Teaching in India
Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica VI ( Tokyo : The International Research Association for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University, 2002)
translated by: Rulu 如露
Mahāvaipulya Sūtra of the Tathāgata Store
In: The Tathāgata Store - Selected Mahāyāna Sūtras. Bloomington: Author House, 2016: 37-52. ISBN: 978-1-5246-4636-3.
T16n0668: Bu zeng bu jian jing 不增不減經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of neither Increase nor Decrease
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.97-102. Again in: The Tathāgata Store - Selected Mahāyāna Sūtras. Bloomington: Author House, 2016: 53-62. ISBN: 978-1-5246-4636-3.
translated by: Silk, Jonathan A.
The Anūnatvāpūrṇatvanirdeśaparivarta
Buddhist Cosmic Unity. An Edition, Translation and Study of the Anūnatvāpūrṇatvanirdeśaparivarta. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, 2015 (Hamburg Buddhist Studies 4). A comprehensive study of the text available as [PDF here]. Translation on pp. 57-131.
T16n0669: Wu shang yi jing 無上依經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Junoes, Fitri
"The *Anuttarāśraya-sūtra—The Discourse on the Supreme Support-basis (佛說無上依經): A Study and Translation."
PhD dissertation, University of Hong Kong, 2014. Chapter 2, pp. 210-289.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of the Unsurpassed Reliance
In: The Tathāgata Store - Selected Mahāyāna Sūtras. Bloomington: Author House, 2016: 194-229. ISBN: 978-1-5246-4636-3.
T16n0670: (T16n0671, T16n0672): Leng qie a bo duo luo bao jing 楞伽阿跋多羅寶經, Laṇkāvatāra sūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Suzuki Deisetz Teitaro
The Lankavatara Sutra – A Mahayana Text
London: Routledge, 1932. [Reprints Taipei: SMC Publishing, 1994. Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 1999. Also included in Goddard, Dwight: A Buddhist Bible, 2nd edition, expanded and enlarged, Thetford Vermont, 1938, pp.277-356.]Mainly done from Sanskrit, the translator made extensive use of the three chinese versions. See also Suzukis: Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra. London: Routledge, 1930. [Reprint Taipei: SMC Publishing, 1994.]
translated by: Red Pine
The Lankavatara Sutra
Berkeley: Counterpoint. Mainly done from Guṇabhadra (T.670), with reference to Śikṣānanda and Bodhiruci.
translated by: Carré, Patrick
Soûtra de l'Entrée à Lankâ (Lankâvatârasûtra), traduction du chinois
Paris, Fayard, « Trésors du bouddhisme, 2006.
T16n0673: Da sheng tong xing jing 大乘同性經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of Achieving a Clear Understanding of the Mahāyāna
In: Transcending the World. Bloomington: Author House 2015, pp.192-230.
T16n0675: (T16n0676, T12n0677, T12n0678, T12n0679): Jie shen mi jing 解深密經, Saṃdhinirmocana sūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Keenan, John P
The Scripture on the Explication of Underlying Meaning
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2000. 126 pp.
translated by: Powers, John
Wisdom of Buddha - The Saṃdhinirmocana sūtra
Berkeley: Dharma Publishing, 1995.
translated by: Lamotte, Étienne
Saṃdhinirmocana Sūtra: L’Explication des mystères. Texte tibétain édité et traduit
Louvain: Bureau du Recueil; Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1935.Translation from the Tibetan with the help of Chinese.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of the Profound Secret Unraveled, fascicle 4
In: The Bodhisattva Way. Bloomington: Author House 2013, pp.91-110.
T16n0680: Fo di jing 佛地經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Buddha pronounces the Sūtra of the Buddha Ground
In: Transcending the World. Bloomington: Author House 2015, pp.153-164.
T16n0684: Fu mu en nan bao jing 父母恩難報經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Upasika Terri Nicholson (tr.); Bhikshuni Heng Tao, Bhikshuni Heng Ch’ih and Upasika Susan Rounds (eds.)
The Buddha Speaks the Sutra About the Deep Kindness of Parents and the Difficulty in Repaying it
California: Dharma Realm Buddhist University, (n.d.)
translated by: Cole, Alan
In: Mothers and Sons in Chinese Buddhism
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998. pp. 42–46
translated by: Yifa 釋依法; Peter M. Romaskiewicz
"Sutra on the Difficulty of Repaying the Kindness of Parents"
In: The Yulan Bowl Sutra and Collection of Filial Piety Sutras. Taiwan: Buddha's Light Publishing, 2008. Woodenfish Translation Series.
translated by: Guang Xing
"A Study of the Apocryphal Sūtra: Fumu Enzhong Jing."
International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture 11 (2008): 105-146.
translated by: Kuo Ts’an Nicholson, Heng Tao, Heng Ch’ih & Kuo Tsai Rounds
The Buddha Speaks about the Deep Kindness of Parents and How Difficult It Is to Repay Sutra
Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海, No. 159-161, 1983.
T16n0685: Yu lan pen jing 盂蘭盆經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Stephen F. Teiser
"The Yulanpen Sutra"
The Ghost Festival in Medieval China. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988. pp. 49–54.
translated by: Yifa 釋依法; Peter M. Romaskiewicz
"Yulan Bowl Sutra"
In: The Yulan Bowl Sutra and Collection of Filial Piety SutrasTaiwan: Buddha's Light Publishing, 2008. Woodenfish Translation Series.
translated by: Bandō Shōjun
"The Ullambana Sutra"
In: Apocryphal Scriptures. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2005. (BDK English Tripiṭaka 25-I, 25-V, 25-VI, 29-I, 104-VI)
T16n0686: Bao en feng pen jing 報恩奉盆經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Stephen F. Teiser
"Sutra on Offering Bowls to Repay Kindness"
The Ghost Festival in Medieval China. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988. pp. 49–54.
T16n0687: Xiao zi jing 孝子經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Cole, Alan
In: Mothers and Sons in Chinese Buddhism
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998. pp. 68–78.
T16n0692: (T16n693): Zuo fo xing xiang jing 作佛形像經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Robert H. Sharf
"The Scripture on the Production of Buddha Images"
Religions of China in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996. pp. 264–267.
T16n0698: (T 697): Yu fo gong de jing 浴佛功德經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Boucher, Daniel
"Sutra on the Merit of Bathing the Buddha"
Buddhism in Practice, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. pp. 64–68.
T16n0699: Zao ta gong de jing 造塔功德經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Boucher, Daniel
"The Pratītyasamutpādagāthā and Its Role in the Medieval Cult of the Relics."
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, 14(1): 1–27. (1991)
T16n0700: You rao fo ta gong de jing 右繞佛塔功德經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
T16n0701: Wen shi xi yu zhong seng jing 溫室洗浴眾僧經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Salguero, C. Pierce
"Karma in the Bathhouse: The Sūtra on Bathing the Sangha in the Bathhouse."
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 84-91.
T16n0705: Bu shi jing 布施經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Ware, James
"Studies in the Divyāvadāna: II. Dānādhikāramahāyānasūtra."
Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 49 (1929), pp. 40-51
T16n0706: Wu da shi jing 五大施經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Matsuyama, Matsutaro 松山松太郎
"The Five Great Bestowments of Charity."
In: The Sutra of Forty-Two Sections and Other Two Short Sutras. Kyoto: Buddhist Propagation Society, 1892, pp. 19.
T16n0711: Da sheng she li suo dan mo jing 大乘舍黎娑擔摩經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Carré, Patrick
Soûtra du Riz en herbe, traduit du chinois
In: Soûtra du Diamant et autres soûtras de la Voie médiane. Paris, Fayard (Trésors du bouddhisme) 2001, p. 123–140.
T16n0721: Zheng fa nian chu jing 正法念處經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lévi, Sylvain
"Pour l'histoire du Rāmāyaṇa"
Journal Asiatique, 1918, pp.5-161. Translation of the description of Jambudvīpa on pp. 16-57.
translated by: Lin Li-kouang 林藜光
L'aide-mémoire de la Vraie Loi (Saddharma-smrtyupasthâna-sùtra). Recherches sur un Sûtra développé du Petit Véhicule
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1949; xv+384 pps. (Publications du Musée Guimet, Bibliothèque d'Etudes, vol. LIV) More summary than translation, but indispensable when working with the text.
T17n0731: Shi ba ni li jing 十八泥犁經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Young, Caroline Chin-i
"The Shih-pa Ni-li Ching"
In: Anne S. Goodrich: Chinese Hells. St. Augustin: 1981, pp. 128-135
T17n0749: Yinyuan seng hu jing 因緣僧護經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Ware, James
"The Preamble to The Samgharaksitavadana"
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Vol. 3-1 (April, 1938), pp. 47-67. (Translation from the Chinese pp. 49-51)
T17n0753: Shi er pin sheng si jing 十二品生死經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Saddhāloka Bhikkhu
The Twelve Kinds of Birth and Death
In: Visakha Puja - Annual Publication of the Buddhist Association of Thailand 1973, pp.48.
T17n0777: Xian zhe wu fu de jing 賢者五福德經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Committee for the Authorized Translations of Won-Buddhist Scriptures
Sūtra on the Five Types of Merit Enjoyed by the Sage
In: The Doctrinal Books of Won-Buddhism (Wonbulgyo Kyosŏ), Iksan: Wonkwang Publishng Co, 2016, pp.930-933.
T17n0779: Ba da ren jue jing 八大人覺經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tetcheng Liao 寥德珍
The Enlightenment Sutra with Annotations. Translated from Lokottama's Chinese Version by Dr. Tetcheng Liao.『中英對照註解「佛說八大人覺經」演本老法師紀念會印送』法輪叢書。
Arkansas: Harmony Buddhist Mission, 1955. 美國﹐阿甘州﹐克拉克斯城﹕和佛教會
translated by: Blofeld, John 竹禪居士
The Sutra on the Eight Awakenings of the Great Ones. 『佛說八大人覺經』
In: The Sutra of Forty-Two Sections and Two Other Short Sutras of the Mahayana School. London: The Buddhist Society, 1947, rev. ed. 1977. Reprint Singapore: Avatamsaka Lodge, 1973, pp.1–10. 新加坡:華嚴精舍 佛曆二五一七.
translated by: Tola, Fernando; Dragonetti, Carmen
Pa Ta Ren Kiao King - El Sutra de los ocho Conocimientos de los Grandes Seres
In Tola, Fernando; Dragonetti, Carmen: Cinco Sūtras del Mahāyāna - El Buddhismo Mahāyāna en sus textos mas antiguas. Florham Park, NJ: Primordia, 2002.
translated by: Günzel, Marcus
Das Sūtra von den Acht Einsichten der Erhabenen Menschen – Mit einem Kommentar des Dharmameisters Daoyuan
Berlin: Buddhistischer Studienverlag, 2008.
T17n0782: Shi hao jing 十號經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Heng Ch’ien, Heng Pai
Sutra on the Ten Designation's of the Buddha
Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 , No. 27, 1972.
T17n0784: Si shi er zhang jing 四十二章經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Beal, Samuel
The Sutra of the Forty-Two Sections, from the Chinese.
In: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 19, 1862, pp. 337-348. Retranslated with considerable differences in: A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures, Trübner, London, 1871, pp. 188-203.
translated by: Matsuyama, Matsutaro 松山松太郎
The Sutra of Forty-Two Sections
In: The Sutra of Forty-Two Sections and Other Two Short Sutras. Kyoto: Buddhist Propagation Society, 1892.
translated by: Suzuki, Daisetz Taitaro [Daisetsu Teitarō]
In: Sermons of a Buddhist Abbot
Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Company, 1906 (London: Kegan). pp. 3–24.Of this a German translation by Seidenstücker, Karl B.: Die 42 Analekta des Buddha; in: Zeitschrift für Buddhismus, Jg. 1 (1913/14), pp. 11–22; Revised edition: Schloß-Verlag, Munich, 1928.
translated by: Blofeld, John
The Sutra of Forty-Two Sections
In: The Sutra of Forty-Two Sections and Two Other Short Sutras of the Mahayana School. London: The Buddhist Society, 1947, rev. ed. 1977. Reprinted Singapore: Nanyang Buddhist Culture Service 南洋佛學書局, 1977.
translated by: Buddhist Text Translation Society
The Sutra in Forty-Two Sections Spoken by Buddha
Buddhist Text Translation Society, 1994. [And later editions. First serialized in Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 , No.192-217 (with intervals), 1986-87].
translated by: Sharf, Robert H.
"The Scripture in Forty-two Sections"
Religions of China in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996. pp. 364–371.[Sharf’s translation is actually based on K 778, which is virtually identical to the T 784 text.]
translated by: Shih, Heng-ching
"The Sutra of Forty-two Sections"
In: Apocryphal Scriptures. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2005.
translated by: de Guignes, Joseph
Histoire générale des Huns, des Turcs, des Mogols, et des autres Tartares occidentaux, Desaint & Saillant, Paris, 1756. Vol.1 Part 2, pp. 227-233. This is the first published translation of a Buddhist text in a Western language. German Translation of de Guignes as "Allgemeine Geschichte der Hunnen und Türken, der Mogols und anderer occidentalischen Tartarn, vor und nach Christi Geburt bis auf jetzige Zeiten." Translated by J. C. Dähnert. Greifswald: Anton Ferdinand Röse, 1768-1771. Also: Klaproth, Julius: Über die Fo-Religion in China, Asiatisches Magazin, Weimar: Industrie-Comptoir, 1802, 1 (3):149–169. The Sūtra in 42 Sections exists in different versions. de Guignes did not translate from the Korean standard text that is included in the Taishō as T.784, but rather the text as preserved in the Xuzangjing Vol.37 No.670 (U. App "Birth of Orientalism" 2010, p. 493).
translated by: Huc, Évariste; Gabet, Joseph
"Les Quarante-deux points d’enseignement proférés par Bouddha"
Journal asiatique, June 1848, pp. 535-557. Reprinted with annotations by A. Bonnetty in: Annales de philosophie chrétienne, I, 1850, pp. 279-293, 325-335.
translated by: de Harlez, Charles
"Les quarante-deux leçons de Bouddha, ou le King des XLII sections (Sze-shi-erh-tchang-king)"
Mémoires couronnés et autres mémoires Volume 59, Issue 5 Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, Brussels, 1899.
translated by: Wieger, Léon
"Le Sūtra en quarante-deux articles"
In: Histoire des croyances religieuses et des opinions philosophiques en Chine depuis l’origine, jusqu’à nos jours, Imprimerie de la Mission catholique, Hien-hien, 1922.
translated by: Hackmann, Heinrich
"Die Textgestalt des Sutra der 42 Abschnitte"
Acta Orientalia V, 1927, pp. 197–237.
T17n0786: Mu huan zi jing 木槵子經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Matsuda, Yuko.
"The Mu-huan-zi-jing 木槵子經: Translation with Brief Notes"
Bulletin of Kyusyu Ryukoku Junior College 46 (2000): 1–4.
T17n0793: Fo yi jing 佛醫經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sen, Satiranjan
"Two medical texts in Chinese translations."
Visva-Bharati Annals Vol.1 (1945), pp. 70–95. Available locally here [PDF].
translated by: Unschuld, Paul U
Sutra on Buddhist Medicine. In: Medicine in China: A History of Ideas
Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1985.
T17n0801: Wu chang jing 無常經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Li Kuo Wei
The Sutra of the Buddha’s Discourse on Impermanence
Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 , No.23, 1972.
translated by: Willeman, Charles
Yijing's Scriptural Text about Impermanence
In: London, Bloomsbury2019, pp.67-76.
T17n0807: Nei cang bai bao jing 內藏百寶經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Guang Xing
"The Lokānuvartana-sūtra 佛說內藏百寶經 Taisho No. 807 (T17, 751b12–753c23), Translated into Chinese by Lokakṣema"
Journal of Buddhist Studies IV (2006): 312–330.
translated by: Paul Harrison
"Sanskrit Fragments of a Lokottaravādin Tradition"
In: L. A. Hercus et al, eds., Indological and Buddhist Studies: Volume in Honour of Professor J. W. de Jong on his Sixtieth Birthday
(Canberra: Faculty of Asian Studies, 1982), 211–234.
T17n0830: Da sheng bian zhao guang ming zang wu zi fa men jing 大乘遍照光明藏無字法門經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Mahāyāna Sūtra of Illuminating Everywhere Radiance-Store Wordless Dharma Door
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.103-107.
T17n0839: Zhan cha shan e ye bao jing 占察善惡業報經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of Detecting Good or Evil Karma and Requital, fascicle 2
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.108-118.
translated by: Chee, Siew Yee 徐秀儀
Sutra of Divination and Observation of Wholesome and Evil Retribution
Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 , since Vol. 495 (2011) (with intervals).
T17n0842: Da fang guang yuan jue xiu duo luo liao yi jing 大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Shi Sheng-yan
Complete enlightenment: translation and commentary on The Sutra of Complete Enlightenment
Elmherst, NY: Dharma Drum, 1997.
translated by: Muller, Charles
The Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment: Korean Buddhism's Guide to Meditation (With the Commentary by the Son Monk Kihwa)
New York: Suny Press, 1999.
translated by: Gregory, Peter
The Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment
In: Apocryphal Scriptures. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2005.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Mahāvaipulya Sūtra of Perfect Enlightenment
In: Transcending the World. Bloomington: Author House 2015, pp.231-266.
translated by: Nearman, Hubert
The Scripture on Fully Perfected Enlightenment
In: Buddhist Writings. Mount Shasta, CA: Shasta Abbey Press, 1994. pp. 267-347.
translated by: Cheng Kuan 釋成觀
圓覺經 The Sutra of Consummate Enlightenment
Taipei: Vairocana Publishing Company, Ltd. 毘盧出版社, 2009.
translated by: Despeux, Catherine
Le Soûtra de l'Eveil parfait
In: Soûtra de l'Eveil parfait (Yuanjue jing) et Traité de la Naissance de la foi dans le Grand Véhicule (Dasheng qixin lun Mahaynasraddhotpadasastra) : Version chinoise de Buddhatrata et Paramartha. Paris: Fayard, 2005. (ISBN-13: 978–2213626062)
T18n0848: Da pi lu zhe na cheng fo shen bian jia chi jing 大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經, Mahāvairocanasūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Yamamoto, Chikyō
Śata-piṭaka Series, Vol. 359. New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture and Aditya Prakashan, 1990.
translated by: Giebel, Rolf
The Vairocanābhisaṃbodhi Sutra
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2005
translated by: Kiyota, Minoru
"The Mahāvairocana-sūtra (First Chapter): An Annotated English Translation."
Daijō bukkyō kara mikkyō e - Katsuma Shunkyō hakase kokikinen ronshū 大乘佛教から密教へ [From Mahāyāna Buddhism to Tantra. Collected Articles in honour of the 70th birthday of Dr. Shunkyō Katsuma]. Tokyo: Shunjūsha, 1981. 17–43.Republished 1982 in: Tantric Concept of Bodhicitta: A Buddhist Experiential Philosophy. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison, pp. 56–79.
translated by: Wayman, Alex; Tajima, Ryūjun
The Enlightenment of Vairocana
Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass 1992.
translated by: Tajima, Ryūjun 田島隆純
Étude sur le Mahāvairocanasūtra (Dainichikyō) avec la traduction commentée du premier chapitre.
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1936.
translated by: Fesyun, A. G
"Sutra Makhavayrochany o stanovlenii Buddoy chudesnymi izmeneniyami privnosimogo i imeyushchegosya"
Pazdel 1—'O prebybaniyakh serdtsa pri vkhozhdenii vo brata mantr.' Moscow: Serebryanye Niti, 2003.
T18n0865: Jin gang ding yi qie ru lai zhen shi she da sheng xian zheng da jiao wang jing 金剛頂一切如來真實攝大乘現證大教王經. Vajrasekhara sutra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Giebel, Rolf W
"The Adamantine Pinnacle Sutra"
In: Two Esoteric Sutras. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2001.
translated by: Kieschnick, John
The Adamantine Pinnacle Scripture
In: A Primer in Chinese Buddhist Writings. Supplement: Esoteric Texts. Published online, 2019, pp. 138-178.
translated by: Chandra, Lokesh and David L. Snellgrove
In: Sarva-Tathagata-Tattva-Sangraha: Facsimile Reproduction of a Tenth Century Sanskrit Manuscript from Nepal. New Delhi: Mrs. Sharada Rani, 1981 (Introduction by Snellgrove [pp. 5–67] includes analysis and summary of the entire scripture, but based on the Sanskrit and Tibetan versions.)
T18n0867: Jin gang feng lou ge yi qie yu jia qi jing 金剛峯樓閣一切瑜伽瑜祇經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Vanden Broucke, Pol Kamiel.
Yugikyō, De schriftūr van alle Yoga's end Yogi's van het paviljoen met vajra-top (Yugikyō: the Scripture of all Yogas and Yogins of the Pavilion with Vajra-Top)
Rijksuniversiteit te Gent, 1990.
translated by: Goepper, Roger.
"Aizen Myōō, the Esoteric King of Lust: An Iconological Study"
Zürich: Museum Rietberg, 1993. Artibus Asiae supplement. Vol. XXXIX.
T18n0869: Jin gang ding jing yuqie shiba hui zhi gui 金剛頂經瑜伽十八會指歸 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Giebel, Rolf W
"The Chin-kang-ting ching yü-ch’ieh shih-pa-hui chih-kuei: An Annotated Translation,"
Naritasan Bukkyō kenkyû kiyō 成田山佛教研究紀要 18 (1995), pp.107–201.
T18n0890: Yu qie da jiao wang jing 瑜伽大教王經, Māyājālamahātantra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sinclair, Ian
In: Iconography in the Chinese Māyājāla-tantra
Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Western Sydney, 2000.
T18n0891: Huan hua wang da yu jie jiao shi fen nu ming wang da ming guan xiang yi gui jing 幻化網大瑜伽教十忿怒明王大明觀想儀軌經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sinclair, Ian
In: Iconography in the Chinese Māyājāla-tantra
Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Western Sydney, 2000.The translations of T890/T891 by I. Sinclair make also use of (differing) Sanskrit and Tibetan versions.
T18n0892: Da bei kong zhi jin gang da jiao wang yi gui 佛說大悲空智金剛大教王儀軌 (Hevajra ḍākinījālasaṃvara-tantra) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Willemen, Charles
The Chinese Hevajratantra: the scriptural text of the ritual of the Great King of the teaching, the Adamantine one with great compassion and knowledge of the void
Orientalia Gandensia 8. Leuven: Peeters, 1983. 208 pp. [Reprint: Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2004.]
translated by: Ding, Allan; Kieschnick, John
The Hevajra Tantra
In: A Primer in Chinese Buddhist Writings. Supplement: Esoteric Texts. Published online, 2019, pp. 179-182.
T18n0893: Su xi di jie luo jing 蘇悉地羯羅經. Susiddhikara Sutra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Giebel, Rolf W
"Susiddhikara Sutra"
In: Two Esoteric Sutras. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2001.
T18n0901: Tuo luo ni ji jing 陀羅尼集經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: van Gulik, Robert Hans
In: Hayagrīva: The Mantrayānic Aspect of the Horse-Cult in China and Japan
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1935, pp. 58–75.
translated by: Smet, Rudy
"An Early Vināyaka-Ritual in a Chinese Buddhist Text."
Taishō Daigaku Sōgō Bukkyō Kenkyūjo Nenpō 11 (1989): 181(164)-171(174).
translated by: Capitanio, Josh
"‘The Ritual Altar of Kuṇḍalī Vajra for Treating Illnesses’ from the Collected Dhāraṇī Sūtras."
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 314-321.
T18n0905: (Zokuzokyo 102; also cf T 906, T 907): San zhong xi di po di yu zhuan ye zhang chu san jie mi mi tuo luo ni fa三種悉地破地獄轉業障出三界祕密陀羅尼法 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Fabio Rambelli
"Ritual of the Secret Dharanis of the Three Siddhis for the Destruction of Hell, the Transformation of Karmic Hindrances, and the Liberation from the Three Conditioned Worlds"
In: Tantra in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000. pp. 370–380.
T18n0917: Wu wei san zang chan yao 無畏三藏禪要 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bagchi, Prabodh Chandra
"Bodhisattva-śīla of Śubhākarasimha."
Sino-Indian Studies Vol. 1 No. 3 (1945): 132-160.
translated by: Pinte, Klaus
"Mui-sanzō Zen'yō 無畏三藏禅要: Een Vajrayāna-tekst"
Unpublished MA-thesis (Belgium, Ghent University, 2004).
T19n0924A: Yao shi ru lai nian song yi gui 藥師如來念誦儀軌 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Salguero, C. Pierce
"Healing Dhāraṇīs: A Collection of Medieval Spells from the Taishō Tripiṭaka."
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 292-303.
T19n0936: (T19n0937): Da sheng wu liang shou jing 大乘無量壽經, Aparimitāyurjñānasūtra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Walleser, Max
"Aparimitāyur-jñāna-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtram: Nach einer nepalesischen Sanskrit-Handschrift mit der tibetischen und chinesischen Version."
Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse 12 (1916).
T19n0937: Da sheng sheng wu liang shou jue ding guang ming wang ru lai tuo luo ni jing 大乘聖無量壽決定光明王如來陀羅尼經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Buddha Pronounces the Mahāyāna Sūtra of the Dhāraṇī of Infinite-Life Resolute Radiance King Tathāgata
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.66-70.
T19n0945: Da fo ding ru lai mi yin xiu zheng liao yi zhu pu sa wan xing shou leng yan jing 大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Luk, Charles
The Surangama Sutra (Leng Yen Ching) - Chinese Rendering by Master Paramiti of Central North India at Chih Chih Monastery, Canton, China, AD 705
London: Rider 1966. [Reprint: Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 2001. 262 pp.]Includes parts of Han Shan’s commetary.
translated by: Hsuan Hua, Buddhist Text Translation Society (Primary Translator: Bhikṣuṇī Heng Chih)
The Shurangama Sutra with Commentary
7 vols. Burlington CA: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 1977-1981. ISBN: 088139940X.
translated by: Buddhist Text Translation Society
The Śūraṅgama Sūtra - A New Translation with Excerpts from the Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
Burlington CA: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 2009. [And other editions. First serialized in Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 , Vols. 267-488 (with intervals), 1992-2011].
translated by: Beal, Samuel
The Surañgama Sutra
In: A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese. London: Trübner & Co, 1871. 286–369.
translated by: Edkins, Joseph
The Leng-Yen-King
In: Chinese Buddhism: A Volume of Sketches, Historical, Descriptive, and Critical. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1880. 290–300.
translated by: Goddard, Dwight (Ed.), Bhikshu Wai-tao and Dwight Goddard (Transls.)
The Surangama Sutra
In: A Buddhist Bible. Boston: Beacon Press, 1938 [1970, 1994], 108–277. Many other editions.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Great Might Arrived Bodhisattva’s Thinking-of-Buddhas as the Perfect Passage
In: Thinking of Amitabha Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2011, pp.106.
T19n0959: Ding lun wang da man tu luo guan ding yi gui 頂輪王大曼荼羅灌頂儀軌 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sinclair, Iain
"Coronation and Liberation According to a Javanese Monk in China: Bianhong’s Manual on the abhiṣeka of a cakravartin."
In Andrea Acri, ed., Esoteric Buddhism in Mediaeval Maritime Asia: Networks of Masters, Texts, Icons (Singapore: ISEAS Publishing), 2016, pp. 29–66.
T19n0967: Fo ding zun sheng tuo luo ni jing 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chua Boon Tuan 蔡文端, Zheng Shuiji 鄭水吉
The Uṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī Sutra (Chinese/English/Malay)
Selangor: Malaixiya zunsheng foxuehui 馬來西亞尊勝佛學會, 2012.
translated by: Kieschnick, John
The Scripture of the Dhāraṇī of the Glory of the Buddha’s Crown
In: A Primer in Chinese Buddhist Writings. Supplement: Esoteric Texts. Published online, 2019, pp. 103-133.
T19n0970: Zui sheng fo ding tuo luo ni jing chu ye zhang zhou jing 最勝佛頂陀羅尼淨除業障咒經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of the Buddha-Crown Superb Victory Dhāraṇī
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.45-55. Online available at (March 2015)
T19n0982: Fo mu da kong que ming wang jing 佛母大孔雀明王經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Des Jardins, J. F. Marc
Le Sūtra de la Mahāmāyūrī: Rituel et politique dans la Chine des Tang (618-907).
Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2011. (Translation on pp. 201-265.)
T19n0986: Da jin se kong que wang zhou jing 大金色孔雀王呪經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Overbey, Ryan Richard
Vicissitudes of Text and Rite in the Great Peahen Queen of Spells.
In: David B. Gray and Ryan Richard Overbey, eds., Tantric Traditions in Transmission and Translation (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016), pp. 257–283. (Translation on pp. 258–259)
T19n1003: Da le jin gang bu kong zhen shi san mei ye jing ban ruo bo luo mi duo li qu shi 大樂金剛不空真實三昧耶經般若波羅蜜多理趣釋 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Astley, Ian
"An Annotated Translation of Amoghavajra’s Commentary on the Liqu jing (Rishukyō) — Part I."
Studies in Central and East Asian Religions Vol. 7 (1994), pp. 27-53.
T20n1105: Zheng duo luo pu sa yi bai ba ming tuo luo ni jing 聖多羅菩薩一百八名陀羅尼經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Giebel, Rolf W.
"The One Hundred and Eight Names of Tārā: A Partial Sanskrit Reconstruction of the Tārādevī-nāmāṣṭaśataka."
Indo Ronrigaku Kenkyū 1 (2010): 439–459.
T19n1020: Da fang guang fo hua yan jing ru fa jie pin dun zheng pi lu zhe na fa shen zi lun yu jia yi gui 大方廣佛花嚴經入法界品頓證毘盧遮那法身字輪瑜伽儀軌 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Heng Tao, Bhikshuni, et al.
In: Flower Adornment Sutra (Chap. 39, Part VII).
Talmage: Buddhist Text Translation Society 1983, pp. 86–87.
T19n1022B: Yi qie ru lai xin mi mi quan shen she li bao qie yin tuo luo ni jing一切如來心祕密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of the Whole-body Relic Treasure Chest Seal Dhāraṇī
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.59-65.
T20n1043: Qing guan shi yin pu sa xiao fu du hai tuo luo no zhou jing 請觀世音菩薩消伏毒害陀羅尼呪經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Greene, Eric Matthew
In: Meditation, Repentance and Visionary Experience in Early Medieval Chinese Buddhism.
PhD dissertation, U. C. Berkeley, 2012, pp. 337-341.
T20n1059: Qian shou qian yan guan shi yin pu sa zhi bing he yao jing 千手千眼觀世音菩薩治病合藥經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sen, Satiranjan
"Two medical texts in Chinese translations."
Visva-Bharati Annals Vol.1 (1945), pp. 70–95. Available locally here [PDF].
translated by: Unschuld, Paul U
In: Medicine in China: A History of Ideas
Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press 1985, pp. 314–321.
T20n1060: Qian shou qian yan guan shi yin pu sa guang da yuan man wu ai da bei xin tuo luo ni jing 千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Buddhist Text Translation Society
The Dharani Sutra: The Sutra of the Vast, Great, Perfect, Full, Unimpeded Great Compassion Heart Dharani of the Thousand-Handed, Thousand-Eyed Bodhisattva Who Regards the World’s Sounds.
San Francisco: Buddhist Text Translation Society.1976.
translated by: Reis-Habito, Maria Dorothea
Die Dhāraṇi des Grossen Erbarmens des Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara mit Tausend Händen und Augen
Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 27. Nettetal: Styler Verlag: 1993.
translated by: Giddings, William J.
"The Sūtra on the Dhāraṇī of the Vast, Complete and Unobstructed Great Compassion of the Bodhisattva with a Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes."
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp.252-285.
T20n1069: Shi yi mian guan zi zai pu sa xin mi yan nian song yi gui jing 十一面觀自在菩薩心密言念誦儀軌經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Grinstead, Eric
"The Sūtra of the Eleven-headed Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva."
in: Henrik H. Sorensen (Ed.): The Esoteric Buddhist Tradition. Selected Papers from the 1989 SBS Conference. Copenhagen: 1994.
T20n1072A: T20n1072A: Sheng jia ye he li fu da wei nu wang li cheng da shen yan gong yang nian song yi gui fa pin 聖賀野紇哩縛大威怒王立成大神驗供養念誦儀軌法品 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: van Gulik, Robert Hans
In: Hayagrīva: The Mantrayānic Aspect of the Horse-Cult in China and Japan
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1935, pp. 85–94.
T20n1077: Qi ju di fo mu xin da zhun ti tuo luo ni jing 七俱胝佛母心大准提陀羅尼經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Buddha Pronounces the Sūtra of the Great Cundī Dhāraṇī
In: Teachings of the Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.56-58.
T20n1097: Bu kong juan suo tuo luo ni zi zai wang zhou jing 不空羂索陀羅尼自在王呪經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Orzech, Charles
From The Scripture of Amoghapāśa Dhāraṇī, the Sovereign Lord of Spells
In: Victor Mair (ed.): The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature. Columbia University Press, 1996, pp. 116–120.
T20n1128: Zui shang da sheng jin gang da jiao bao wang jing 最上大乘金剛大教寶王經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bagchi, P. C.
Vajragarbhatantrarājasūtra: A new work of king Indrabodhi.
Sino-Indian Studies 1 (1946): 23–59. Local copy here.
T20n1136: Yi qie zhu ru lai xin guang ming jia chi pu xian pu sa yan ming jin gang zui sheng tuo luo ni jing 一切諸如來心光明加持普賢菩薩延命金剛最勝陀羅尼經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Kiss, Mónica
The Fugen Enmei Scripture: Samantabhadra Becomes a Deity for Longevity
Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies Vol. 25 国際仏教学大学院大学研究紀要第 25 号 2021, pp.111-141 (Translation at pp. 132-137). [PDF].
T20n1158: Di zang pu sa yi gui 地藏菩薩儀軌 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Zhiru
"The Exorcism Method of Dizang’s Aspiration Toward Great Awakening"
In: The Making of a Savior Bodhisattva: Dizang in Medieval China. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2007, pp. 253–257.
T20n1159A: T20n1159A: Chu jiao da dao xin qu ce fa 𭖏𡇪大道心驅策法 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Zhiru
"A Ritual Manual on the Bodhisattva Dizang"
In: The Making of a Savior Bodhisattva: Dizang in Medieval China. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2007, pp. 241–252.
T20n1161: see T14n0449 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
T20n1166: Ma ming pu sa da shen li wu bi yan fa nian song yi gui 馬鳴菩薩大神力無比驗法念誦儀軌 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Young, Stuart
Ritual Instructions for the Recitation of the Incomparably Efficacious Method of the Divine Power of Aśvaghoṣa Bodhisattva
In: Conceiving the Indian Buddhist Patriarchs in China. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 2015, 283-286.
T20n1177A: T20n1177A: Da sheng yu jia jin gang xing hai man shu sho li qian bi qian bo da jiao wang jing 大乘瑜伽金剛性海曼殊室利千臂千鉢大教王經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Giebel, Rolf W.
"The One Hundred and Eight Names of Mañjuśrī: The Sanskrit Version of the Mañjuśrīkumārabhūta-aṣṭottaraśatakanāma Based on Sino-Japanese Sources."
Indo Ronrigaku Kenkyū 3 (2011): 303–343.
T20n1177B: T20n1177B: Qian bo wen shu yi bai ba ming zan 千鉢文殊一百八名讚 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Giebel, Rolf W.
"The One Hundred and Eight Names of Mañjuśrī: The Sanskrit Version of the Mañjuśrīkumārabhūta-aṣṭottaraśatakanāma Based on Sino-Japanese Sources."
Indo Ronrigaku Kenkyū 3 (2011): 303–343.
T21n1243: Chu sheng yi qie ru lai fa yan bian zhao da li ming wang jing 出生一切如來法眼遍照大力明王經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bischoff, Friedrich A.
In: Ārya Mahābala-nāma-mahāyānasūtra. Contribution à l'étude des divinités mineures du Bouddhisme tantrique
Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1956, pp. 67–80.
T21n1245: Fo shuo pi sha men tian wang jing 佛說毘沙門天王經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Helmut Hoffmann
Bruchstücke des Āṭānāṭikasūtra aus dem Zentralasiatischen Sanskritkanon der Buddhisten. Herausgegeben und im Zusammenhang mit den Parallelversionen bearbeitet von Helmut Hoffmann.
Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1939. Translation on pp. 32-78.
T21n1260: Da yao cha nü huan xi mu bing ai zi cheng jiu fa 大藥叉女歡喜母并愛子成就法 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Peri, Noel
"Hārītī la mère-de-démons."
Bulletin de l’École française d’Extrême-Orient Vol. 17 No. 3 (1917), pp. 1-102. Translation on pp. 83–96.
T21n1261: He li di mu zhen yan jing 訶利帝母真言經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Peri, Noel
"Hārītī la mère-de-démons."
Bulletin de l’École française d’Extrême-Orient Vol. 17 No. 3 (1917), pp. 1-102. Translation on pp. 96-99.
translated by: Lazzerini, Simona; Kieschnick, John
Sūtra of the Mantra of Hārītī
In: A Primer in Chinese Buddhist Writings. Supplement: Esoteric Texts. Published online, 2019, pp. 75-85.
T21n1262: Gui zi mu jing 鬼子母經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Peri, Noel
"Hārītī la mère-de-démons."
Bulletin de l’École française d’Extrême-Orient Vol. 17 No. 3 (1917), pp. 1-102. Translation on pp. 16–21.
T21n1266: Da sheng tian huan xi shuang shen pi na ye jia fa 大聖天歡喜雙身毗那夜迦法 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sanford, James H
"Literary Aspects of Japan's Dual-Gaṇeśa Cult. Rite of the Dual-Bodied Vinaayaka, Daishouten Kangi"
In: Robert L. Brown, ed., Ganesh: Studies of an Asian God. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1997. pp. 291–3
T21n1270: Da sheng huan xi shuang shen da zi zai tian pi na ye jia wang gui yi nian song gong yang fa大聖歡喜雙身大自在天毘那夜迦王歸依念誦供養法 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sanford, James H
"Rite of the Dual-Bodied Vinaayaka, Daishouten Kangi"
In: Robert L. Brown, ed., Ganesh: Studies of an Asian God. 'Literary Aspects of Japan's Dual-Gaṅeśa Cult.' Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1997, pp.291–3.
T21n1275: Sheng huan xi tian shi fa 聖歡喜天式法 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Duquenne, Robert
"Rules for the Diviner’s Plate of the Holy Deity of Mirth"
Bulletin de l'Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient. Tome 77, 1988, pp. 347–352.
T21n1277: Su ji li yan mo xi shou luo tian shuo a wei she fa 速疾立驗魔醯首羅天說阿尾奢法 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Giebel, Rolf W.
"A Śaiva Text in Chinese Garb? An Annotated Translation of the Suji liyan Moxishouluo tian shuo aweishe fa."
In Andrea Acri, ed., Esoteric Buddhism in Mediaeval Maritime Asia: Networks of Masters, Texts, Icons (Singapore: ISEAS Publishing), 2016, pp. 381–388.
T21n1300: Mo deng jie jing 摩登伽經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Giebel, Rolf W.
The Matanga Sutra
In: Esoteric Texts. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2015, pp.??
T21n1305: Bei dou qi xing nian song yi gui 北斗七星念誦儀軌 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Orzech, Charles D.; Sanford, James H.
"Ritual Procedures for Invoking the Seven Stars of the Northern Dipper"
In: David G. White (ed.), Tantra in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000. pp. 392–393.
T21n1306: Bei dou qi xing hu mo mi yao yi gui北斗七星護摩祕要儀軌 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Orzech, Charles D.; Sanford, James H.
"Secret Essentials for Performing Homa to the Seven Stars of the Northern Dipper"
In: David G. White (ed.), Tantra in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000. pp. 393–395.
T21n1307: Bei dou qi xing yan ming jing 北斗七星延命經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Orzech, Charles D.; Sanford, James H.
"Scripture Expounded by the Buddha on Prolonging Life Through Worship of the Seven Stars of the Northern Dipper"
In: David G. White (ed.), Tantra in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000. pp. 389–392.A Tibetan version (Q 1028) of this was translated by Panglung, Jampa L. "Die tibetische Version des Siebengestirn-sūtras." In Tibetan History and Language: Studies Dedicated to Uray Géza on his Seventieth Birthday, herausgegeben von Ernst Steinkellner, 399-416. Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien, 1991.
T21n1313: Jiu ba yan kou e gui tuo luo ni jing 救拔熖口餓鬼陀羅尼經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Orzech, Charles D.
"The Buddha’s Discourse on the Scripture of the Spell for Saving the Burning-Mouth Hungry Ghost"
Religions of China in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996. pp. 280–283.
translated by: Lye, Hun Yeow
"The Sutra Spoken by the Buddha on the Dharani-spell that Saved the Burning-Face Hungry Ghost"
In: 'Feeding Ghosts: A Study of the Yuqie Yankou Rite.' PhD Dissertation, University of Virginia, 2003, pp. 417–425. (in parallel translation with T 1314)
translated by: Tong, Kedao; Kieschnick, John
Spell for the Salvation of the Mouth-Burning Hungry Ghost
In: A Primer in Chinese Buddhist Writings. Supplement: Esoteric Texts. Published online, 2019, pp. 86-102.
T21n1314: Qiu mian ran e gui tuo luo ni shen zhou jing 救面然餓鬼陀羅尼神咒經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lye, Hun Yeow
"The Sutra Spoken by the Buddha on the Dharani that Rescued the Flaming-Mouth Hungry Ghost"
In: 'Feeding Ghosts: A Study of the Yuqie Yankou Rite.' PhD Dissertation, University of Virginia, 2003, pp. 417–425.(in parallel translation with T 1313)
T21n1315: Shi zhu e gui yin shi ji shui fa施諸餓鬼飲食及水法 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lye, Hun Yeow
"Method of Bestowing Drink and Food"
In: 'Feeding Ghosts: A Study of the Yuqie Yankou Rite.' PhD Dissertation, University of Virginia, 2003, pp. 426–431.
T21n1323: Chu yi qie ji bing tuo luo ni jing 除一切疾病陀羅尼經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Salguero, C. Pierce
"Healing Dhāraṇīs: A Collection of Medieval Spells from the Taishō Tripiṭaka. (Sūtra on the Dhāraṇī to eliminate all Illnesses)"
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 292-303.
T21n1324: Neng jing yi qie yan ji bing tuo luo ni jing 能淨一切眼疾病陀羅尼經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Salguero, C. Pierce
"Healing Dhāraṇīs: A Collection of Medieval Spells from the Taishō Tripiṭaka. (Sūtra on the Dhāraṇī that can clear up all Eye Ailments)"
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 292-303.
T21n1325: Liao zhi bing jing 療痔病經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Veith, Ilza; Atsumi, Minami
"A Buddhist Prayer Against Sickness."
History of Religions 5-2 (1966): 239-249.
translated by: Salguero, C. Pierce
"Healing Dhāraṇīs: A Collection of Medieval Spells from the Taishō Tripiṭaka. (Sūtra on the Treatment of Sores)"
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 292-303.
T21n1326: Zhou shi qi bing jing 呪時氣病經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Salguero, C. Pierce
"Healing Dhāraṇīs: A Collection of Medieval Spells from the Taishō Tripiṭaka. (Sūtra on the Spell for the Illness of Seasonal Qi)"
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 292-303.
T21n1327: Zhou chi jing 呪齒經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Salguero, C. Pierce
"Healing Dhāraṇīs: A Collection of Medieval Spells from the Taishō Tripiṭaka. (Sūtra on the Spell for the Teeth)"
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 292-303.
T21n1328: Zhou mu jing 呪目經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Salguero, C. Pierce
"Healing Dhāraṇīs: A Collection of Medieval Spells from the Taishō Tripiṭaka. (Sūtra on the Spell for the Eyes)"
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 292-303.
T21n1329: Zhou xiao er jing 呪小兒經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Salguero, C. Pierce
"Healing Dhāraṇīs: A Collection of Medieval Spells from the Taishō Tripiṭaka. (Sūtra on the Spell for Children)"
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 292-303.
T21n1330: Luo po nu shuo qiu liao xiao er ji bing jing 囉嚩拏說救療小兒疾病經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bagchi, Prabodh Chandra
"New Materials for the Study of the Kumāratantra of Rāvaṇa."
Indian Culture Vol. 7 No. 3 (1941), pp. 269-286. Available locally here [PDF].
T21n1331: Guan ding jing 灌頂經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Kieschnick, John
The Consecration Scripture, fasc. 6 - Scripture Spoken by the Buddha of the Consecration Incantation of the Gods of the Four Directions Regarding Graves.
In: A Primer in Chinese Buddhist Writings. Supplement: Esoteric Texts. Published online, 2019, pp. 43-74.
T13n1332: Qi fo ba pu sa shuo shuo da tuo luo ni shen zhou jing 七佛八菩薩所說大陀羅尼神咒經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Silk, Jonathan
"The Jifayue sheku tuoluoni jing: Translation, Non-Translation, Both or Neither?"
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 31, no. 1-2 (2008[2010]): 369-420
T13n1336: Tuo luo ni za ji 陀羅尼雜集 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Silk, Jonathan
"The Jifayue sheku tuoluoni jing: Translation, Non-Translation, Both or Neither?"
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 31, no. 1-2 (2008[2010]): 369-420
T13n1339: Tuo luo ni za ji 陀羅尼雜集 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Brandstadt, Max ; Kieschnick, John
The Dream-Signs of the Twelve Dream Kings
In: A Primer in Chinese Buddhist Writings. Supplement: Esoteric Texts. Published online, 2019, pp. 28-32.
T13n1360: Liu men tuo luo ni jing 六門陀羅尼經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sassmann, Manuel; Wenzel, Claudia
"Dhāraṇī Sutra of the Six Gates Spoken by the Buddha"
In: L. Ledderose (ed.): Buddhist Stone Sutras in China, Sichuan Province Vol.2. Wiesbaden & Hangzhou: 2014, pp.42-44.
T21n1375: Zhuang yan wang tuo luo ni zhou jing 莊嚴王陀羅尼咒經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
There is a translation into English of the Gilgit Ms. by Richard S. Cohen in The Splendid Vision: Reading a Buddhist Sutra. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. Cohen also published a critical edition of the Sanskrit text ("The Sarvatathāgatādhisthānasatvāvalokanabuddhaksetrasandarśana-vyūha: A Mahāyāna Sūtra from Gilgit," Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 11 (2010): 199–251.)T21n1385: Ju zhi luo tuo luo ni jing 俱枳羅陀羅尼經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bagchi, Prabodh Chandra
"A Fragment of the Kāśyapa-Saṃhitā in Chinese."
Indian Culture Vol. 9 (1942-43), pp. 53-64. Available here [PDF].
T21n1394: Fo shuo an zhai shen zhou jing 佛說安宅神呪經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Yang, Gang; Anderl, Christoph
"How to Protect One’s Home in Medieval China? A Study of the Fóshuō ānzhái shénzhòu jīng 佛說安宅神呪經"
Religions 14: 3682023. DOI:
T21n1419: Zao xiang liang du jing jie 造像量度經解 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Cai, Jingfeng
The Buddhist Canon of Iconometry
Ulm: Fabri Verlag, 2000. 143 pp.
translated by: Willemen, Charles
Defining the Image - Measurements in image-making
Sri Satguru Publications (Indian Books Centre), 2006. (includes Sanskrit original with English and Chinese translation). Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Vol. 239
T21n1420: Long shu wu ming lun 龍樹五明論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Steavu, Dominic
"Apotropaic Substances as Medicine in Buddhist Healing Methods: Nāgārjuna’s Treatise of the Five Sciences."
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, 441-453.
T22n1421: Mi sha sai bu he xi wu fen lü 彌沙塞部和醯五分律 Mahīśāsaka-vinaya [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Przyluski, Jean
In: Le concile de Rājagṛha.
Paris, 1926-1928. Pp. 124-168.
translated by: Hofinger, Marcel
In: Étude sur le concile de Vaiśālī.
Louvain, 1946. Pp. 22-124.
translated by: Jaworski, Jean
"La section des Rèmedes dans le vinaya des Malūśāsaka et dont le vinaya Pāli"
Rocznik Orjentalistyczny, Vol. 5 (1927): 92-101. Published Lviv, 1929. Available here as djvu file.The articles has Malūśāsaka for Mahīśāsaka, which is probably a printer's mistake. The page nos given by Jaworski for the Chinese text (32b-33a) refer to the earliest Taishō edition, not the final one in 100 Vols.
translated by: Jaworski, Jean
"La section de la Nourriture dans le vinaya des Mahīśāsaka"
Rocznik Orjentalistyczny, Vol. 7 (1929-1930): 53-124. Published Lviv, 1931. Available here as djvu file.
translated by: Salguero, C. Pierce
"Rules on Medicines from the Five Part Vinaya of the Mahīśāsaka School."
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 125-129.
T22n1422: Sha mi ji wu fen jie ben 彌沙塞五分戒本 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Wieger, Léon, S.J.
In: Bouddhisme chinois: extraits du Tripitaka, des commentaires, tracts, etc. Tome I. Vinaya, monachisme et discipline (Hīnayāna, véhicule inférieur)
Hien-hien 獻縣: Ho-hien-fou/Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique, 1910. 473–477.
T22n1423: Wu fen bi qiu ni jie ben 五分比丘尼戒本 see T24n1455 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
T22n1425: Mo he seng qi lü 摩訶僧祇律 (Mahāsāṃghikavinaya) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirakawa, Akira (in collaboration with Z. Ikuno and Paul Groner)
Monastic Discipline for Buddhist Nuns, An English Translation of the Chinese Text of the Mahāsāṃghika- Bhikṣuṇī-Vinaya
Patna: Kashi Prasad Jayaswal Research Institue, 1982.
translated by: Karashima, Seishi
Die Abhisamācārikā Dharmāḥ Verhaltensregeln für buddhistische Mönche der Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādins
Tokyo: The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology. Soka University. 2012. 3 Vols. (Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica, XIII,1–3.)Includes a translation and edition of the Sanskrit text. PDFs are made available by the publisher: [Aug 2013]. A third volume contains an detailed glossary which has been made available in different formats by Dharma Drum Buddhist College: [Aug 2013].
T22n1426: Mo he seng qi lü da bi qiu ni jie ben 摩訶僧祇律大比丘尼戒本 see T24n1455 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
T22n1427: Mo he seng ji lü bi qiu ni jie ben 摩訶僧祇律比丘尼戒本 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Waldschmidt, Ernst
Bruchstücke des Bhikṣuṇī-Prātimokṣa der Sarvāstivādins mit einer Darstellung der Überlieferung des Bhikṣuṇī- Prātimokṣa in den verschiedenen Schulen
Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, Leipzig, 1926. Waldschmidt translated most rules of the Bhikṣuṇī-Prātimokṣas T1423, T1427, T1431, T1437 T1455.
T22n1428: Si fen lü 四分律, Caturvarga vinaya [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Wieger, Léon
Bouddhisme chinois: extraits du Tripitaka, des commentaires, tracts, etc. Tome I. Vinaya, monachisme et discipline (Hīnayāna, véhicule inférieur)
Hien-hien 獻縣: Ho-hien-fou/Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique, 1910. 335–471. [Reprint Paris: Cathasia, 1951.]Free translations, sometimes contracted into summaries, of essential Vinaya texts.
translated by: Pradhan, P.
"The First Pārājika of the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya and the Sutta-vibhaṅga"
Visva-Bharati Annals, vol. 1 (1945): 1-34.
translated by: Heirman, Ann
The Discipline in Four Parts: Rules for Nuns According to the Dharmaguptakavinaya
Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2002. 3 vols.
T22n1429: (T22n1430): Sifen lü biqiu jieben 四分律比丘戒本 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Wieger, Léon
"Formulaire de l'examen bi-mensuel des moines"
In: Vinaya – Monachisme et Discipline. Paris: Cathasia, 1951. 213–259.
translated by: Beal, Samuel
"The Pratimôksha"
In: A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese. London: Trübner & Co, 1871. pp. 204–39.
T22n1430: Sifen seng jieben 四分僧戒本 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hankó, László
Sifen seng jieben
In: Der Ursprung der japanischen Vinaya-Schule Risshū und die Entwicklung ihrer Lehre und Praxis. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, 2003, 19-81.
T22n1431: Sifen biqiuni jieben 四分比丘尼戒本 see T24n1455 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Wieger, Léon
"Formulaire de l'examen bi-mensuel des nonnes"
In: Vinaya – Monachisme et Discipline. Paris: Cathasia, 1951. 261–291.
translated by: Waldschmidt, Ernst
Bruchstücke des Bhikṣuṇī-Prātimokṣa der Sarvāstivādins mit einer Darstellung der Überlieferung des Bhikṣuṇī- Prātimokṣa in den verschiedenen Schulen
Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, Leipzig, 1926.Waldschmidt translated most rules of the Bhikṣuṇī-Prātimokṣas T1423, T1427, T1431, T1437 T1455.
T22n1433: Jie mo 羯磨 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Wieger, Léon, S.J.
In: Bouddhisme chinois: extraits du Tripitaka, des commentaires, tracts, etc. Tome I. Vinaya, monachisme et discipline (Hīnayāna, véhicule inférieur)
Hien-hien 獻縣: Ho-hien-fou/Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique, 1910. 151–153, 195–201, 203–211.
T23n1435: Shi song lü 十誦律 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Heirman, Ann
"The Sarvastivada Precepts for Nuns."
Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, Vol. 59 (1999), pp.144–167.
translated by: Chung, Jin-il
Das Upasaṃpadāvastu, Vorschriften für die buddhistische Mönchsordination im Vinaya der Sarvāstivāda -Tradition, Sanskrit-Version und chinesische Version
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2004.
T23n1436: Shisong biqiu poluotimucha jieben 十誦比丘波羅提木叉戒本 (Bhikṣu- Prātimokṣa of the Sarvāstivādins) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Huber, Édouard
"Le Prātimokṣa sūtra des Sarvāstivādins, texte Sanskrit par M. Louis Finot avec la version chinoise du Kumārajīva traduite en français par M. Édouard Huber"
Journal Asiatique, 11ième série, Tome 2, 1913, pp.465–558.
T23n1437: Shisong biqiuni polotimucha jieben 十誦比丘尼波羅提木叉戒本. see T24n1455 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
T23n1439: Shi song jie mo biqiu yao yong 十誦羯磨比丘要用 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Wieger, Léon
"Réception d'un adepte laïque (perpetuel & temporaire)"
In: Vinaya – Monachisme et Discipline. Paris: Cathasia, 1951. 147–151.
translated by: Pa, Chow (aka Pachow, W.)
In: Comparative Study of the Prātimokṣa
Santinekan: Sino-Indian Cultural Society, 1955: 69-216 . [Reprint Delhi: Motilal, 2000]
T23n1442: Gen ben shuo yi qie you bu pi nai ye 根本說一切有部毘奈耶 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Ch'en, Kenneth
"A Study of the Svāgata Story in the Divyāvadāna in Its Sanskrit, Pāli, Tibetan and Chinese Versions."
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 9, no. 3/4 (1947): 207-314.
T23n1444: Gen ben shuo yi qie you bu pi nai ye chu jia shi 根本說一切有部毘奈耶出家事 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Vogel, Claus
The teachings of the six heretics: according to the Pravrajyavastu of the Tibetan Mulasarvastivada Vinaya: with an appendix containing an English translation of the pertinent sections in the Chinese Mulasarvastivada Vinaya
Mainz: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft; Wiesbaden : Kommissionsverlag F. Steiner, 1970. 62 pp.Tibetan translation forms the first part of the Kanjur's Dul-ba-gzi section. The Chinese translation (presented here in English translation in three versions), was made between 703 and 710 by I-Ching. Cf. p. 2–3. Includes romanized Tibetan text followed by English translation, and English translation of three Chinese versions.
T23n1446: Gen ben shuo yi qie you bu pi nai ye sui yi shi 根本說一切有部毘奈耶隨意事 (Pravāraṇasūtra of the Mūlasarvāstivādins) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chung, Jin-il
Die Pravāraṇa in den kanonischen Vinaya-Texten der Mūlasarvāstivādin und der Sarvāstivādins
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1998.
T24n1448: Gen ben shuo yi qie you bu pi nai ye yao shi 根本說一切有部毘奈耶藥事 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Li, Wei (李煒)
In: Schwanfrau und Prinz: Die chinesische Frühform einer Divyāvadāna-Legende
Schwanfrau und Prinz: Die chinesische Frühform einer Divyāvadāna-Legende 悅意善財. East Asia Intercultural Studies/Interkulturelle Ostasienstudien 7. Wiesbaden: Harassowitz Verlag, 2012.
translated by: Hofinger, Marcel
Le Congrès du lac Anavatapta (vies de saints bouddhiques): Extrait du Vinaya des Mūlasarvāstivādin, Bhaiṣajyavastu.
In 1. Légendes des anciens (Sthavirāvadāna). Deuxième édition. Louvain-la-Neuve: Université Catholique de Louvain, Institut Orientaliste, 1982. 2. Légendes du bouddha (Buddhāvadāna). Louvain-la-Neuve: Université Catholique de Louvain, Institut Orientaliste, 1990.
T24n1450: Gen ben shuo yi qie you bu pi nai ye po seng shi 根本說一切有部毘奈耶破僧事 (Mūlasarvâstivāda vinaya Saṃghabheda vastu) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: MacQueen, Graeme
In: A Study of the Śrāmaṇyaphala-sūtra.
Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1988. 90–103.
T24n1451: Gen ben shuo yi qie you bu pi nai ye za shi 根本說一切有部毘奈耶雜事 (Mūlasarvâstivāda vinaya kṣudra vastu) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Waldschmidt, Ernst
In: Das Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra
Berlin: Akademie Verlag. (Nachrichten der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin – Klasse für Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst Jahrgang 1950, Nr. 1–3). Part 2 +3. Part 1 contains the Sanskrit text after Turfan mss.
translated by: Heirman, Ann & Torck, Mathieu
"Toilet Care in Buddhist Monasteries: Health, Decency and Ritual."
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 137-144.
T24n1455: Gen ben shuo yi qie you bu bi qiu ni jie jing 根本說一切有部比丘尼戒經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Waldschmidt, Ernst
Bruchstücke des Bhikṣuṇī-Prātimokṣa der Sarvāstivādins mit einer Darstellung der Überlieferung des Bhikṣuṇī- Prātimokṣa in den verschiedenen Schulen
Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, Leipzig, 1926.Waldschmidt translated most rules of the Bhikṣuṇī-Prātimokṣas T1423, T1427, T1431, T1437 T1455.
T24n1462: Shan jian lü pi po sha 善見律毘婆沙 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bapat, P.V.; Hirakawa, Akira
Shan-Chien-P’i-P’o-Sha, A Chinese Version by Saṅghabhadra of Samantapāsādikā
Poona: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1970.
translated by: Takakusu, Junjiro
"Pali Elements in Chinese Buddhism: a Translation of Buddhaghosa's Samantapasadika, a Commentary on the Vinaya, Found in the Chinese Tripitaka."
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1896.07. 415–439.
T24n1466: You po li wen fo jing 優波離問佛經 (Upāliparipṛcchāsūtra) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: V. Stache-Rosen (ed. H. Bechert)
Upāliparipṛcchāsūtra, Ein Text zur buddhistischen Ordensdisziplin
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1984.
T24n1471: T24n1471:Sha mi shi jie bing wei yi yong 沙彌十戒幷威儀用 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Wieger, Léon
"Instruction sur les précepts des novices masculins"
In: Vinaya – Monachisme et Discipline. Paris: Cathasia, 1951. 155–181.
T24n1474: 沙彌尼戒經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Wieger, Léon, S.J.
In: Bouddhisme chinois: extraits du Tripitaka, des commentaires, tracts, etc. Tome I. Vinaya, monachisme et discipline (Hīnayāna, véhicule inférieur)
Hien-hien 獻縣: Ho-hien-fou/Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique, 1910. 183–189.
T24n1475: Sha mi ni li jie wen沙彌尼離戒文 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Wieger, Léon
"Précepts et règles des novices féminines"
In: Vinaya – Monachisme et Discipline. Paris: Cathasia, 1951. 191–195.
T24n1478: Da ai dao bi qiu ni jing 大愛道比丘尼經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Yang, Cheming
The Mahaprajapati Bhikkhuni Sutra
Tainan, Taiwan: Famiao Sutra Printing Assocation 2015.Includes introduction (in Chinese) and bilingual table comparing fourteen versions of the attha garu-dhamma precepts for nuns. Available locally here [22MB pdf].
T24n1484: Fan wang jing 梵網經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: De Groot, J.J.M
La Code du Mahâyâna en Chine- son influence sur la vie monacale et sur le monde Laique
Amsterdam: 1893.Bilingual edition.
translated by: Carré, Patrick
Soûtra du Filet de Brahmâ, traduction du chinois
Paris, Fayard, Trésors du bouddhisme, 2005.Second fascicle only.
translated by: Dharma Realm Buddhist University (with commentary by Hui Seng)
The Buddha Speaks the Brahma Net Sutra: The Ten Major and Forty-Eight Minor Bodhisattva Precepts
Sino-American Buddhist Association, 1982.[And other editions. First serialized in Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 , 129-162, with intervals, 1981-1983.]Second fascicle only.
translated by: Batchelor, Martine
In: The Path of Compassion - The Bodhisattva Precepts
Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press, 2004. 'The translation was made on the basis of the Korean vernacular texts, with references to the Chinese original.' (p. 44)
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of the Brahma Net: Rocana Buddha pronounces the Chapter on the Bodhisattva Precepts arising from the Mind Ground
In: Bodhisattva Precepts. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.94-116.
translated by: Nearman, Hubert
The Scripture of Brahma’s Net
In: Buddhist Writings. Mount Shasta, CA: Shasta Abbey Press, 1994. pp. 59-188.
translated by: Muller, Charles A. and Tanaka, Kenneth K.
The Brahma’s Net Sutra
Berkeley, CA: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research,2017.
translated by: Osuka, Shigeru
The very Mahayana Buddhist Ethics - Introduction and Translation of the Fan-wang-ching
Tokyo: Chuo University Press 2005.
translated by: Hankó, László
Das Fanwangjing
In: Der Ursprung der japanischen Vinaya-Schule Risshū und die Entwicklung ihrer Lehre und Praxis. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, 2003, 125ff.
T24n1485: Pu sa ying luo ben ye jing 菩薩瓔珞本業經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of the Garland of a Bodhisattva’s Primary Karmas
In: The Bodhisattva Way. Bloomington: Author House 2013, pp.37-88.
T24n1486: Shou shi shan jie jing 受十善戒經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of Accepting the Ten Good Karmas as Precepts
In: Bodhisattva Precepts. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.39-58.
T24n1488: You po sai jie jing 優婆塞戒經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Heng-ching Shih
The Sutra on Upasaka Precepts
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1994. 225 pp.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Sūtra of the Upāsaka Precepts
In: Bodhisattva Precepts. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.124-260.
T24n1489: Qing jing pi ni fang guang jing 清淨毘尼方廣經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
Vaipulya Sūtra of the Pure Vinaya
In: Bodhisattva Precepts. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.64-80.
T24n1492: She li fu hui guo jing 舍利弗悔過經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
The Buddha Pronounces the Repentance Sūtra in Response to Śáriputra
In: Bodhisattva Precepts. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.59-63.
T24n1500: Pu sa jie ben 菩薩戒本 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rulu 如露
The Book of Bodhisattva Precepts
In: Bodhisattva Precepts. Bloomington: Author House 2012, pp.81-93.
T25n1505: (T25n1506): Si a han mu chao jie 四阿鋡暮抄解 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hurvitz, Leon
"The Road to Buddhist Salvation as Described by Vasubhadra."
Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (1967). 434–486.
translated by: Lusthaus, Dan.
"Pudgalavāda Doctrines of the Person"
T25n1507: Fen bie gong de lun 分別功德論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Przyluski, Jean
"Le Parinirvāṇa et les funérailles du Buddha, II."
Journal Asiatique IIe série, 12 (1918): 403.
translated by: Przyluski, Jean
"Le Nord-Ouest de l’Inde dans le Vinaya des Mūla-Sarvāstivādin et les texts apparantés."
Journal Asiatique, IIe série, Vol. 4 (1914): 559-562.
translated by: Przyluski, Jean
In: La légende de l’empereur Açoka (Açoka-avadāna) dans les texts indiens et chinois.
Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1923. 215-222.
translated by: Przyluski, Jean
In: Le concile de Rājagṛha: Introduction à l’histoire des canons et des sectes bouddhiques.
Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1926. 115-121.
translated by: Lin, Li-kouang
L’aide-Mémoire de la Vraie Loi (Saddharma-Smrtyupasthāna-Sūtra) Recherches sur un Sūtra Développé du Petit Véhicule.
Paris: Adrien Maisonneuve, 1949.
T25n1509: Da zhi du lun 大智度論, Mahāprajñāpāramitôpadeśaśāstra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lamotte, Étienne
Le Traité de la Grande Vertu de Sagesse de Nāgārjuna
Vols. 1–2: Louvain: Bureau du Muséon, 1944, 1949. Vols. 3–5: Louvain: Université de Louvain Institut Orientaliste, 1970, 1976, 1980.There is an English translation of Lamotte's work, circulated as PDF on the Internet with the note "Translated from the French By Gelongma Karma Migme Chodron 2001."
Single passages translated in Venkata Ramanan: Nagarjuna's philosophy as presented in the Maha-prajñaparamita-sastra. Motilal Banarsidass, 1966. (and later reprints)
translated by: Smitheram, Robert
The Great Perfection of Wisdom Treatise
Vols. 1-5: Hacienda Heights, CA: Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center, 2017.
translated by: Bhikshu Dharmamitra
Nāgārjuna on The Six Perfections
Seattle: Kalavinka, 2009.
translated by: Bhikshu Dharmamitra
Recollection of the Buddha
In: Nāgārjuna on Mindfulness of the Buddha. Seattle: Kalavinka, 2019, pp. 327-353.
T25n1510: Jin gang bo re lun 金剛般若論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tucci, Giuseppe
In: Minor Buddhist Texts. Part I
Roma: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1956. 131–171.
T25n1514: Neng duan jin gang bo re bo luo mi duo jing lun song 能斷金剛般若波羅密多經論頌 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tucci, Giuseppe
In: Minor Buddhist Texts. Part I
Roma: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1956. 93–128.
T25n1516: Sheng fo mu bo re bo luo mi duo jiu song jing yi lun 聖佛母般若波羅密多九頌精義論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tucci, Giuseppe
In: Minor Buddhist Texts. Part I
Roma: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1956. 225–231.
T26n1519: Miao fa lian hua jing you bo ti she 妙法蓮華經憂波提舍 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Abbott, Terry
"The Commentary on the Lotus Sutra"
In: Tiantai Lotus Texts. BDK English Tripiṭaka Series. Berkeley: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, 2013. First included in the Translator's PhD thesis 'Vasubandhu's Commentary on the Saddharmapundarika-Sutra' (University of California, Berkeley, 1985), 124-205.
T26n1521: Shi zhu pi po sha lun 十住毘婆沙論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Inagaki, Hisao
Nagarjuna's discourse on the ten stages (Daśabhūmika-vibhāṣā) : a study and translation from Chinese of Verses and Chapter 9
Ryukoku Literature Series V. Kyoto: Ryukoku gakkai, Ryukoku University, 1998. 273 pp.
translated by: Bhikshu Dharmamitra
Nāgārjuna's Treatise on the Ten Bodhisattva Grounds: The Daśabhūmika Vibhāṣā
Seattle: Kalavinka Press, 2020. 2 Vols.
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
On the Easier Practice (of Faith)
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, The Land of Pure Bliss: Sukhāvatī. Second Edition (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 402–406. ISBN: 979-8-5951-0477-7
T26n1524: Wu liang shou jing you bo ti she yuan sheng jie 無量壽經優波提舍. (往生淨土論, Sukhāvatuvyûhopadeśa) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Utsuki, Nishu.
"The Discourse on Buddhist Paradise."
In Nishu Utsuki, Selected Texts of Shin Buddhism, 131–63. Kyoto: English Publication Bureau, Honpa Hongwanji, 1953.
translated by: Kimura (Hjelset), Hiroko
"A Study of Vasubandhu’s Treatise on the Pure Land: With special reference to his theory of salvation in the light of the development of the Bodhisattva ideal."
M.A.Thesis, University of London, Sept. 1977.
translated by: Kiyota, Minoru
In: Mahāyāna Buddhist Meditation.
Honolulu: Hawaii University Press, 1978. (pp. 249–290)
translated by: Matsumoto, David.
"Jodoron: Discourse on the Pure Land"
The Pure Land, n.s. 3 (1986): 98–120.
translated by: Rulu 如露
Upadeśa on the Sūtra of Amitāyus Buddha
In: Thinking of Amitabha Buddha. Bloomington: Author House 2011, pp.121-130.
translated by: Ducor, Jérôme
In: Tanluan: Commentaire au Traité de la naissance dans la Terre pure de Vasubandhu. Paris: Editions Les Belles Lettres, 2021, pp.1-23.
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
The Commentary on the Longer Scripture About the Buddha of Infinite Life & The Verse Declaring a Vow For Spiritual Rebirth
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, The Land of Pure Bliss: Sukhāvatī. Second Edition (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 407–419. ISBN: 979-8-5951-0477-7
T26n1525: Mi le pu sa suo wen jing lun 彌勒菩薩所問經論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Huang, Tze-Si
Maitreya Bodhisattva's Inquiry Sutra: The Coming Buddha: The Revelation of the Extraordinary Ways of Bodhi Path Cultivation for Bodhisattvas
Fons Vitae, 2017
T26n1530: T26n1530:Fo di jing lun 佛地經論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Keenan, John P
The Interpretation of the Buddha Land
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2002.See also Keenan's "A Study of the Buddhabhūmyupadeśa" (PhD diss., unpublished).
T26n1536: A pi da mo ji yi men zu lun 阿毘達磨集異門足論 (Saṃgītiparyāya) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Stache-Rosen, Valentina
Dogmatische Begriffsreihen im älteren Buddhismus II. Das Saṅgītisūtra und sein Kommentar Saṅgītiparyāya
Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1968. 2 vols.
T26n1539: A pi da mo shi shen zu lun 阿毘達磨識身足論 (Vijñānakāya) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Watanabe, F
Philosophy and Its Development in the Nikāyas and Abhidhamma
Delhi, 1983.
translated by: La Vallée Poussin, L. de
"La Controverse du Temps et du Pudgala dans le Vijñānakāya."
Études asiatiques publiées à l’occasion du 25e anniversaire de l’École Française d’Extrême Orient. Paris: 1925, pp. 343–376. Translation of chapters 1 and 2.
T26n1540: A pi da mo jie shen zu lun 阿毘達磨界身足論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Ganguly, Swati
Treatise on Groups of Elements - The Abhidharma-Dhātukāya-Pādaśāstra
Delhi: Eastern Book Linkers, 1994.
T26n1543: A pi tan ba jie du lun 阿毘曇八犍度論 (Jñānaprasthāna) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: La Vallée Poussin, L. de
"Documents d’Abhidharma"
Bulletin de l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient, 1930 and Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhique 1, 1932.
T28n1550: A pi tan xin lun 阿毘曇心論 (Abhidharmahṛdaya) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Willemen, Charles
The Essence of Metaphysics. Abhidharmahṛdaya. Translated and annotated
Bruxelles: Publications de l’Institut Belge des Hautes Études Bouddhiques. Série Études et Textes 4, 1975. [Re-edition with new introduction: Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 2006.]
translated by: Armelin, I
Le Coeur de la loi suprême. Traité de Fa-cheng. Abhidharmahṛdayaśāstra de Dharmaśrī
Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Guethner, 1978.
T28n1552: Za a pi tan xin lun 雜阿毘曇心論 (Saṃyuktaabhidharmahṛdaya) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Dessein, Bart
Saṃyuktābhidharmahṛdaya. Heart of Scholasticism with Miscellaneous Additons
Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1999. (Buddhist Tradition Series 33–35.)
T28n1553: A pi tan gan lu wei lun 阿毘曇甘露味論 (Abhidharmāmṛtarasaśāstra) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Van Den Broeck, J
La saveur de l’immortel (A-p’i-t’an Kan Lu Wei Lun). La version chinoise de l’Amṛtarasa de Ghoṣaka
Louvain-La-Neuve: Institut orientaliste, 1977.
T28n1554: Ru a pi tan da mo lun 入阿毘曇達磨論 (Abhidharmāvatāraśāstra) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Van Velthem, M
Le traité de la descente dans la profonde loi (Abhidharmāvatāraśāstra) de l’arhat Skandhila
Louvain-La-Neuve: Institut Orientaliste, 1977.
translated by: Dhammajoti, Bhikkhu KL
Entrance into the Supreme Doctrine: Skandhila’s Abhidharmāvatāra.
HKU CBS Publication Series. Hong Kong: Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong, 2008.
T29n1558: A pi ta mo ju she lun 阿毗達磨俱舍論, Abhidharmakośa [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Louis de la Vallée Poussin
L’Abhidharmakośa de Vasubandhu
Brussels: Institute Belge des Hautes Études Chinoises, 1923–31. 6 vols. [Reprint 1971]
translated by: Leo Pruden
Abhidharmakośabhāṣyam– by Louis de La Vallée Poussin
Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1988–1990.While faithfully translating Poussin, Pruden adds a lot of valuable new information to the text.
translated by: Thich Huyen Vi
Abhidharmakosa Sastra
Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 , Vols. 77 (1977) - 132 (1981) (with intervals).
T29n1562: A pi da mo shun zheng li lun 阿毘達磨順正理論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Collett Cox
In: Disputed Dharmas: Early Buddhist Theories on Existence with an Annotated Translation of the Section on Factors Dissociated from Thought from Saṃghabhadra's Nyāyānusāra
Tokyo: International Institute of Buddhist Studies, 1995. Studia Philologica Buddhica Monograph series XI
T30n1564: Zhong lun 中論, Mādhyamaka śāstra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bocking, Brian
Nagarjuna in China. A Translation of the Middle Treatise
Lewinston: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1995.
translated by: Geldsetzer, Lutz
Nagarjuna - Die Lehre von der Mitte.
Hamburg: Feliz Meiner Verlag, 2010.Bilingual edition.
translated by: Inada, Kenneth K
Nāgārjuna: A Translation of his Mūlamadhyamakakārikā with an Introductory Essay
Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press, 1970.
translated by: Siderits, Mark; Katsura Shoryu
Journal of Indian and Tibetan Studies (Indogakuchibettogaku Kenkyū) [Stanzas I-X] Vol.9 no.10 (2006): 129–84. [Stanzas XI-XXI] Vol.12 (2008): 170–221. [Stanzas XXII-XXVII] Vol.14 (2010).
translated by: Walleser, Max
Die Mittlere Lehre des Nāgārjuna – Nach einer chinesischen Version übertragen
Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1912. (Die Buddhistische Philosophie in ihrer Geschichtlichen Entwicklung 3).Walleser also prepared a translation from the Tibetan (published as Die Mittlere Lehre des Nāgārjuna – Nach einer tibetischen Version übertragen. Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1911).
T30n1566: Bannuo deng lun shi 般若燈論釋, [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Kajiyama, Y
"Bhavaviveka's Prajnapradipah"
Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Süd- und Ostasiens. vol VII 1963, (pp. 37–62) (1. Kapitel) & vol. VIII 1964, (pp. 100–130) (Fortsetzung).
T30n1568: Shi er men lun 十二門論, Dvādaśamukhśāstra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sastri, N. Aiyaswami
"Dvādaśamukhśāstra of Nāgārjuna."
Visva-Bharati Annals 6 (1954), 165–231.
translated by: Cheng, Hsueh-li
Nāgārjuna’s Twelve Gate Treatise
Dordrecht: Reidel, 1982. (Studies of Classical India 5)
T30n1569: Bai lun百論, Śata śāstra [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tucci, Giuseppe
In: Pre-Dinnâga Buddhist Texts on Logic from Chinese Sources
Baroda: Oriental Institute, 1929. 1–89. (Gaekwad’s Oriental Series XLIX) [Reprint San Francisco: Chinese Material Center, 1976.] Tucci originally translated into Italian (Le Cento Strofe (Śatakaśāstra). Roma: 1925).
T30n1570: Guang bai lun ben 廣百論本, Catuḥśataka [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tucci, Gioseppe
"Studi Mahāyānici I. La versione cinese del Catuḥçataka di Āryadeva confrontata col testo sanscrito e la traduzione tibetana."
Rivista degli Studi Orientali (Roma), 10 (1923–25), 521–567. See also T30n1571.
T30n1571: Guang bai lun shi lun 廣百論釋論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tillemans, Tom J.F
In: Materials for the Study of Āryadeva, Dharmapāla and Candrakīrti. The Catuḥśataka of Āryadeva, Chapters XII and XIII, with the Commentaries of Dharmapāla and Candrakīrti: Introduction, Translation, Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese Texts, Notes
Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien (Heft 24, 1+2), 1990. 2 vols. XXXVI+290; IV+188 p.
translated by: Hoornaert, Paul
"The Dharmapāla-Bhāvaviveka debate as presented in Dharmapāla’s Commentary to Catuḥśataka XVI.23."
Studies and Essays, Behavioural Sciences and Philosophy, Faculty of Letters, Kanazawa University No.24 (2004), p.119–149.
translated by: Keenan, John
Dharmapalas's Yogācāra Critique of Bhavāviveka's Mādhyamika: Explanation of Emptiness: The Tenth Chapter of Ta-ch'eng Kuang pai-lun shih lun, Commenting on Āryadeva's Catuḥśataka Chapter Sixteen.
Lewiston, N.Y. : Edwin Mellen Press, 1997. (Studies in Asian Thought and Religion Vol. 2.)
T30n1572: Bai zi lun 百字論, Akṣaraśataka [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Gokhale, Vasudev
Akṣara-çatakam: The hundred Letters, A Madhyamika Text by Āryadeva. After Chinese and Tibetan Materials translated
Heidelberg: Institut für Buddhismuskunde (In Kommission bei Harrasowitz, Leipzig), 1930.
T30n1573: Yi shu lu jia lun 壹輸盧迦論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Edkins, Joseph
In Chinese Buddhism: A Volume of Sketches, Historical, Descriptive, and Critical. 303–309
London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1893 (Second ed., revised).
translated by: Iyengar, H.R.R
"Ekaślokaśāstra, translated from the Chinese."
Mysore University Journal for Arts and Science 1 (1927), 158–162.
T30n1574: Da sheng po you lun 大乘破有論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sastri, N. Aiyaswami
Bhavasaṅkrānti- Sūtra and Nāgārjuna’s Bhavasaṅkrānti-Śāstra with the Commentary of Maitreyanātha
Madras: Adyar Library, 1937. (Adyar Library Series 19).
T30n1575: Liu shi song ru li lun 六十頌如理論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tola, Fernando
translated by: Dragonetti, Carmen
"The Yuktiṣaṣṭikakārikā of Nāgārjuna."
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 6 (1983), no.2. 109–117.
translated by: Schaeffner, S
Yuktiṣaṣṭikā: Die sechzig Sätze des Negativismus nach der chinesischen Version übersetzt
Heidelberg: Institut für Buddhismuskunde, 1923. (Materialien zur Kunde des Buddhismus).
T30n1576: Da sheng er shi song lun 大乘二十頌論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Yamaguchi, Susumu
"Mahāyāna-Viṁśaka, Tibetan and Chinese with English translation."
The Eastern Buddhist 4 (1927). No.2, 169–176.
translated by: Bhattacharya, Vidhusekhara
Mahāyānaviṁśaka of Nāgārjuna. Reconstructed Sanskrit, the Tibetan and Chinese Versions, with an English translation
Calcutta: Viśvabharati, 1931.
T30n1578: Da sheng zhang zhen lun 大乘掌珍論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
"Madhyamaka, II. L’auteur du Joyau dans la main. III. Joyau dans la main."
Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhiques (Bruxelles) 2 (1932–33), 60–138.
translated by: Sastri, N. Aiyaswami
"Karatalaratna, or The Jewel in the Hand, A Logico-Philosophical Treatise of the Madhyamaka School by Acārya Bhāvaviveka. Translated into Sanskrit from the Chinese version of Hsuen Tsang."
Visvabharati Annals (Santinikitam) 2 (1949). 1–32.
translated by: Fong, Lai Yan
The Proof of Emptiness – Bhāviveka’s Jewel in the Hand
PhD dissertation, Durham University (2015). Available at Durham E-Theses Online:
T30n1579: Yu jia shi di lun 瑜伽師地論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Demiéville, Paul
"Le chapitre de la Bodhisattvabhūmi sur la perfection du dhyāna"
Rocznik Orientalistyczny 21 (1957), 109–128. [Reprinted in Demiéville, Choix d’etudes bouddhiques (1969–1970) (Leiden 1973), 304–319.]
translated by: Deleanu, Florin
The Chapter on the Mundane Path (Laukikamārga) in the Śrāvakabhūmi: A Trilingual Edition (Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese), and Annotated Translation and Introductory Study
Tokyo: International Institute of Buddhist Studies, 2006. Studia Philologica Buddhica Monograph series XXb
T31n1581: (T31n1579 (juan 35–50), T31n1582): Pu sa di zhi jing 菩薩地持經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Python, Pierre
In: Vinaya-Viniścaya-Upāli-Paripṛcchā: Enquete d’Upāli pour une exégèse de la discipline. Tr. du sanscrit, du tibétain et du chinois. Avec introduction, édition critique des fragments sanscrits et de la version tibétaine, notes et glossaries. En appendice: texte et traduction de T.1582, I, et du Sugatapañcatriṃśatstotra de Mātṛceṭa. 141–153
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1973. (Collection Jean Przyluski 5).
T31n1585: Cheng wei shi lun 成唯識論, Vijñapti mātratā siddhi [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Louis de la Vallée Poussin
Vijñāptimātratāsiddhi: La Siddhi de Hiuen-tsang
Paris: P. Guenther, 1928–1929, 1948. 2 vols. + Index.
translated by: Wei Tat
Ch’eng Wei-shih Lun - The Doctrine of Mere Consciousness by Hsuan-tsang
Hongkong: Ch’eng Wei-Shih Lun Publication Committee, 1973. 818 pp. Bilingual Edition.
translated by: Cook, Francis H
In: Three Texts on Consciousness Only.(Demonstration of Consciousness Only)
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1999.
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
The Discourse On Realizing There is Only The Virtual Nature of Consciousness
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, On Realizing There is Only The Virtual Nature of Consciousness: Vijñapti Matratā Siddhi. Third Edition (An Lạc Publications, 2018), pp. 57–523. ISBN: 979-8721015120.
translated by: Wong, Mow-lam
"Vijñaptimātratā Siddhi Śāstra (Nanjio 1197). Chapter I. Translated from the Sanskrit into Chinese by Yuen Chwan, and into English."
Chinese Buddhist 2 (1932). 1–57.
T31n1586: (T31n1587): Wei shi san shi lun song 唯識三十論頌 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chan, Wing-tsit
In: A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy. 374–395
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1963.
translated by: Cook, Francis H
In: Three Texts on Consciousness Only. The Thirty Verses on Consciousness Only.
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1999.
translated by: Lusthaus, Dan
In: Buddhist Phenomenology
London: Routledge, 2002, pp. 273–317.
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
The Thirty Stanzas of Verse On There Only Being the Virtual Nature of Consciousness
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, On Realizing There is Only The Virtual Nature of Consciousness: Vijñapti Matratā Siddhi. Third Edition (An Lạc Publications, 2018), pp. 48–56. ISBN: 979-8721015120.
translated by: Lévi, Sylvain
In: Matériaux pour l’étude du systeme Vijñaptimātra. 61–123
Paris: H. Champion, 1932.
T31n1587: Zhuan shi lun 轉識論, [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Paul, Diana
In: Philosophy of Mind in Sixth-Century China: Paramārtha's ‘Evolution of Consciousness’
Stanford University Press, 1984.
T31n1588: (T31n1589, T31n1590, T31n1591): Wei shi lun 唯識論, Viṃśatikakārikā [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Clarence H. Hamilton
Wei Shih Er Shih Lun or The Treatise in Twenty Stanzas on Representation-only by Vasubandhu
New Haven: American Oriental Society, 1938.
translated by: Cook,Francis H
In: Three Texts on Consciousness Only. (The Treatise in Twenty Verses on Consciousness Only)
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1999.
translated by: Kitayama, Junyu
In: Metaphysik des Buddhismus. Versuch einer philosophischen Interpretation der Lehre Vasubandhus und seiner Schule. 234–268
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1934.
T31n1592: (T31n1593, T31n1594): She da sheng lun 攝大乗論, Mahāyāna saṃgraha* [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lamotte, Étienne
La Somme du Grand Véhicule d’Asaṅga (Mahāyāna saṃgraha)
Louvain: Bureaux du Muséon, 1938–1939. 2 vols. Reprinted: Louvain: Université de Louvain Institut Orientaliste, 1973.
translated by: Keenan, John P
The Summary of the Great Vehicle - by Bodhisattva Asanga
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1992. 147 pp. (2nd. Revised edition 2003).
translated by: Griffiths, Paul J.; Hakamaya, Noriaki; Keenan, John; Swanson, Paul
The Realm of Awakening: A Translation and Study of the Tenth Chapter of Asanga's Mahāyānasaṃgrāha
New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.
T31n1600: Bian zhong bian lun 辯中邊論 (Madhyāntavibhāgaśāstra) [T31n1599, T31n1601] [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: O'Brien, Paul Wilfred
"A Chapter on Reality from the Madhyantivibhagacastra."
Monumenta Nipponica Vol. 9, no. 1–2 (1953): 277–303 and Vol. 10, No. 1/2, (1954): 227-269.
translated by: Kotyk, Jeffrey
Analysis of the Middle and Extremes
Moraga, CA: BDK America, Inc. (Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai), 2021, pp.3-106.
T31n1602: Xian yang sheng jiao lun 顯揚聖教論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Choi, Jong-nam
Das Śāstra über die Bekanntmachung der heiligen Lehre Band Nr. 7, Dritter Abschnitt des Zweiten Kapitels 'Zusammenfassung der Bedeutung der Läuterung'
Die Dreifache Schulung im Frühen Yogācara. Stuttgart: Steiner, 2001, pp. 59-148
T31n1604: Da sheng zhuang yan jing lun 大乘莊嚴經論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lévi, Sylvain
Mahāyāna-Sūtralaṃkāra: Exposé de la doctrine du Grand Véhicule selon le système Yogācāra. Tome II: Traduction. – Introduction. –Index
Paris: Champion, 1911. [Reprint 1983 in Rinsen Sanskrit Text Series 4, II.]
translated by: Schayer, St
"Die Erlösungslehren der Yogācāras nach dem Sūtralaṃkāra des Asaṅga."
Zeitschrift für Indologie und Iranistik (Leipzig) 2 (1923), 98–123.
T31n1605: Da sheng a pi da mo ji lun 大乘阿毘達磨集論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rahula, Walpola
Le Compendium de la super-doctrine (philosophie) (Abhidharmasamuccaya) d’ Asaṅga
Paris: École Français d’Extrême-Orient, 1971. [Reprint: 1980].
translated by: Bayer, Achim
The theory of karman in the Abhidharmasamuccaya
Tokyo: International Institute for Buddhist Studies of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, 2010. Studia Philologica Buddhica. Monograph series No. 26.
T31n1608: (T31n1609): Ye cheng jiu lun 業成就論 (Karmasiddhi prakaraṇa) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lamotte, Étienne
"Traité de la démonstration de l’acte."
Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhiques (Bruxelles) 4 (1935–36), pp. 207–263. English translation of this: Pruden, Leo: Karmasiddhiprakaraṇa. Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1988.
T31n1609: Dasheng chengye lun 大乘成業論 (Karmasiddhi-prakaraṇa) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lamotte, Étienne
Le traité de l'acte de Vasubandhu (Karma-siddhi-prakaraṇa)
Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhiques, vol. 4 (1936), pp. 151-288.
translated by: Keenan, John
A Mahayana Demonstration on the Theme of Action
In: Three Short Treatises by Vasubandhu, Sengzhao, and Zongmi. Berkeley: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, 2017, pp. 5-50. (BDK English Tripiṭaka Series)
T31n1610: Fo xing lun 佛性論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: King, Sallie B
Buddha Nature
Albany : State University of New York Press, 1991.
T31n1611: Jiu jing yi sheng bao xing lun 究竟一乘寶性論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Takasaki, Jikido
A Study of the Ratnagotravibhāga (Uttaratantra). – Being a treatise on the Tathāgatagarbha Theory of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Roma: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1966.There is an E translation by Ernst Obermiller from the Tibetan in Acta Orientalia 9 (1931), 81–306.
T31n1612: Da sheng wu yun lun 大乘五蘊論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Dantinne, Jean
Le Traite des cinq Agregats (Pañcaskhandaprakaraṇa de Vasubandhu). Traduit et Annoté
Bruxelles: Publications de l’Institut Belge des Hautes Etudes Bouddhiques, 1980. (Serie 'Etudes et Textes' No.7).
T31n1614: Da sheng bai fa ming men lun 大乘百法明門論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Buddhist Text Translation Society
Shastra on the Door to Understanding the Hundred Dharmas
Ukiah, CA: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 2007 [First Printing San Francisco, CA, 1983. Serialized in Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 , No.178 (1985) - 192 (1986).]
T31n1619: (T31n1624): Wu xiang si chen lun 無相思塵論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sastri, N. Aiyaswami
Ālaṁbanaparīkṣa and Vṛtti. Restored into Sanskrit from the Tibetan and Chinese versions and ed. with English translation and notes
Madras: Adyar Library, 1942. (Adyar Library Series 32).See also T32n1624 and n1625.
translated by: Yamaguchi, Susumu
"Dignāga: Examen de l’objet de la connaissance (Ālaṃbana-parīkṣā). Textes tibétain et chinois et traduction des stances et du commentaire."
Journal Asiatique 214 (1929), 1–65.
T31n1620: (T31n1621): Jie quan lun 解捲論, Hastavālaprakaraṇa [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Thomas, F.W.; Ui, Hakuju
"The Hand Treatise: A Work of Āryadeva"
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, (1918). 267–310.
T31n1622: Qu yin jia she lun 取因假設論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Kitagawa, Hidenori
"A Study of a Short Philosophical Treatise ascribed to Dignāga"
Sino-Indian Studies 5, pts.3+4 (May 1957): Liebenthal Festschrift, 126–137. Reprinted: Kitagawa, Hidenori: Indo koten ronrigaku no kenkyu: Dignāga no taikei. さケぺ古典論理學研究. Kyoto: Suzuki Gakujutsu-zai-dan, 1965, 430–439.
T31n1624: Guan suo yuan yuan shi 觀所緣緣論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sastri, N. Aiyaswami
Ālaṁbanaparīkṣa and Vṛtti. Restored into Sanskrit from the Tibetan and Chinese versions and ed. with English translation and notes
Madras: Adyar Library, 1942. (Adyar Library Series 32).See also T32n1619 and n1625.
T31n1625: Guan suo yuan lun shi 觀所緣論釋 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sastri, N. Aiyaswami
Ālaṁbanaparīkṣa and Vṛtti. Restored into Sanskrit from the Tibetan and Chinese versions and ed. with English translation and notes
Madras: Adyar Library, 1942. (Adyar Library Series 32).See also T32n1619 and n1624.
translated by: Schott, Magdalene
Sein als Bewusstsein: Ein Beitrag zur Mahāyāna-Philosophie
Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1935. (Materialien zur Kunde des Buddhismus 20). 25–50.
T32n1628: (T32n1629): Yin ming zheng li men lun 因明正理門論﹐Nyāyamukha [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Guiseppe Tucci
The Nyāyamukha of Digṅnāga: The Oldest Buddhist Text on Logic after Chinese and Tibetan Materials
Heidelberg: Institut für Buddhismuskunde (Harrassowitz, Leipzig), 1930. (Materialien zur Kunde des Buddhismus 15). 72 pp. Reprint San Francisco: Chinese Material Center, 1976.
T32n1630: Yin ming ru zheng li lun 因明入正理論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tachikawa, M
"A Sixth-Century Manual of Indian Logic"
Journal of Indian Philosophy 1 (1970–1972), 111–129.
T32n1631: Hui zheng lun 迴諍論 (Vigrahavyāvartanī) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tucci, Giuseppe
In: Pre-Dinnâga Buddhist Texts on Logic from Chinese Sources
Baroda: Oriental Institute, 1929. 1–77. (Gaekwad’s Oriental Series 49) [Reprint San Francisco: Chinese Material Center, 1976.]
translated by: Chou Hsian-kuang 周祥光
The Vigrahavyāvartanī śāstra (Gāthā Part) (Translated from the Chinese Edition of Prajñaruci and Vimokṣasena by Chou Hsian-kuang.With the Chinese text)
Calcutta, Allahabad, Ipoh and Perlis: Overseas Buddhist Chinese in India and Malaya, 1962.
translated by: Kamaleswar Bhattacharya
The Dialectical Method of Nāgārjuna – Vigrahavyāvartani
Delhi: Motilal Barnasidass, 1986 [2nd Ed. rev. and enlarged].
T32n1632: Fang bian xin lun 方便心論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Gillon, Brendan S.
"An Early Buddhist Text on Logic: Fang Bian Xin Lun"
Argumentation (2008) 22:15–25.
T32n1640: Ti po pu sa shi leng qie jing zhong wai dao xiao sheng nie pan lun 提婆菩薩釋破楞伽經中外道小乘涅槃論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tucci, Giuseppe
"Un traité d’Āryadeva sur le ‘Nirvāṇa’ des hérétiques."
T’oung Pao, série 2, 24 (1926), 16–31.
T32n1642: Jin gang zhen lun 金剛針論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Mukhopadhyaya, Sujitkumar
The Vajrasūcī of Aśvaghoṣa. A study of the Sanskrit text and Chinese Version
Santiniketan: The Sino Indian Cultural Society, 1950. Also: Visva-Bharati Annals 2 (1949), 125–184. 2nd revised edition Santiniketan: Viśvabharati, 1960.
translated by: Weber, A
"Die Vajrasūcī des Açvaghosha."
Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 1859, no.3, 205–264.
translated by: Kawamura, Yuto; Bao, Jinghao
The Diamond Needle
Moraga, CA: BDK Amerika 2023, 5-16.
T32n1645: Zhang suo zhi lun 彰所知論. [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Willemen, Charles
Elucidation of the Knowable
Berkeley: Bukkyo Dento Kyokai (Numata Foundation), 2004
T32n1646: Cheng shi lun 成實論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sastri, N. Aiyaswami
Satyasiddhiśāstra of Harivarman
Baroda: Oriental Institute, Maharaja Sayajirao University, 1978. 2 Vols. Sanskrit Translation: Gaekwad Oriental Series 159 (Vol.1, 1975) and English Translation: Gaekwad Oriental Series 165 (Vol.2, 1978), both from the Chinese.
T32n1648: Jie tuo dao lun 解脫道論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: N.R.M. Ehara, Soma Thera, and Kheminda Thera
The path of freedom
The path of freedom by the Arahant Upatissa; translated into Chinese (Gedatsu Do Ron) by Tipitaka Sanghapala of Funan. Colombo, Ceylon: D. Roland D. Weerasuria, 1961. [Reprints Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1977, 1995, 2011]. Parts of 解脫道論 are also translated in: Bapat, P. V. Vimuttimagga and Visuddhimagga, a Comparative Study. Poona 1937. Reprinted, Kandy 2010.
translated by: Bapat, P. V.
In: Vimuttimagga and Visuddhimagga, a Comparative Study
Poona 1937. Reprinted, Kandy 2010.
T32n1649: San mi di bu lun 三彌底部論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Venkataramanan, K.
Sāmmitīyanikāya Śāstra
Visva-Bharati Annals 5 (1953): 155–243.
T32n1651: (T32n1652, T32n1653): Shi er yin yuan lun 十二因緣論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Gokhale, Vasudev
In: Pratītyasamutpādaśāstra des Ullaṅgha kritisch behandelt und aus dem Chinesischen ins Deutsche übertragen
Ph.D. Diss. Bonn: Scheur, 1930. Also as: 'Eine der im Sanskrittext verloren gegangenen buddhistischen Sūtren.' Chinesisch-deutscher Almanach für das Jahr 1930. (Frankfurt/Main: China Institut, 1930, 61–75).
T32n1656: Bao heng wang zheng lun 寶行王正論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Okada, Yukihiro
Nāgārjuna's Ratnāvalī
Nāgārjuna's Ratnāvalī, Vol. 3. Die chinesische Übersetzung des Paramārtha. Indica et Tibetica 48. Marburg, 2006. Text edited in Michael Hahn: Nāgārjuna's Ratnāvalī: Vol. 1, The Basic Texts (Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese). Bonn: Indica et Tibetica Verlag, 1982.
translated by: Bhikshu Dharmamitra
A Strand of Dharma Jewels. A Bodhisattva’s Profound Teachings on Happiness, Liberation, and the Path
Seattle, WA: Kalavinka Press, 2009.
T32n1659: Fa pu ti xin jing lun 發菩提心經論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bhikshu Dharmamitra
Vasubandhu's Treatise on the Bodhisattva Vow
Seattle: Kalavinka Press 2020.
T32n1660: Pu ti zi liang lun 菩提資糧論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bhikshu Dharmamitra
The Bodhisaṃbhāra Treatise Commentary - Treatise on the Provisions for Enlightenment
Seattle: Kalavinka Press 2020.
T32n1665: Jin gang ding yu jia zhong fa a nuo duo luo san miao san pu ti xin lun 金剛頂瑜伽中發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Kiyota, Minoru
In: Tantric Concept of Bodhicitta: A Buddhist Experiential Philosophy
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1982, pp. 80–93. Republished as 'The Bodhicitta Shastra' In: Esoteric Texts. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2015.
translated by: Yamamoto, Chikyō
In: Works of St. Kōbō Daishi
Kōyasan: Kōyasan University, 1993, pp. 580–598.
translated by: White, Kenneth R.
In: The role of Bodhicitta in Kūkai's Shingon Practice. PhD Disseration (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 1998, pp. 215-260. English and Original. [Published as: The role of Bodhicitta in Buddhist enlightenment including a translation into English of Bodhicitta-Śāstra, Benkemmitsu-Nikyōron, and Sammaya-Kaijo Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2005.]
T32n1666: (T32n1667): Da sheng qi xin lun 大乘起信論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Richard, Timothy; Yang, Wen-hui
The Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna Doctrine: The New Buddhism by the Patriarch Ashvagosha, who died about A.D. 100
Translated in 1894. Shanghai : Christian Literature Society, 1907. Shanghai : Kelly and Walsh, 1918.
translated by: Suzuki, D. T.
Aśhvaghoṣa’s Discourse on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna
Chicago: Open Court; London: Kegan, Trench, Trübner, 1900. Of this a derivative version by Dwight Goddard titled "The Principle and Practice of Mahayana Buddhism: An Interpretation of Professor Suzuki’s Translation of Ashvaghosha’s Awakening of Faith." Thetford, VT, 1933.
translated by: Bikshu Wai-Tao
The Awakening of Faith
In Goddard, Dwight: A Buddhist Bible, 2nd edition, expanded and enlarged, Thetford Vermont, 1938, pp.357-406
translated by: Hakeda, Yoshiro S.
The Awakening of Faith - Attributed to Aśvaghosha
New York, London: Columbia University Press, 1967. Reprint BDK English Tripiṭaka Series. Berkeley: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, 2006.
translated by: Baekelmans, Peter
The Awakening of Faith in ‘Mahayana.’
Kōyasan daigaku mikkyō bunka kenkyūjo kiyō. Part one: in issue 17 (2004), pp. 137-185. Part two: in issue 18 (2005), pp. 89-119.
translated by: Jin, Tao
The Awakening of Faith in Mahayana: A New English Translation (Part I).
Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies Vol. 15 (2014), pp. 249-292. Vol.16 (2015), pp. 235-279.
translated by: Jorgensen, John, Dan Lusthaus, John Makeham, Mark Strange
Treatise on Awakening Mahāyāna Faith
Oxford University Press, 2019. ISBN: 9780190297718.
translated by: Girard, Frédéric
Traité sur l’acte de foi dans le Grand Véhicule
Tokyo : Keio University Press, 2004.
translated by: Marassi, Mauricio Yūshin
Discorso di risveglio alla fede secondo il veicolo universale
Genova: Marietti1820 2016.
T32n1670: Na xian bi qiu jing 那先比丘經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Specht, Edouard
Deux Traductions Chinoises du Milindapañho
Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1893.
translated by: Demiéville, Paul
Les versions chinoises du Milindapañha
Bulletin de l'Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient, Année 1924, Volume 24, Numéro 1, pp. 1 - 258.
translated by: Guang Xing
The Nagasena Bhiksu Sutra
Taiwan: Buddha's Light Publishing, 2008. Woodenfish Translation Series. 2 vols. (Vol.1: Translation, Vol.2: Notes)
translated by: Anālayo
The Scripture on the Monk Nāgasena: A Chinese Counterpart to the Milindapañha
Moraga, CA: BDK America, Inc. (Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai), 2021, pp.107-142.
T32n1672: Long shu pu sa wei chan tuo jia wang shuo fa yao ji 龍樹菩薩為禪陀迦王說法要偈 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Dharmamitra
The Dharma Essentials Verses Composed by Nāgārjuna Bodhisattva for King Śatakarṇī
Seattle: Kalavinka Press 2009, pp.25-65.
T32n1673: Juan fa zhu wang yao ji 勸發諸王要偈 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Dharmamitra
Dharma Essentials Verses for the Exhortation of Kings
Seattle: Kalavinka Press 2009, pp.69-115.
T32n1674: Long shu pu sa juan jie wang song 龍樹菩薩勸誡王頌 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Beal, Samuel
Suh-ki-li-lih-kiu: The Suhrillekha or ‘Friendly Letter’. Written by Lung-Shu (Nāgārjuna) and addressed to King Sadvaha
London: Luzac; Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh, 1892.
translated by: Dharmamitra
Nāgārjuna Bodhisattva’s Verses Exhorting and Admonishing the King
Seattle: Kalavinka Press 2009, pp.119-170.
T32n1680: Yi bai wu shi zan fo song 一百五十讚佛頌 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bailey, D. R. Shackleton
The Śatapañcāśatka of Mātṛceṭa. Sanskrit text, Tibetan tr. and commentary, Chinese tr., With an introduction, English translation and notes
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1951.
T32n1685: Ba da ling ta ming hao jing 八大靈塔名號經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bagchi,P. C.
"The Eight Great Caityas and Their Cult."
Indian Historical Quarterly Vol. 17 No. 2 (1941): 223–235. Translation on pp. 230–232.
translated by: Nakamura, Hajime
"The Aṣṭamahāsthānacaityastotra and the Chinese and Tibetan Versions of a Text Similar to It."
In: Indianisme et Bouddhisme: Mélanges offerts à Mgr. Étienne Lamotte. Louvain: Institut Orientaliste Louvain-la-Neuve, 1980, 259–262.
T32n1689: Qing bin tuo lu fa 請賓頭盧法 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard; Lévi, Sylvain
"Méthode de Invitation à Piṇḍola"
In: Les Seize Arhat Protecteurs de la Loi (Extrait du Journal Asiatique). Paris: Imprimerie National 1916: 77-80.
T33n1703: Jin gang ban ruo bo luo mi jing zhu jie 金剛般若波羅蜜經註解 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lehnert, Martin
Anmerkungen und Erläuterungen zum Prajñāpāramitā Lehrtext
Die Strategie eines Kommentars zum Diamantsūtra. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1999, pp. 192-288.
T33n1710: Bo ruo bo luo mi duo xin jing you zan 般若波羅蜜多心經幽贊 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Shi, Heng-ching
A Comprehensive Commentary on the Heart Sutra
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2001.
T33n1711: Bo ruo bo luo mi duo xin jing zan 般若波羅蜜多心經贊 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Choo, B. Hyun
"An English Translation of the Banya paramilda simgyeong chan: Wonch'uk's Commentary on the Heart Sūtra"
International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture February 2006, Vol.6, pp.121-205.
T33n1716: Miao fa lian hua jing xuan yi 妙法蓮華經玄義 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Swanson, Paul
"A Translation of the Fa Hua Hsüan I"
In: Foundations of T'ian T'ai Philosophy. Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1989.For a detailed summary of the structure and content of the Xuanyi see SHEN, Haiyan: The Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra; Tien-tai Philosophy of Buddhism (2 Vols. Delhi: Originals, 2005).)
translated by: Swanson, Paul
Fa-hua hsüan-i
In: Clear Serenity, Quiet Insight. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press2017, Vol.3: pp.1815-1819.
T34n1725: Fa hua zong yao (Beophwa jong-yo) 法華宗要 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Muller, A. Charles
"Doctrinal Essentials of the Lotus Sūtra"
In: Muller, A. Charles, ed.: The Collected Works of Korean Buddhism (Seoul: Jogye Jong 2012), Vol.1, pp. 83–139.
T34n1730: Jin gang san mei jing lun 金剛三昧經論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Buswell, Robert E., Jr.
Cultivating Original Enlightenment: Wŏnhyo's Exposition of the Vajrasamādhi-sūtra (Kŭmgang Sammaegyŏng Non).
The International Association of Wŏnhyo Studies' Collected Works of Wŏnhyo, Volume 1. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2007.
T37n1747: Wu liang shou jing zong yao (Muryangsugyeong jong-yo) 無量壽經宗要 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Muller, A. Charles
"Doctrinal Essentials of the Sūtra of Immeasurable Life"
in: Muller, A. Charles, ed.: The Collected Works of Korean Buddhism (Seoul: Jogye Jong 2012), Vol. 1, pp. 140–212.
T37n1749: Guan wu liang shou jing yi shu 觀無量壽經義疏 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tanaka, Kenneth K
The Dawn of Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Doctrine: Ching-Ying Hui-Yuan's Commentary on the Visualization Sutra
New York: SUNY, 1990.
T38n1753: Guan wu liang shou fo jing shu 觀無量壽佛經疏 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
A Commentary Explaining The Scripture About Meditation on the Enlighted Being ‘Of Infinite Life’
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, The Land of Pure Bliss: Sukhāvatī. Second Edition (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 76–306. ISBN: 979-8-5951-0477-7
translated by: Pas, Julian F
Visions of Sukhavati: Shan-Tao's Commentary on the Kuan Wu-Liang Shou-Fo Ching
New York: SUNY, 1995. (The discussion of the text is interspersed with short translations of relevant passages.)
T37n1762: A mi tuo jing yao jie 阿彌陀經要解 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Cleary, Jonathan C.
Mind-Seal of the Buddhas - Patriarch Ou-i's Commentary on the Amitabha Sutra
New York: Sutra Translation Committee of the United States and Canada, 1997.
T37n1763: Da nie pan jing ji jie 大涅盤經集解 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lai, Whalen
"The Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra and its Earliest Interpreters in China: Two Prefaces by Tao-lang and Tao-sheng"
Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 no. 1 (1982), 102–103.
T38n1769: Nie pan zong yao 涅槃宗要 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lai, Whalen
"Wŏnhyo (Yüan Hsiao) on the Nirvāṇa School: Summation Under the 'One Mind' Doctrine"
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Vol. 8-2 (1985), 75-83.
T38n1775: Zhu Wei mo jie jing 注維摩詰經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Ramírez, Laureano
Sūtra de Vimalakīrti
Barcelona: Kairós, 2003. 380 pp.
translated by: Carré, Patrick
Sengzhao, Daosheng et Kumârajîva, Introduction aux pratiques de la non-dualité, Commentaire du Soûtra de la Liberté inconcevable,
Paris, Fayard: Trésors du bouddhisme, 2004.
T39n1790: Ru leng jia xin xuan yi 入楞伽心玄義 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Carré, Patrick
Les Mystères essentiels de l'Entrée à Lankâ (Ru Lengjia xin xuanyi), traduction du chinois
Paris, Fayard, Trésors du bouddhisme, 2007.
T39n1792: Yu lan pen jing shu 盂蘭盆經疏 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Stephen F. Teiser
"Commentary on the Yu-lan-pen Sutra"
The Ghost Festival in Medieval China. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988. pp. 91–94.
T39n1796: Da pi lu zhe na cheng fo jing shu 大毘盧遮那成佛經疏 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Muller, Wilhelm Kuno
"Shingon-Mysticism: Śubhākarasiṃha and I-Hsing’s Commentary to the Mahāvairocana-sūtra, Chapter One—An Annotated Translation."
PhD dissertation. University of California, Los Angeles, 1976.
translated by: Fesyun, A. G.
"Raz yasneniya k Sutre Makhavayrochany o stanovlenii Buddoy chudesnymi izmeneniyami privnosimogo i imeyushchegosya."
Svitok 1 (sostavil I-Sin). Moscow: Serebryanye Niti, 2003.
T39n1798: Jin gang ding jing da yu qie mi mi xin di fa men yi jue 金剛頂經大瑜伽祕密心地法門義訣 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Charles Orzech
"Instructions on the Gate to the Teaching of the Secret Heart of Great Yoga of the Scripture of the Diamond Tip"
In: Buddhism in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. pp. 316–317.
T40n1804: Si fen lü ze fan bu que xing shi chao 四分律刪繁補闕行事鈔 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Pettit, Jonathan
"Food and Medicine in the Vinaya: Daoxuan’s Emended Commentary on Monastic Practices from the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya."
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 130-136.
T40n1815: Fan gang jing gu shu ji (Beommanggyeong gojeokgi) 梵網經古述記 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Muller, A. Charles
Exposition of the Sutra of Brahmā's Net
With preface and study. Muller, A. Charles, ed.: The Collected Works of Korean Buddhism (Seoul: Jogye Jong 2012), Vol.11.
T40n1819: Wu liang shou jing you po ti she yuan sheng ji zhu 無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈註 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Inagaki, Hisao
T'an-Luan's Commentary on Vasubandhu's Discourse on the Pure Land
Kyoto: Nagata Bunshodo, 1998.
translated by: Ducor, Jérôme
Tanluan: Commentaire au Traité de la naissance dans la Terre pure de Vasubandhu
Paris: Editions Les Belles Lettres, 2021.
T42n1826: Shi er men lun zong zhi yi ji 十二門論宗致義記 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Vorenkamp, Dirck
Commentary on the Treatise on the Twelve Gates
Dated 2015. Published online here (2021-11). Free for non-commercial use. Local copy.
T42n1827: Bai lun shu 百論疏 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Jane, Wen-ling
"Jizang's commentary on the Bailun: Chapter X Refutation of Emptiness"
In: Practice and theory of emptiness: A study of Jizang's commentary on the 'Refutation of Emptiness' of the 'Bailun'. Unpublished PhD-dissertation Columbia University, 2009. Pp.303-364.
T44n1843: Da sheng qi xin lun yi shu 大乘起信論義疏 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Muller, A. Charles
A Pivotal Text for the Definition of the Two Hindrances in East Asia: Huiyuan’s 'Erzhang yi' Chapter
C. Lin and M. Radich, ed., A Distant Mirror: Articulating Indic Ideas in Sixth and Seventh Century Chinese Buddhism. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press , 2014, pp.217-271. Text identical with Dasheng yi zhang (大乘義章 T 1851.44.568b18-574b28).
T44n1844: Qi xin lun shu 起信論疏 (Kisillon so) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Park, Sung-bae
"Running Commentary"
Wŏnhyo’s Commentaries on the Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna. PhD diss., Berkeley: University of California, 1979, pp. 115-185. (Interleaved with translation of T.1845)
T44n1845: Da sheng qi xin lun bie ji 大乘起信論別記 (Taesŭng kisillon pyŏlgi) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Park, Sung-bae
"Expository Notes"
Wŏnhyo’s Commentaries on the Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna. PhD diss., Berkeley: University of California, 1979, pp. 115-185. (Interleaved with translation of T.1844).
T44n1846: Da sheng qi xin lun yi ji 大乘起信論義記 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Vorenkamp, Dirck
An English Translation Of Fa-Tsang's Commentary On The Awakening Of Faith
Edwin Mellen Press, 2004.
T45n1852: San lun xuan yi 三論玄義 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Ducor, Jérôme et Isler, Henry W.
Jizang, Le Sens des arcanes des Trois Traités, contribution à l'étude du Mādhyamika dans le bouddhisme d'Extrême-Orient.
Genève, Librairie Droz, 2022. ISBN-13: 978-2-600-06383-8
T45n1853: Da sheng xuan lun 大乘玄論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Plassen, Jörg
"Die Spuren der Abhandlung (Lun-chi): Exegese und Übung im San-lun des sechsten Jahrhunderts."
PhD dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 2002, pp. 88-140.
T45n1856: Jiu mo luo shi fa shi da yi 鳩摩羅什法師大義 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Robinson, Richard H.
In: Early Madhyamika in India and China
Wisconsin 1967 [Delhi: Motilal, 1978].
translated by: Wagner, Rudolf
In: Die Fragen Hui-Yuans an Kumārajīva
Unpublished PhD, Munich 1969.
translated by: Reed, Barbara
In: “The Problem of the ‘Dharmakāya’ as Seen by Hui-yuan and Kumārajīva.”
PhD Diss., University of Iowa, translation at pp. 137-215.1982.
T45n1857: Bao zang lun 寶藏論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Sharf, Robert H
In: Coming to Terms with Chinese Buddhism. A Reading of the Treasure Store Treatise
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2002. (Studies in East Asian Buddhism 14).
T45n1858: Zhao lun 肇論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Liebenthal, Walter
Chao Lun - The Treatises of Seng-chao
Hongkong: Hongkong University Press, 1968.
translated by: Felbur, Rafal
Essays of Sengzhao
In: Three Short Treatises by Vasubandhu, Sengzhao, and Zongmi. Berkeley: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, 2017, pp. 51-140. (BDK English Tripiṭaka Series)
translated by: Xu, Fancheng 徐梵澄
Three Theses of Seng-Zhao
In: Collected Works of Xu Fancheng vol. 3 (徐梵澄文集第三卷), 2006, Shanghai Joint Publishing Company, 2006.
translated by: Robinson, Richard H
In: Early Madhyamika in India and China
Wisconsin 1967 [Delhi: Motilal, 1978].
translated by: Obert, Mathias
Abhandlung über: Bei Prajñā ist nicht gegeben, daß gewusst wird.
In: Denkansätze zur buddhistischen Philosophie in China. Seng Zhao – Jizang – Fazang zwischen Interpretation und Übersetzung. Rolf Elberfeld, Michael Leibold, Mathias Obert (Edition Chora: Köln 2000). 2000, pp. 58-71.
T45n1866: Hua yan yi sheng jiao yi fen qi zhang 華嚴一乘教義分齊章 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Cook, Francis H
Fa-tsang’s Treatise on the Five Doctrines: An Annotated Translation
University of Wisconsin: unpublished Ph.D.dissertation, 1970.
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
On Six Aspects Found in the Interpenetration of All Purposes Through the Arising of Mutually Dependent Conditions, Illustrated by the Building of a House, from Volume Four of The Meaning of the Universal Vehicle of the Garland
Johnson, Peter Lunde, Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment: An Explanation of The Heart Sūtra Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 115–119. ISBN: 979-8-593-11943-8.
translated by: Unno, Taitetsu; Unno, Mark; McLellan, Monica
Treatise on Doctrinal Distinctions of the Huayan on Vehicle
Moraga, CA: BDK Amerika 2023, 37-208.
T45n1867: Hua yan wu jiao zhi guan 華嚴五教止觀 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Cleary, Thomas
Cessation and Contemplation in the five Teachings of the Hua-yen
In: Entry into the Inconceivable, Honolulu: Hawaii University Press, 1983, pp. 45-68.
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
On the Net of the Lord Almighty
Johnson, Peter Lunde, Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment: An Explanation of The Heart Sūtra Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra (An Lạc Publications, 2020), p. 124. ISBN: 979-8-593-11943-8.
T45n1868: Hua yan yi sheng shi xuan men 華嚴一乘十玄門 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Cleary, Thomas
Ten Mysterious Gates of the Unitary Vehicle of the Hua-yen
In: Entry into the Inconceivable, Honolulu: Hawaii University Press, 1983, pp. 125-146.
T45n1874: Hua yan jing ming fa pin nei li san bao zhang 華嚴經明法品內立三寶章 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Obert, Mathias
Abhandlung über die zehn Generationen
In: Sinndeutung und Zeitlichkeit - Zur Hermeneutik des Huayan Buddhismus. Hamburg: Meiner Verlag, 2000, pp. 251-261.
T45n1876: Xiu hua yan ao zhi wang jin huan yuan guan 修華嚴奧旨妄盡還源觀 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Cleary, Thomas
Cultivation and Contemplation of the Inner Meaning of the Hua-yen: The Ending of Delusion and Return to the Source
In: Entry into the Inconceivable, Honolulu: Hawaii University Press, 1983, pp. 147-170.
T45n1878: Hua yan fa pu ti xin zhang 華嚴發菩提心章 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Obert, Mathias
Über das Aufgehenlassen des Bodhi-herzens nach dem Hua Yan
In: Sinndeutung und Zeitlichkeit - Zur Hermeneutik des Huayan Buddhismus. Hamburg: Meiner Verlag, 2000, pp. 251-261.
T45n1880: Jin shi zi zhang yun jian lei jie 金師子章雲間類解 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Obert, Mathias
Über den Goldlöwen nach der Huayan-Lehre
In: Sinndeutung und Zeitlichkeit - Zur Hermeneutik des Huayan Buddhismus. Hamburg: Meiner Verlag, 2000, pp. 51-61.
translated by: Obert, Mathias
Der Goldlöwen
In: Denkansätze zur buddhistischen Philosophie in China. Seng Zhao – Jizang – Fazang zwischen Interpretation und Übersetzung. Rolf Elberfeld, Michael Leibold, Mathias Obert (Edition Chora: Köln 2000). 2000, pp. 119-129.
translated by: Elberfeld, Rolf
Der Goldene Löwe
In: Denkansätze zur buddhistischen Philosophie in China. Seng Zhao – Jizang – Fazang zwischen Interpretation und Übersetzung. Rolf Elberfeld, Michael Leibold, Mathias Obert (Edition Chora: Köln 2000). 2000, pp. 130-135.
T45n1883: Hua yan fa jire xuan jing 華嚴法界玄鏡 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Gimello, Robert M.
A Translation, with Notes and Commentary, of the Hua-yen fa-chieh kuan-men attributed to Tu-shun
In: Chih-yen and the Foundations of Hua-yen Buddhism. Unpublished PhD (Columbia), 1976, pp.454-510.
translated by: Cleary, Thomas
Mirror of the Mysteries of the Universe of the Hua-yen
In: Entry into the Inconceivable, Honolulu: Hawaii University Press, 1983, pp. 69-124.
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
Gateways of Meditation on the Transcendental Sphere of Life’s Purpose
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment: An Explanation of The Heart Sūtra Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 105–114. ISBN: 979-8-593-11943-8
T45n1884: Zhu hua yan fa jie guan men 注華嚴法界觀門 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Fox, Alan
"Commentary on ‘Meditative Approaches to the Hua Yen Dharmadhatu’"
In: Elements of Omnicontextual Thought in Chinese Buddhism: Annotated Translations of Gui Feng Zong Mi’s Preface to Collection of Various Writings on the Chan Source and his Commentary on Meditative Approaches to the Hua Yen Dharmadhatu. Temple University PhD Dissertation, 1988. pp. 297–394.
translated by: Girard, Frédéric
Méthode d'examen mental sur la sphère de la Loi (dharmadhātu) selon l'Ornamentation fleurie, Huayan fajie guanmen et le Commentaire de Guifeng Zongmi (780-841)
Paris: Editions Youfeng, 2019.
T45n1886: Yuan ren lun 原人論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Gregory, Peter N
In: Inquiry into the Origin of Humanity: An Annotated Translation of Tsung-mi’s Yüan jen lun with a Modern Commentary
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1995.
translated by: Jan Yün-hua
Treatise on the Origin of Humanity
In: Three Short Treatises by Vasubandhu, Sengzhao, and Zongmi. Berkeley: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, 2017, pp. 141-170. (BDK English Tripiṭaka Series)
translated by: Kaiten, Nukariya
Origin of Man
In: The Religion of the Samurai: A Study of Zen Philosophy and Discipline in China and Japan. London: Luzac & Co, 1913: 217-253.
translated by: Hakeda, Yoshito
On the Original Nature of Man
In: W.T. DeBary (ed.): The Buddhist Tradition in India, China and Japan. New York: 1969: ?-196.
translated by: Haas, Hans
Tsungmi's Yuen-zan-lun, eine Abhandlung über den über den Ursprung des Menschen aus dem Kanon des chinesischen Buddhismus.
Archiv für Religionswissenschaft Bd. XII, 1909: 491-532.
translated by: Dumoulin, Heinrich
Genninron: Tsungmi's Traktat vom Ursprung des Menschen.
Monumenta Nipponica 1-1 (1938): 178-221.
translated by: Masson-Oursel, Paul
Le Yuan Jen Louen
Journal Asiatique Vol. 5 (Mars-Avril 1915): 299-354.
T45n1899: Zhong tian zhu she wei guo qi yuan si tu jing 中天竺舍衛國祇洹寺圖經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tan, Zhihui
In: Daoxuan's vision of Jetavana - Imagining an Utopian Monastery in Early Tang.
Unpublished PhD, University of Arizona 2002, p. 235-354.
T45n1907: Pu sa jie ben chi fan yan ji 菩薩戒本持犯要記 (Bosal gyebon jibeom yog-i) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Park, Jinyoung
"Essentials of Observing and Transgressing the Code of Bodhisattva Precepts"
In: Muller, A. Charles, ed. The Collected Works of Korean Buddhism, Volume 1 (元曉 Wonhyo: Selected Works), pp. 229–260.
T45n1909: Ci bei dao chang chan fa 慈悲道場懺法 (= Liang huang bao chan 梁皇寶懺) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Buddhist Text Translation Society
Repentance Ritual of the Emperor of Liang: A complete translation of Repentance Dharma of Kindness and Compassion in the Bodhimanda
Ukiah, CA: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 2016.
T46n1911: Mo he zhi guan 摩訶止觀 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Swanson, Paul L.
Clear Serenity, Quiet Insight: T'ien-t'ai Chih-i's Mo-ho chih-kuan
Honolulu: Hawaii University Press, 2017. 3 Vols. ISBN: 9780824873776
translated by: Cleary, Thomas
Stopping and seeing : A comprehensive course in Buddhist meditation
Shambhala, 1997. Translators Introduction p.Xii: 'This volume presents a translation of the first quarter of Chih-i's monumental Mo-he Chih-kuan...' Also in Classics of Buddhism and Zen (Collected Translations of Thomas Cleary) Vol. 5, 2005, pp. 381-528.
translated by: Donner, Neil; Stevenson, Daniel
The Great Calming and Contemplation
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1993.
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
On the practice prescribed in The Scripture on the Resolve of Meditation in Which the Buddhas All Stand Up Before One from Volume Two of ‘The Greatness of Introspection With Stillness of Mind’
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, The Land of Pure Bliss: Sukhāvatī. Second Edition (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 423–427. ISBN: 979-8-5951-0477-7.
T46n1915: Xiao zhi guan 小止觀 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Beal, Samuel
In: A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese
London: Trübner & Co, 1871, pp.271-
translated by: Goddard, Dwight et al.
Buddhist Practice of Concentration: Dhyana for Beginners, Transl. from the Chinese by Bhikshu Wai-Dau and Dwight Goddard
Santa Barbara, CA: D. Goddard, 1934. (Reprint Varanasi: Pilgrims Publishing, 2004. ISBN: 81-7769-267-4).
translated by: Luk, Charles
Śamatha-Vipaśyanā for Beginners
London: Rider & Co. 1964, pp. 111-156.
translated by: Saso, Michael R.
Zen is for Everyone: The Xiao Zhi Guan Text by Zhi Yi.
Honolulu: Tendai Center, 2000.
translated by: Dharmamitra
The Essentials of Meditation: A Classic Śamatha – Vipaśyanā Meditation Manual. The Essentials for Calming-and-Insight & Dhyāna Meditation
Seattle: Kalavinka Press, 2009.
translated by: Swanson, Paul
Hsiao chih-kuan
In: Clear Serenity, Quiet Insight. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press2017, Vol.3: pp.1659-1759. [With comprehensive annotation.]
translated by: Lounsbery, Grace Constant
Dhyâna pour les debutants (Traité sur la meditation)
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve 1944. German translation by Ursula von Mangoldt of this as 'Die Kunst der Versenkung'. Munich: Otto Wilhelm Barth (Scherz) Verlag, 1960.
translated by: Robert, Jean-Noël
In: Quatre courts traités sur la Terrasse Céleste
Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard, 2007 (coll. Trésors du bouddhisme). ISBN 978–2–213–63422–7
translated by: Salguero, C. Pierce
"Healing with Meditation: ‘Treating Illness’ from Zhiyi’s Shorter Treatise on Śamatha and Vipaśyanā."
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 382-390.
T46n1917: Liu miao fa men 六妙法門 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Apple, Shinobu Arai
"The Six subtle gateways"
In: Value of Simple Practice: A Study of Tiantai Zhiyi's Liumiao famen, 2003, pp. 371-426. Unpublished PhD-dissertation Madison-Wisconsin.
translated by: Dharmamitra
The Six Dharma Gates to the Sublime: A Classic Meditation Manual on Traditional Indian Buddhist Meditation
Seattle: Kalavinka Press, 2009.
T46n1920: Guan xin lun 觀心論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tam, Wai Lun
"Treatise on the Contemplation of the Mind"
In: A Study and Translation on the Kuan-hsin-lun of Chih-i (538-597) and its commentary by Kuan-ting (561-632), 1986, pp. 52-90. Unpublished MA-thesis, McMaster University. Available at McMaster here, or locally.
T46n1921: Guan xin lun shu 觀心論疏 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tam, Wai Lun
"A slective Translation on Kuan-ting's Kuan-hsin-lun-shu (or Commenntary on the Treatise on the Contemplation of the Mind)"
In: A Study and Translation on the Kuan-hsin-lun of Chih-i (538-597) and its commentary by Kuan-ting (561-632), 1986, pp. 92-133. Unpublished MA-thesis, McMaster University. here, or locally.
T46n1922: Shi mo he ban ruo bo luo mi jing jue yi san mei 釋摩訶般若波羅蜜經覺意三昧 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Swanson, Paul
Chüeh-i san-mei
In: Clear Serenity, Quiet Insight. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press2017, Vol.3: pp.1760-1774.
T46n1926: Fa hua jing an le xing yi 法華經安樂行義 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Daniel B. Stevenson; Hiroshi Kanno
The Meaning of the Lotus Sutra's Course of Ease and Bliss - An Annotated Translation and Study of Nanyue Huisi's (515–577) Fahua jing anlexing yi
Tokyo: The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, 2006.
T46n1930: Tian tai ba jiao da yi 天台八教大意 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Robert, Jean-Noël
In: Quatre courts traités sur la Terrasse Céleste
Paris, Librairie Arthème Fayard, 2007 (coll. Trésors du bouddhisme). ISBN 978–2–213–63422–7
T46n1931: Tian tai si jiao yi (Cheontae sagyo ui) 天台四教儀 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Robert, Jean-Noël
In: Quatre courts traités sur la Terrasse Céleste
Paris, Librairie Arthème Fayard, 2007 (coll. Trésors du bouddhisme). ISBN 978–2–213–63422–7
translated by: Muller, A. Charles
"Outline of the Tiantai Fourfold Teachings"
In: Muller, A. Charles, ed.: The Collected Works of Korean Buddhism (Seoul: Jogye Jong 2012), Vol.6, pp. 297–396.
translated by: Ichishima, Masao; Chappell, David
"A Guide to the Tiantai Fourfold Teachings"
In: Tiantai Lotus Texts. BDK English Tripiṭaka Series. Berkeley: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, 2013.
T46n1932: Jin gang bei 金剛錍 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Penkower, Linda
The Diamond Scalpel by the T'ang T'ien T'ai Monk Chan-jan
In: "T'ien-t'ai During the T'ang Dynasty: Chan-jan and the Sinification of Buddhism." PhD diss., Columbia University, 1993. pp. 361-556.
T46n1933: Nan yue si da chan shi li shi yuan wen 南嶽思大禪師立誓願文 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Magnin, Paul
In: La vie et l’oeuvre de Huisi
Paris: École Française d’Extrême-Orient, 1979, pp. 192–238.
T46n1934: Guo qing bai lu 國清百錄 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Swanson, Paul
Kuo-ch'ing pai-lu
In: Clear Serenity, Quiet Insight. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press2017, Vol.3: pp.1775-1799.
translated by: Swanson, Paul
The Hundred Records of the Temple of National Purity
Moraga, CA: BDK Amerika 2022, pp. 3-194.
T46n1940: Fang deng san mei xing fa 方等三昧行法 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Stevenson, Daniel B.
"The T'ien-T'ai four Forms of Samādhi and Late North-South Dynasties, Sui and Early T'ang Buddhist Devotionalism"
PhD dissertation, Columbia University, 1987. pp.538–596
translated by: Swanson, Paul
Fang-teng san-mei hsing-fa
In: Clear Serenity, Quiet Insight. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press2017, Vol.3: pp.1800-1806.
T46n1941: Fa hua san mei chan yi 法華三昧懺儀 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Stevenson, Daniel B.
"The T'ien-T'ai four Forms of Samādhi and Late North-South Dynasties, Sui and Early T'ang Buddhist Devotionalism"
PhD dissertation, Columbia University, 1987. pp.468–537
translated by: Swanson, Paul
Fang-teng san-mei hsing-fa
In: Clear Serenity, Quiet Insight. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press2017, Vol.3: pp.1807-1806.
T47n1957: Lüe lun an le jing tu yi 略論安樂淨土義 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Pruden, Leo
"A Short Essay on the Pure Land"
The Eastern Buddhist, New Series, Vol. 8-1 (May, 1975), pp. 74-95.
T47n1958: An le ji 安樂集 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Inagaki, Hisao
Collection of Passages on the Land of Peace and Bliss
N.p.: Horai International Association, 2014.
T47n1959: Guan nian a mi tuo fo xiang hai san mei gong de fa men 觀念阿彌陀佛相海三昧功德法門 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Stevenson, Daniel B.
Buddhism in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. pp. 377–379.
translated by: Inagaki, Zuio H.
Shan-tao's Kannenbōmom - The Method of Contemplation of Amida
Kyoto: Nagata Bunshodo 永田文昌堂, 2005. Revised edition of Inagaki's translation published in Pacific World 3rd Series, Vol.1-3 (1999, 2000, 2001). This in turn was revised from earlier versions that appeared in Shinshūgaku (1966), and Ryūkoku daigaku ronshū (No. 425 (1984), No. 431 (1988)).
T47n1961: Jing tu shi yi lun 淨土十疑論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Pruden, Leo
"The Ching-t'u Shih-i-lun"
Eastern Buddhist, n.s. 6, no. 1 (1973): 126–157.
translated by: Thích Thiên Tâm
"Ten Doubts About Pure Land"
In: Sutra Translation Committee of the United States and Canada (ed.). 1992. Pure Land Buddhism - Dialogs with Ancient Masters. pp.19-51. Available at the Internet Archive or locally here.
T47n1968: Wang sheng jing tu jue yi xing yuan er men 往生淨土決疑行願二門 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Daniel B. Stevenson
Buddhism in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. pp. 371–377.
T47n1969: Le bang wen lei樂邦文類 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Stevenson, Daniel B.
Buddhism in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. pp. 369–371.
T47n1970: Long shu zeng guang jing tu wen 龍舒增廣淨土文 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hackmann, Heinrich
Laien-Buddhismus in China - Das Lung shu Ching tu wên des Wang Jih hsiu.
Gotha: Verlag Friedrich Perthes, 1924.
T47n1972: Jing tu huo wen 淨土或問 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Thích Thiên Tâm
"Doubts and Questions about Pure Land"
In: Sutra Translation Committee of the United States and Canada (ed.). 1992. Pure Land Buddhism - Dialogs with Ancient Masters.1992, pp. 52-138. Available at the Internet Archive or locally here.
T47n1978: Zan a mi tuo fo jie 讚阿彌陀佛偈 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Corless, Roger
"Tsan A-mi-t'o fo chi. (2): Canticles to Amita Buddha"
Pure Land, n.s. 7 (1990): 124–137.See also Corless' "T'an-luan's Canticles to Amita Buddha." Pure Land, n.s. 6 (1989): 262–278.
T47n1985: Zhen zhou lin ji hui zhao chan shi yu lu 鎮州臨濟慧照禪師語錄 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Fuller Sasaki, Ruth
The Record of Lin-chi
Kyoto 1975.
translated by: Schloegl, I
The Zen Teaching of Rinzai
Berkeley: Shambala, 1976. Of this a German translation by Sōtetsu Yūzen [Klaus Zernickow]: Das Zen von Meister Rinzai. Leimen: Werner Kristkeitz Verlag, 1990.
translated by: Watson, Burton
The Zen Teachings of Master Lin-chi
Boston: Shambhala, 1993.
translated by: Cleary, Jonathan C
In: Three Chan Classics. (The Recorded Sayings of Linji)
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1999.
translated by: Demiéville, Paul
Entretiens de Lin-tsi
Paris: Fayard, 1972. Annotated version.
translated by: Brun, P
Meister Lin-chi - Begegnungen und Reden
Zürich: 1986.
translated by: Mörth, R.Ch
Das Lin-chi Lu des Ch'an Meisters Lin-Chi Yi-Hsüan (+866) - Der Versuch einer Systematisierung des Lin-chi Lu
Hamburg: 1987.[MOAG Miteilungen der Gesellschaft fuer Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens Band 106, ]
translated by: Anderl, Christoph
"Nedtegnede uttalelser av zen-mester Línjì Huìzhào."
In: Zen, ed. by Halvor Eifring, Mark Teeuwen, Vladimir Tikhonov. Oslo: De Norske Bokklubbene 2007: 80-184.
T47n1986: T47n1986(A): Yun zhou dong shan wu ben chan shi yu ben 筠州洞山悟本禪師語本 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Powell, William F.
The Record of Tung-Shan
University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1986. A Kuroda Institute 'Classics in East Asian Buddhism' volume. The translated material is available at (June 2007), while the book form includes an introduction and annotation.
T47n1988: Yun men kuang zhen chan shi guang lu 雲門匡真禪師廣錄 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: App, Urs
Master Yunmen. From the Record of the Chan Teacher 'Gate of the Clouds.'
New York: Kodansha International, 1994. Published in German as App, Urs: Zen-Worte und Wolkentor-Berg. München: Scherz Verlag, 1994.
T47n1992: Fen yang wu de chan shi yu lu 汾陽無德禪師語錄 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Whitfield, Randolph S.
The Recorded Sayings of Chan Master Fenyang - Lion of the West River
Books on Demand 2021. Vol. 1 (fasc. 1+2) ISBN: 978-3-7534-1892-6, Vol. 2 (fasc.3)
T48n2001: 宏智禪師廣錄 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Leighton, Taigen Dan
Cultivating the Empty Field - The Silent Illumination of Master Hongzhi
Tokyo, Singapore: Tuttle 2000
T48n2003: Fo guo yuan wu chan shi bi yan lu 佛果圜悟禪師碧巖錄 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Cleary, Thomas
The Blue Cliff Record
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1998. 453 pp. Also Boston: Shambala, 2005. 648 pp.
translated by: Gundert, Wilhelm
Bi-Yän-Lu: Meister Yüan-wu’s Niederschrift von der Smaragdenen Felswand
München: C. Hanser, 1960.
translated by: Schwarz, Ernst
Bi-Yän-Lu: Aufzeichnungen des Meisters vom Blauen Fels
München: Kösel, 1999.
translated by: Walter, Wolfgang
Die Grosse Koan Sammlung
Frankfurt, Ankor 2001. Vol.1, pp. 87-187. Translates only Koans, not the explanations.
translated by: Lengsfeld, Peter
Yamada Koun Roshi - Die Niederschrift vom Blauen Fels - Hekiganroku
München: Kösel, 2002. Yamada's Teishos regarding the Hekiganroku.
translated by: D'Ortschy, Brigitte
Die Blaugrüne Felswand - Hekiganroku. Fall 1 - 100
Grünwald: Wolken-Verlag, 2001. ISBN: 3-935241-01-1.
translated by: Roloff, Dietrich
Bi-Yan-Lu - Aufzeichnungen vor Smaragdener Felswand. Die 100 Kôan des Hekiganroku.
Oberstdorf: Windpferd, 2013. ISBN: 978-3-86410-045-1
T48n2004: Wan song lao ren ping chang tian tong jue he shang song gu cong rong an lu 萬松老人評唱天童覺和尚頌古從容庵錄 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Cleary, Thomas
Book of Serenity
Boston: Shambala, 1998.
translated by: Wick, Gerry Shishin
The Book of Equanimity - Illuminating Classic Zen Koans
Boston: Wisdom, 2005.
translated by: Roloff, Dietrich
Cong-Rong-Lu - Aufzeichnungen aus der Klause der Gelassenheit. Die 100 Kôan des Shôyôroku.
Oberstdorf: Windpferd, 2008. ISBN: 978-3-89385-571-1
translated by: Walter, Wolfgang
Die Grosse Koan Sammlung
Frankfurt, Ankor 2001. Vol.2, pp. 3-105 Translates only Koans, not the explanations.
translated by: D'Ortschy, Brigitte
Shōyō-roku. Das Buch des Gleichmuts.
Grünwald: Wolken-Verlag, 2005. ISBN: 3-935241-07-0.
T48n2005: Wu men guan 無門關 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Blyth, Robert
In: Zen and Zen Classics Vol.4. Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1966.
translated by: Sekida, Katsuki; Grimstone, A.V.
In: Two Zen Classics - The Gateless Gate and the Blue Cliff Records
New York, Tokyo: Weatherhill, 1995.
translated by: Cleary, Jonathan C.
In: Three Chan Classics. (Wumen's Gate)
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1999.
translated by: Yamada, Koun Roshi; Habito, Ruben
The Gateless Gate: The Classic Book of Zen Koans
Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications 2004. First edition as: "Gateless gate. Newly transl. with comm. by Zen master Kōun Yamada." Los Angeles: Center Publ., 1979. XLIV, 283 S. Of the first edition a German translation: "Die torlose Schranke Mumonkan. Ins Dt. übers von Ludwigis Fabian, Peter Lengsfeld in Zusammenarbeit mit Kigaku Sato." München: Kösel Verlag, 2004. 319 S. There is also a 2nd edition: Tucson: Univ. of Arizona Press, 1990. XXV, 280 S (ISBN: 0-8165-1209-4)
translated by: Shibayama, Zenkei
Zen comments on the Mumonkan.
New York [u.a.]: Harper and Row, 1974 ; XVI, 361 S. (ISBN: 0-06-067279-X). Translates only Koans, not the explanations. Of this a German translation Shibayama, Zenkei: Zu den Quellen des Zen. Die berühmten Koans des Meisters Mumon aus dem 13. Jh. mit Einführung und Kommentar. Übers. aus dem Amerikanischen von Margret Meilwes. München: Barth Verlag, 1976.
translated by: Walter, Wolfgang
Die Grosse Koan Sammlung
Frankfurt, Ankor 2001. Vol.1, pp. 31-84. Translates only Koans, not the explanations.
translated by: D'Ortschy, Brigitte
Mumon-Kan, Fall 1 - 48
Grünwald: Wolken-Verlag, 2001.
translated by: Roloff, Dietrich
Die Torlose Schranke des Zen. Das Mumonkan als Arbeitsbuch der Zen Schulung.
Frankfurt: Fischer, 1999. ISBN: 3-597-14460-4
T48n2007: Nan zong dun jiao zui shang da sheng mohebanruoboluomi jing liu zu Hui Neng da shi yu Shaozhou Da Fan si shifa tan jing 南宗頓教最上大乘摩訶般若波羅蜜經六祖惠能大師於韶州大梵寺施法壇經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Ramírez, Laureano
Sūtra del estrado (Tan jing)
Barcelona: Kairós, 1999. 238 pp. Includes Chinese Dunhuang text.
T48n2008: Liu zu da shi fa bao tan jing 六祖大師法寶壇經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Wong, Mou-lam
Sutra of Wei Lang (Hui Neng).
Shanghai, Yu Ching Press 1930.Of this a German translation by Raoul von Muralt "Das Sûtra des Sechsten Patriarchen", Zürich: Origo-Verlag, 1958. New Edition of the English (C. Humphreys and Wong Mou-Lam) London 1952. Reprint in: The Diamond Sutra and the Platform Sutra of Hui-neng. Boston: Shambhala, 1990.
translated by: Wing-tsit Chan
The Platform Scripture
New York: St. John's University Press, 1961.
translated by: Lu, K’uan Yü (Charles Luk, 盧寬昱)
The Altar Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch
In: Ch’an and Zen Teaching. London, Rider and Co., 1962.
translated by: Fung, Paul F. 馮善甫; George D. Fung 馮善敦
The Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch on the Pristine Orthodox Dharma
San Fransisco: the Buddha’s Universal Church, 1964.
translated by: Yampolsky, Philip
The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch
Columbia University Press, 1978.Based on the Dunhuang Mss.
translated by: Cleary, Thomas
The Sutra of Hui-Neng
Boston: Shambhala, 1998.
translated by: McRae, John R
The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2000.
translated by: Red Pine
The Platform Sutra: The Zen Teachings of Hui-Neng
Emeryville, CA: Shoemaker & Hoard, 2006.
translated by: Verhoeven, Martin; Heng Sure
The Sixth Patriarch's Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra
Ukiah, CA: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 2014.
translated by: Cheng Kuan 釋成觀
六祖法寶壇經 The Dharmic Treasure Altar-Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch (The Altar Sutra)
Taipei: Vairocana Publishing Company, Ltd. 毘盧出版社, 2005 (2007, 2011).
translated by: Jiang, Jiansong 蒋坚松
Tan Jing: the Sutra of Huineng
Changsha 长沙: Hunan renmin 湖南人民出版社, 2012.
translated by: Lin Guangming 林光明, Cai Kunchang 蔡坤昌, Lin Yixin 林怡馨
The Mandala Sutra and Its English Translation: The New Dunhuang Museum Version Revised by Professor Yang Zengwen
Taipei: Jiafeng 嘉豐出版社, 2004.
translated by: Buddhist Text Translation Society
The Sixth Patriarch's Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra
Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 , No. 1 (1970) - 32 (1972) (with intervals). [And later editions]
translated by: Chu, Dongwei 褚东伟
The Wisdom of Huineng, Chinese Buddhist Philosopher: The Platform Sutra and Other Translations
iUniverse, 2015 ISBN: 978-1-4917-5190-9.
translated by: Jarand, Ursula
Das Sutra des sechsten Patriarchen - Das Leben und die Zen-Lehre des chinesischen Meisters Hui-neng (638–713)
Bern, München,Wien: Otto Barth Verlag, 1989.
translated by: Toulsaly, Catherine
Le Sûtra de la plate-forme
Paris: You Feng, 1992.
T48n2009: Shao shi liu men 少室六門 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: McRae, John
Treatise on the Two Entrances and Four Practices
In: The Northern School and the Formation of Early Ch'an Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1986. pp. 102–106. (Based on the edition by Yanagida (1969)).
translated by: Red Pine (Bill Porter)
Outline of Practice, Bloddstream Sermon, Wake-up Sermon, Breakthrough Sermon
The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma. Port Townsend, WA: Empty Bowl, 1987.(Later San Francisco: North Point Press, 1989. Porter translates from a not further specified "Ch'ing dynasty woodblock edition".)
translated by: Broughton, Jeffrey L.
Two Entrances
The Bodhidharma Anthology - The Earliest Records of Zen. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999, pp. 9–12. (Broughton was working from P.2923, s.b.) See also Suzuki's translation of the 二種入 as cited in T51n2076.
T48n2010: Xin xin ming 信心銘 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Suzuki, Daisetz
On Believing in Mind
In: Manual of Zen Buddhism. London: Rider and co., 1950.pp.76-82
translated by: Lu, K’uan Yü (Charles Luk, 盧寬昱)
Have Faith in Your Mind
In: Practical Buddhism. London, Rider and Co., 1971, pp. 34-38.
translated by: Clarke, Richard
Affirming Faith in Mind
In: Zen: Dawn in the West, by Phillip Kapleau. London: Rider and co., 1980.pp.183-189.
translated by: Nearman, Hubert
That Which is Engraved Upon the Heart that Trusts to the Eternal
In: Buddhist Writings. Mount Shasta, CA: Shasta Abbey Press, 1994.pp.213-221.
translated by: Yoshida, Osamu
In: Three Chan Classics. (The Faith-Mind Maxim)
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1999.
translated by: Deshimaru, Teisen
Textes Sacres du Zen: Vol. 2: Shinjinmei
Paris: Edition Seghers, 1976. Of this German translation: Gokuho Rengetsu: Shinjinmei. Berlin: Werner Kristkeitz Verlag, 1979.
translated by: Jarand, Ursula
Die Meisselschrift vom Glauben an den Geist
Bern: Otto W. Barth Verlag 1991.
T48n2011: Zui shang sheng lun 最上乘論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Pachow, W.
"A Buddhist Discourse on Meditation From Tun Huang"
In: University of Ceylon Review Vol. 21. Sri Lanka, 1963, pp. 47-62.
T48n2012: T48n2012-A: Huang bo shan duan ji chan shi xin fa you 黃檗山斷際禪師傳心法要 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Blofeld, John
The Zen Teaching of Huang Po on the Transmission of Mind
London: Buddhist Society, 1947.[Various Reprints e.g. Boston: Shambhala, 1994.]Of this German translation by Ursula von Mangoldt: "Die Zen-Lehre des chinesischen Meisters Huang-po". Weilheim/Obb.: O. W. Barth, 1960. Of this a French translation by Hsi Yun: "Le mental cosmique selon la doctrine de Huang Po". Paris: Adyar, 1951.
translated by: McRae, John R.
Essentials of the transmission of mind
In: Zen texts. Berkeley, CA: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2005.
translated by: Cheng Kuan 釋成觀
The Essentials of the Transmittance of the Mind Delivered by Master Huang-Buo translated and annotated by Ven. Cheng Kuan
Taoyuan: Neo-carefree Garden Buddhist Canon Translation Institute 新逍遙園譯經院, 2019.
translated by: Kim, Ha Poong
In: To See God, to see the Buddha.
Sussex Academic Press, 2010, 81-99.
translated by: Roloff, Dietrich
In: Zen, vom Kopf auf die Füße gestellt: Huang-bo und das Mumonkan
Oberstdorf: Windpferd, 2016, 81-99. ISBN 9783864101335.
T48n2014: Yong jia zheng dao ge 永嘉證道歌 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Ôhasama, Shûej
Schôdô-ka (Gesang Vom Erleben der Wahrheit)
In: Zen - Der Lebendige Buddhismus in Japan. Gotha und Stuttgart, 1925.[Reprint Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt, 1968.]. Pp. 71-90.
translated by: Liebenthal, Walter
Yung-chia Cheng-tao-ko or Yung-chia's Song of Experiencing the Tao. Translated with Introduction and Notes.
Monumenta Serica, VI, 1941, 1-39.
translated by: Suzuki, D.T.
Song of Enlightenment
Manual of Zen Buddhism, 1935, p. 97.
translated by: Payne, Robert.
“The Song of Experiencing the Tao.”
In: The White Pony: An Anthology of Chinese Poetry. New York: New American Library, 1947.
translated by: Lu, K'uan Yü (Charles Luk)
Yung Chia 's Song of Enlightenment
In: Ch'an and Zen teaching, Series three, Part II, Rider & Co, London 1962.
translated by: Sawaki, Kodo 澤木興道; J. Thomas Rimer
Commentary on the Song of Awakening: A Twentieth Century Japanese Zen Master’s Commentary on the Seventh Century Poem by the Chinese Ch’an Master Yung-Chia Hsüan-Chüeh (Yōka Genkaku).
Edited by Janine Coursin, Tonen Sara O’Connor, and Shohaku Okumura 2015. Portland, Me.: Merwin Asia
translated by: Myokyo Daiyu Zenji
Yoka Daishi’s Realizing the Way.
London: The Buddhist Society, 2017.
translated by: Nearman, Hubert
The Song That Attests to the Way
In: Buddhist Writings. Mount Shasta, CA: Shasta Abbey Press, 1994.pp. 223-241.
translated by: Upasika Janice Vickers Storrs
Song of Enlightenment
Talmage, CA: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 1983.
translated by: various, under the direction of Ven. Sheng-yen
Song of Enlightenment
In: The Sword of Wisdom. Elmhurst, NY: Dharma Drum Publications, 1990, pp.19-31.
translated by: Vickers Storss, Janice
Song of Enlightenment by Great Master Yung Jya, commentary by Tipitaka Master Hsuan Hua
Vajra Bodhi Sea 金剛菩提海 , Nos. 166 (1984) - 215 (1988) (with intervals).
translated by: Muller, A. Charles
Song of Actualizing the Way
Moraga, CA: BDK Americ. Inc., 2021.
T48n2015: Chan yuan zhu quan ji du xu 禪源諸詮集都序 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Jan, Yün-hua
The Three Divisions of Ch'an Buddhism.
In: "Tsung-Mi, His Analysis of Ch'an Buddhism" T’oung Pao 58 (1972), pp. 1-54
translated by: Broughton, Jeffrey L.
Prolegomenon to the Collection of Expressions of the Chan Source [aka 'The Chan Prolegomenon']
In: Broughton, Jeffrey L., Zongmi on Chan, Translations from the Asian Classics (New York: Columbia University Press, 2009), pp. 101-196.Earlier version titled "Collected Writings on the Source of Ch’an" published in: Kuei-feng Tsung-mi: The Convergence of Ch’an and the Teachings. Columbia University PhD Dissertation, 1975. pp. 86–305.
translated by: Fox, Alan
Preface to Collection of Various Writings on the Chan Source
In: Elements of Omnicontextual Thought in Chinese Buddhism: Annotated Translations of Gui Feng Zong Mi’s Preface to Collection of Various Writings on the Chan Source and his Commentary on Meditative Approaches to the Hua Yen DharmadhatuTemple University PhD Dissertation, 1988, pp. 100–294.
T48n2016: Zong jing lu 宗鏡錄 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Welter, Albert
Records of the Source-Mirror
In: Yongming Yanshou’s Conception of Chan in the Zongjing lu. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 223-275
T48n2017: Wan shan tong gui ji 萬善同歸集 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Welter, Albert
In: The Meaning of Myriad Good Deeds: A Study of Yung-ming Yen-shou and the Wan-shan t’ung-kuei chi. New York, Bonn, Peter Lang, 1994. (Asian Thought and Culture Series, no. 13.)
T48n2019A: Zhen xin zhi shuo 真心直說 (Chinsim chiksŏl) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Buswell, Robert E., Jr.
"Straight Talk on the True Mind."
In: Buswell, Robert E., Jr., The Korean Approach to Zen: The Collected Works of Chinul (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1983), pp. 160-190. Also in: Buswell, Robert E., Jr., Tracing Back the Radiance: Chinul’s Korean Way of Zen, Classics in East Asian Buddhism (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, A Kuroda Institute Book, 1991), pp. 118-149.Note: This text is no longer attributed to Chinul but instead to the twelfth-century Jurchen monk Zhengyan 政言 (d. ca. 1184/85); see discussion in Buswell, Robert E., Jr, ed.: The Collected Works of Korean Buddhism (Seoul: Jogye Jong 2012), Vol.2, pp. 89-90.
T48n2019B: Cheng chu xin xue ren wen 誡初心學人文 (Gye chosim hag-in mun) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Buswell, Robert E., Jr.
"Admonitions to Beginning Students"
In: Buswell, Robert E., Jr., The Korean Approach to Zen: The Collected Works of Chinul (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1983), pp. 135-139.
translated by: Buswell, Robert E., Jr.
"Admonitions to Neophytes"
In: Buswell, Robert E., Jr. ed.: The Collected Works of Korean Buddhism (Seoul: Jogye Jong 2012), Vol.2, pp. 205–246.
T48n2020: Gao li guo Pu Zhao chan shi xiu xin jue 高麗國普照國師修心訣誡初心學人文 (Koryŏguk Pojo Sŏnsa susim kyŏl) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Buswell, Robert E., Jr.
"Secrets on Cultivating the Mind"
In: Buswell, Robert E., Jr., The Korean Approach to Zen: The Collected Works of Chinul (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1983), pp. 140-159. Also in: In Buswell, Robert E., Jr., Tracing Back the Radiance: Chinul’s Korean Way of Zen, Classics in East Asian Buddhism (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, A Kuroda Institute Book, 1991), pp. 98-117.
translated by: Buswell, Robert E., Jr.
"Moguja’s Secrets on Cultivating the Mind"
In: Buswell, Robert E., Jr., The Collected Works of Korean Buddhism (Seoul: Jogye Jong 2012), Vol.2, pp. 205–246.
translated by: Committee for the Authorized Translations of Won-Buddhist Scriptures
Secrets on Cultivating the Mind
In: The Doctrinal Books of Won-Buddhism (Wonbulgyo Kyosŏ), Iksan: Wonkwang Publishng Co, 2016, pp.960-996.
T48n2022: Chan lin bao xun 禪林寶訓 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Cleary, Thomas
Zen Lessons
In: Cleary, Thomas. Classics of Buddhism and Zen. Boston: Shambala, 2005. Vol. 1, pp.11-126. First published 1989.
T49n2024: Chan guan ce jin 禪關策進 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Broughton, Jeffrey; Watanabe, Elise Yoko
The Chan Whip Anthology - A Companion to Chan Practice
New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.
translated by: Cleary, Jonathan C.
Meditating with Koans - by Zhuhong
CA, Jain Publishing Company, 1992. Of this a French translation "L'Élan pour Passer La Porte Du Zen" by Frédéric Wembandju (Paris: Éditions Accarias, 2012).
T48n2025: Chixiu Baizhang qinggui 勅修百仗清規 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Fung, Paul F. 馮善甫; George D. Fung 馮善敦
Tso-Ch'an I: An Exegetical Translation: The Procedure of Dhyana 坐禅仪: 中国禅宗典籍英译 敕修百丈清规
San Francisco, California: American Academy of Asian Studies美国亚洲研究院,1954.
translated by: Ichimura, Shohei
The Baizhang Zen Monastic Regulations
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2006.
translated by: Fritz, Claudia
Die Verwaltungsstruktur der Chan-Klöster in der späten Yuan-Zeit, Das 4. Buch der Chixiu Baizhang qinggui, übersetzt, annotiert und mit einer Einleitung versehen
Bern: Peter Lang, 1994.(There is also a translation of the Chanyuan qinggui (Dai Nihon zokuzokyo, series 2, case number 16, vol.5), another text on Chan monastic rules: Shi Yifa: The Origins of Buddhist Monastic Codes in China - An Annotated Translation and Study of the Chanyuan qinggui. Honolulu, University of Hawai‘i Press, 2002.)
T49n2026: Zhuan ji san zang ji za zang zhuan 撰集三藏及雜藏傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Przyluski, Jean
In: Le concile de Rājagṛha: Introduction à l’histoire des canons et des sectes bouddhiques.
Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1926. pp. 89-111.
T49n2027: Jia ye jie jing 迦葉結經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Przyluski, Jean
In: Le concile de Rājagṛha: Introduction à l’histoire des canons et des sectes bouddhiques.
Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1926. pp. 1-20.
T49n2030: Da a luo han nan ti mi duo luo suo shuo fa zhu ji 大阿羅漢難提蜜多羅所說法住記 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lévi, Sylvain; Chavannes, Édouard
Les seize Arhats, Protecteurs de la Loi
Journal Asiatique Vol. 8 (1916): 5-50 (JA 1916 Juillet-Aout), 189-304 (JA 1916 Septembre-Octobre).
translated by: Shih, Jen Lang
The Perpetity of the Dharma: A Study and Translation of Da Aluohan Nantimiduoluo Suoshuo Fazhu Ji
Unpublished PhD thesis, University of California, Berkeley 2002.
translated by: Li, Yung-hsi (aka Li Rongxi)
The Sixteen Arhats and the Eighteen Arhats
Peking: Buddhist Association of China, 1961.
T49n2031: Yi bu zong lun lun 異部宗輪論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Masuda, Jiryo
"Origin and Doctrine of Early Indian Buddhist Schools: A Translation of the Hsüan-Chwang Version of Vasumitra's Treatise"
Asia Major Vol. 2 (1925).
translated by: Tsukamoto, Keisho
The Cycle of the Formation of the Schismatic Doctrines
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2004.In the same volume as the translation of T32n1645.
T49n2033: Bu zhi yi lun 部執異論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Demiéville, Paul
"L'origine des sectes bouddhiques d'apres Paramartha"
Melanges Chinois et Bouddhiques 1 (1932). 15–64.
T49n2035: Fo zu tong ji 佛祖統紀 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Jan, Yün-hua
A Chronicle of Buddhism in China 590–960 – Translations from Monk Chih-p’an’s Fo-tsu T’ung-chi
Calcutta: Visva-Bharati Research Publications, 1966.The translation is based on an abriged version of the text.
translated by: Jülch, Thomas
Fozu tongji - Fayun tongsai zhi
Zhipan’s Account of the History of Buddhism in China. Leiden: Brill. Volume I (Juan 34-38, From the Times of the Buddha to the Nanbeichao Era) 2019, Volume II (Juan 39-42: From the Sui Dynasty to the Wudai Era) 2021, Volume III (Juan 43-48: The Song Dynasty) 2023.
T50n2042: A yu wang zhuan 阿育王傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Przyluski, Jean
La Légende de l’Empereur Asoka dans les Textes Indiens et Chinois
Paris: P.Guethner, 1923, pp. 223-427.
translated by: Przyluski, Jean
In: Le concile de Rājagṛha: Introduction à l’histoire des canons et des sectes bouddhiques.
Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1926. pp. 21-53.
T50n2043: A yu wang jing 阿育王經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Li, Rongxi 李榮熙
The Biographical Scripture of King Asoka
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1992.
T50n2046: Ma ming pu sa zhuan 馬鳴菩薩傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Li, Rongxi 李榮熙
"The Life of Asvaghosa Bodhisattva"
In: Lives of Great Monks & Nuns. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2002.For a translation of an earlier version of the text preserved in the Nanatsudera Temple see 七寺馬鳴菩薩傳 below.
T50n2047: Long shu pu sa zhuan 龍樹菩薩傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Corless, Roger
In: Buddhism in Practice
Donald Lopez Jr. ed. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1995), pp. 525-531.
translated by: Li, Rongxi 李榮熙
"The Life of Nāgārjuna Bodhisattva"
In: Lives of Great Monks and Nuns. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2002, pp. 17-30.
translated by: Chaudhuri, Saroj Kumar
In: Lives of Early Buddhist Monks: The Oldest Extant Biographies of Indian and Central Asian Monks.
New Delhi: Abha Prakashan (2008).
T50n2048: Tipo pusa zhuan 提婆菩薩傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Young, Stuart
"Tradition of Deva Bodhisattva"
In: Conceiving the Indian Buddhist Patriarchs in China. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 2015, pp. 265-282.
T50n2049: Po su pan dou fa shi zhuan 婆蘇槃豆法師傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Takakusu, Junjirō
"The life of Vasu-bandhu by Paramārtha (A.D. 499–569)."
T’oung Pao Ser.2, 5 (1904), pp. 269–296.
translated by: Dahlia, Albert
"Biography of Dharma Master Vasubandhu"
In: Lives of Great Monks & Nuns. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2002.
T50n2051: Tang hu fa sha men fa lin bie zhuan 唐護法沙門法琳別傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Jülch, Thomas
Falin Biezhuan
In: Bodhisattva der Apologetik - die Mission des buddhistischen Tang-Mönches Falin. München: Herbert Utz Verlag 2014. Vol. 3, pp. 1-166.
T50n2053: Da tang da ci en si san zang fa shi zhuan 大唐大慈恩寺三藏法師傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Beal, Samuel
The Life of Hiuen-Tsiang
London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Truebner & Co, 1911. [Reprint: Delhi: Munshiriam Manoharlal, 2003].
translated by: Li, Rongxi 李榮熙
A Biography of the Tripitaka Master of the Great Ci'en Monastery of the Great Tang Dynasty
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1995. [This a revised translation of the earlier version published as Li Yung-hsi 李榮熙. The Life of Hsuan-tsang the Tripitaka-Master of the Great Tzu En Monastery. Peking: Chinese Buddhist Association 1959.]
translated by: Drège, Jean-Pierre
Vie de Xuanzang, pélerin et traducteur: Biographie du maître de la Loi Tripiṭaka résidant au monastère de la Grande Compassion sous les Grands Tang
Paris: Belles Lettres, 2023. ISBN: 978-2251454849.
T50n2059: Gao seng zhuan 高僧傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Yang, Tianshu 楊天舒 (transl.); Ross, Edward A. S. (ed.)
The Biographies of Eminent Monks
Hongkong: The University of Hongkong (Centre of Buddhist Studies), 2022. Published as ebook. ISBN: 978-988-76424-2-8.
translated by: Shih, Robert
Biographies des moines éminents de Houei-Kiao. Kao seng tchouan
Louvain: Institut orientaliste, Bibliothèque de l'Université, 1968.
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
Guṇavarman (367-431 p. C.)
In: T’oung Pao série 2, 5 (1904), pp.193-206.
translated by: Soymié, Michel
Biographie de Chan Tao-k'ai
In: Mélanges Publiés par l’Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises 1 (1957). Paris: Institut des Hautes Études chinoises, pp. 415-422.
translated by: Gernet, Jacques
Les suicides par le feu chez les bouddhistes chinois du Ve au Xe siècle
Mélanges Publiés par l’Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises 2 (1960). Paris: Institut des Hautes Études chinoises, pp. 527-558.
translated by: Berkowitz, Alan J.
Account of the Buddhist Thaumaturge Baozhi
In: Donald S. Lopez ed., Buddhism in Practice (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995), pp. 578–585.
translated by: Kieschnick, John
Biography of the Jin Monk Bo Sengguang 帛僧光 of Hermit Peak in Shan
In: Donald S. Lopez ed., Buddhist Scriptures (London: Penguin Books, 2004), pp. 286–288.
translated by: Liebenthal, Walter
A Biography of Chu Tao-sheng
Monumenta Nipponica 11.3 (1955), pp. 64–96.
translated by: Link, Arthur
Biography of Shih Tao-an
T’oung Pao 46 (1958), pp. 1–48.
translated by: Link, Arthur, and Hirai Shunei 平井俊榮
Kosoden no chūshakuteki kenkyū 高僧傳の註釋的研究
Komazawa daigaku bukkyōgakubu ronshū 駒澤大学仏教学部論集 23 (1992): 443-56 (Biographies of Dharmaratna, Dharmakāla, Kang Sengkai 康僧凱,Tandi 曇帝,Boyan 帛延); idem 24 (1993):436-70 (Biographies of Kang Senghui 康僧會, and Zhi Qian 支謙); idem 25 (1994): 414-28 (Biography of Dharmarakṣa); 26 (1995):313-32 (Biographies of Śrīmitra, Saṇghabhadra, and Buddharakṣa). Komazawa daigaku bukkyōgakubu kenkyukiyō 駒澤大学仏教学部研究紀要 49 (1991): 170—84 (Biography of Shemoteng 攝摩騰); 53 (1995): 333-50 (Biographies of Boyuan 帛遠, Fazuo 法祚, and Wei Shidu 衛士度). These pieces include Arthur Link’s translations of some of the biographies of monks in the first juan together with Japanese translation and annotation by Hirai Shunei. Altogether, six installments were published in the 1990s.
translated by: Wright, Arthur
Biography and Hagiography: Hui-chiao’s Lives of Eminent Monks
In Wright, Studies in Chinese Buddhism, edited by Robert M. Somers, 73-111 (translation at 89-95). New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990. First published 1954 in the Silver Jubilee Volume of the Jimbun-Kagaku-Kenkyusho.
translated by: Wright, Arthur
Fo-t’u-teng, A Biography
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 11 (1948), pp. 321–371.
translated by: Zürcher, Erik
Translation of the Biography of Shih Hui-Yüan
Buddhist Conquest of China, 1959), pp. 240-253.
translated by: Benn, James
Biographies of Eight Autocremators and Huijiao’s “Critical Evaluation”
In: W. Swartz et al. (eds.) Early Medieval China - A Sourcebook, 2014), pp. 543-560.
T50n2060: Xu gao seng zhuan 續高僧傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Jülch, Thomas
Falin Biographie in Xu gaoseng zhuan
In: Bodhisattva der Apologetik - die Mission des buddhistischen Tang-Mönches Falin. München: Herbert Utz Verlag 2014. Vol. 3, pp. 167-204.
T50n2061: Song gao seng zhuan 宋高僧傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Wagner, Robin Beth
Buddhism, Biography and Power: A Study of Daoxuan’s ‘Continued Lives of Eminent Monks’
Ph.D. dissertation Harvard University (1995).
translated by: Chou, Yi-liang 周一良
Tantrism in China
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 8 (1945), pp. 241–332.
translated by: Kieschnick, John
Biography of the Tang Monk Daojian 道鑑 of the Lingyan Monastery in Qizhou
In: Donald S. Lopez ed., Buddhist Scriptures (London: Penguin Books, 2004), pp. 288–292.
translated by: Poceski, Mario
Biographical Entry in Song gao seng zhuan
In: The Records of Mazu and the Making of Classical Chan Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.
translated by: Birnbaum, Raoul
The Manifestation of a Monastery: Shen-ying’s Experiences on Mount Wu-t’ai in T’ang Context
Journal of the American Oriental Society 106.1 (Jan-Mar 1986), pp. 119–137.
T50n2063: Bi qiu ni zhuan 比丘尼傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tsai, Kathryn Ann
Lives of the Nuns. Biographies of Chinese Buddhist Nuns from the Fourth to Sixth Centuries
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1994.
translated by: Li, Rongxi 李榮熙
"Biographies of Buddhist Nuns"
In: Lives of Great Monks & Nuns. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2002.[Earlier edition: Osaka: Tōhōkan Inc. 1981.]
translated by: Wright, Arthur
"Biography of the Nun An-ling-shou 安令首"
In Wright, Studies in Chinese Buddhism, edited by Robert M. Somers, 69-72. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990. First published 1952 in the Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Vol. 15-1,2: 193-196.
T50n2064: Shen seng zhuan 神僧傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Guggenmos, Esther-Maria; Li, Wei
Biographien wundertätiger Mönche - Ausgewählte Übersetzungen
In: Wahrsagende Mönche im Chinesischen Buddhismus - Biographien aus dem Shenseng zhuan. Gossenberg: Ostasian Verlag, 2019, pp.27-226.
T50n2065: Hai gong gao seng zhuan 海東高僧傳 (Haedong Goseungjeon) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lee, Peter H.
Lives of Eminent Korean Monks: The Haedong Kosŭng Chŏn.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1969.
translated by: Zemanek, Marek
Biographies of Eminent Monks of Haedong.
In: Biographies of Eminent Monks of Korea: Works by Gakhun, Beomhae Gagan and Geummyeong Bojeong. Seoul: Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, 2020, pp.27-78.
T51n2066: Da tang xi yu qiu fa gao seng zhuan 大唐西域求法高僧傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
Mémoire composé à l'époque de la grande dynastie T'ang sur les religieux éminents qui allèrent chercher la loi dans les pays d'Occident.
Paris: E. Leroux, 1894.
translated by: Lahiri, Latika
Chinese monks in India: Biography of eminent monks who went to the western world in search of the law during the great T'ang dynasty
Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1986; ISBN(10): 8120800621
T51n2067: Hong zan fa hua zhuan 弘贊法華傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Stevenson, Daniel B.
Buddhism in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. pp. 430–451.
T51n2070: Wang sheng xi fang jing tu rui ying zhuan 往生西方淨土瑞應傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Ko, Nancy Laurente
The Biographies of Auspicious Response
Rebirth in the Pure Land: A Study of The Biographies of Auspicious Response (Ruiying Zhuan 瑞應傳). Unpublished MA thesis. Fo Guang University, 2017. Translation at 172-224.
T51n2075: (Pelliot 2125): Li dai fa bao ji 曆代法寶記 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Wendi L. Adamek
The Mystique of Transmission: On an Early Chan History and Its Contexts
New York: Columbia University Press. 2007.
T51n2076: Jing de chuan deng lu 景德傳燈錄 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Whitfield, Randolph S.
Transmission of the Lamp
BoD Books (Books on Demand), "Printed in Germany". Vol. 1 (2015): The Buddhas and Indian Patriarchs (Juan 1-3). Vol. 2 (2015): The Early Masters (Juan 4-9). Vol. 3 (2016): The Nanyue Huairang Lineage (Juan 10-13). Vol. 4 (2017): The Shitou Line (Juan 14-17). Vol. 5 (2018): Heirs of Master Xuefeng Yicun et al. (Juan 18-21). Vol. 6 (2019): Heirs of Tiantai Deshao, Congzhan, Yunmen et al. (Juan 22-26). Vol. 7 (2019): Biographies and Extended Discourses (Juan 27-28). Vol. 8 (2020): Chan Poetry and Inscriptions (Juan 29-30).
translated by: Chang, Chung-yuan
The Original Teachings of Chan Buddhism: Selections From the Transmission of the Lamp
Pantheon, 1969. Of this German translation: Roloff, Dietrich: Zen - Die Lehre der Grossen Meister nach der klassischen 'Aufzeichnung von der Weitergabe der Leuchte'. Frankfurt a.M.: Wolfgang Krüger Verlag, 2000.
translated by: Ogata, Sohaka
Records of the Transmission of the Lamp
Hummingbird, 1986. 2nd edition as 'The Transmission of the Lamp - Early Masters.' Longwood Academic: Wolfeboro NH, 1990.
translated by: Blofeld, John
The Zen Teaching of Instantaneous Awakening, being the Teaching of the Zen Master Hui Hai, known as Great Pearl.
Leicester, 1987, pp. 17-56.
translated by: Poceski, Mario
Biographical Entry in Jingde chuan deng lu
In: The Records of Mazu and the Making of Classical Chan Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.
translated by: Suzuki, Daisetz
Bodhidharma on the Twofold Entrance to the Tao
In: Manual of Zen Buddhism. London: Rider & co., 1950. (See also T48n2009 and Pelliot 2923)
translated by: Wittern, Christian
Mazu Daoyi - Dazhu Huihai: Grundlegende Reden und Aufzeichnungen des Chan-Buddhismus
Berlin: Verlag der Weltreligionen, 2011, pp. 45-87.
translated by: Wittern, Christian
Jingde chuandeng lu - Aufzeichnungen von der Übertragung der Leuchte aus der Ära Jingde
Berlin: Insel Verlag / Verlag der Weltreligionen, 2014.Translated is about one third of the whole text. Several dialogues were selected from each chapter.
translated by: Wittern, Christian
In: Das Yulu des Chan-Buddhismus – Die Entwicklung vom 8.bis zum 11. Jahrhundert
New York: Peter Lang, 1998. pp. 161–346.
translated by: Welter, Albert
Preface to the Record of the Transmission of the Lamp compiled in the Jingde era
Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies Volume 34 (2021), 134-141.
T51n2082: Ming bao ji 冥報記 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Gjertson, Donald E.
Miraculous Retribution: A Study and Translation of T'ang Lin's Ming-pao chi.
Berkeley: Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series, 1989.
T51n2085: Gao seng fa xian zhuan 高僧法顯傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Legge, James
Travels of Fah-hian and Sung-yun, Buddhist Pilgrims, from China to India (400 A.D. and 518 A.D.)
London: Trübner 1869. [Several later editions e.g. "A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms - Being an Account by the Chinese Monk Fa Hien of Travels in India and Ceylon (AD 399–414) in Search of the Buddhist Books of Dicipline" Oxford: Clarendon, 1886].
translated by: Li, Rongxi 李榮熙
"The Journey of the Eminent Monk Faxian"
In: Lives of Great Monks & Nuns. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2002.[Revised translation of earlier versions by Li: “Record of Buddhist Countries” in Chinese Literature Vol.3, 1956, pp.149-81. (partial), and A Record of Buddhist Countries. Peking: Chinese Buddhist Association 1957. (complete translation [here]).]
translated by: Neumann, Carl Friedrich
Pilgerfahrten buddhistischer Priester von China nach Indien, aus dem Chinesischen übersetzt, mit einer Einleitung und mit Anmerkungen versehen
Zeitschrift für historische Theologie, Vol.3-2, 1833: 114-178.
translated by: Deeg, Max
Das Gaoseng-Faxian-zhuan als religionsgeschichtliche Quelle. Mit Übersetzung der Texte
Harrassowitz, 2004 (Studies in Oriental Religions 52) Ca. VII, 768 Seiten, 6 Abb., gb. ISBN 3–447–05071–3
translated by: Ramírez Bellerín, Laureano
El viaje de Faxian. Relato del peregrinaje de un monje chino a los reinos budistas de Asia Central y la India en el siglo V
Madrid: La Esfera de los Libros, 2013. ISBN: 978–84–9734–995–6.
translated by: Abel-Rémusat, Jean-Pierre
Foé Koué Ki; ou, Relations des royaumes bouddhiques: voyage dans la Tartarie, dans l'Afghanistan et dans l'Inde, exécuté, à la fin du IVe siècle, par Chy Fa Hian.
Traduit du Chinois et Commenté par M. Abel Rémusat. Ouvrage Posthume. Revu, Complété, et Augmenté d'Éclaircissements Nouveaux Par MM. Klaproth et Landresse. Paris: L'Imprimerie Royale, 1836.
translated by: Drège, Jean-Pierre
Faxian. Mémoire sur les pays bouddhiques. Texte établi, traduit et annoté
Paris: Les Belles-Lettres. 2013.
T51n2086: Bei wei seng hui sheng shi xi yu ji 北魏僧惠生使西域記 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Deeg, Max
"A Little-Noticed Buddhist Travelogue: Senghui’s Xiyu-ji and Its Relation to the Luoyang-jialan-ji."
In: Pramāṇakīrtiḥ: Papers Dedicated to Ernst Steinkellner on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, edited by Birgit Kellner, Helmut Krasser, Horst Lasic, Michael Torsten Much and Helmut Taucher, Part 1, pp. 63-84. Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien, 2007.
T51n2087: Da tang xi yu ji 大唐西域記 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Beal, Samuel
Buddhist Records of the Western World - Translated from the Chinese of Hiuen Tsang (AD 629)
London: Truebner, 1884.
translated by: Watters, Thomas
On Yuan Chwang’s Travels in India, 629-645 A.D.
Posthumous edition by T. W. Rhys Davis and S. W. Bushell , 2 vols. London: Royal Asiatic Society, 1904. (Oriental Translation Fund, New Series, XIV-XV)
translated by: Li, Rongxi
The Great T'ang Dynasty Record of the Western Regions
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1996. 425 pp.
translated by: Julien, Stanislas
Voyages des pèlerines bouddhistes. 3 vols. 1.: Histoire de la vie de Hiouen-Thsang et de ses voyages dans l’Inde. 2.+ 3.: Mémoires sur les contrées occidentales
Paris: Impr. Impér., 1853–1858.
T51n2089: : You fang ji chao 遊方記抄. Pt. 7: Tōdaiwajō tōseiden 唐大和上東征傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Takakusu Junjirō
"Le voyage de Kanshin"
Bulletin d'Ecole Francaise de l'Extrême Orient XXVIII (1928) pp. 1–42 (Introduction), pp. 442–472 (Translation I); BEFEO XXIX (1929) pp. 48–62 (Translation II). (Takakusu originally translated the Tōseiden into English. This translation was translated into French for publication in the BEFEO.)
translated by: Bingenheimer, Marcus
"A translation of the Tōdaiwajō tōseiden 唐大和上東征傳 (T.2089 (7))."
The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies No.4 (2003) & No.5 (2004).
translated by: Hankó, László
Kommentierte Übersetzung: Tō Daiwajō tōseiden
In: Der Ursprung der japanischen Vinaya-Schule Risshū und die Entwicklung ihrer Lehre und Praxis. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, 2003, 240-302.
T51n2092: Luo yang qie lan ji 洛陽伽藍記 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard.
Yang Xuanzhi. Mémoire sur les monastères bouddhiques de Luoyang
In: 'Voyage de Song Yun dans l'Udyāna et le Gandhāra (518-522 p. C.).' Bulletin de l'Ecole Française d'Extrême Orient 3 (1903), pp. 319-441.
translated by: Lourme, Jean-Marie
Mémoire sur les monastères bouddhiques de Luoyang
Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2014.
translated by: Jenner, William John Francis
Memories of Loyang: Yang Hsüan-chihand the lost capital (493–534)
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981.
translated by: Wang, Yi-t’ung
A Record of Buddhist Monasteries in Lo-Yang
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984.
T51n2096: Tian tai shan ji 天台山記 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Brose, Benjamin
Record of the Tiantai Mountains
MA Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 2002. Available locally here.
T51n2099: Guang qing liang zhuan 廣清涼傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Stevenson, Daniel
"Visions of Mañjuśrī on Mount Wutai"
In: Religions of China in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996, pp. 203-222.
T52n2102: Hong ming ji 弘明集 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Ziegler, Harumi Hirano
The Collection for the Propagation and Clarification of Buddhism
BDK English Tripiṭaka Series. Berkeley: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, Vol. 1 (Fascicles 1-7) 2015, Vol 2 (Fascicles 8-14) 2017.
translated by: Pelliot, Paul
Meou-tseu ou les doutes levés
T'oung Pao 19 (1920), pp. 255-433 (transl. 351–429).See also: L. Aurousseeau: "Review of 'Meou-tseu ou Les doutes levés,' by Paul Pelloit" Bulletin de l'Ecole francais d'Extreme Orient 22 (1922): 276–298.
translated by: Keenan, John P.
How master Mou removes our doubts: a reader-response study and translation of the Mou-tzu Li-huo lun
New York: SUNY Press, 1994.See also: "Mozi: Disposing of Error" in: De Bary & Bloom: Sources of Chinese Tradition. New York: Columbia UP Press, pp. 421–429. (T52n2102.29–32).
translated by: L'Haridon, Béatrice
Dialogues pour dissiper la confusion
Paris: Les Belles Lettres (2017).
translated by: Liebenthal, Walter
"The Immortality of the Soul in Chinese Thought"
Monumenta Nipponica 8, no. 1/2 (1952): 378–394.
translated by: Liebenthal, Walter
"The Immortality of the Soul in Chinese Thought"
Monumenta Nipponica 8, no. 1/2 (1952): 346–354.
translated by: Liebenthal, Walter
"The Immortality of the Soul in Chinese Thought"
Monumenta Nipponica 8, no. 1/2 (1952): 354–355.
translated by: Liebenthal, Walter
"The Immortality of the Soul in Chinese Thought"
Monumenta Nipponica 8, no. 1/2 (1952): 358–362 .
translated by: Liebenthal, Walter
"The Immortality of the Soul in Chinese Thought"
Monumenta Nipponica 8, no. 1/2 (1952): 362–366.
translated by: Liebenthal, Walter
"The Immortality of the Soul in Chinese Thought"
Monumenta Nipponica 8, no. 1/2 (1952): 376–378.
translated by: Lai, Whalen
"Emperor Wu of Liang on the Immortal Soul, Shen Pu Mieh"
Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 101, No. 2 (Apr. - Jun., 1981), pp. 167-175.
translated by: Zürcher, Erik
In: The Buddhist conquest of China
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1959, pp. 160-163, 164-176.
translated by: Kopecki, Andrew Joseph
"Cultural adaptation in the Chinese acceptance of Buddhism: selections from the ‘Hongmingji’ : a thesis."
Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, Cambridge, 1981. pp. 65-131, 185-197, 294-327.
translated by: Link, Arthur; Lee, Tim
Sun Cho's Yü-Tao-Lun: A Clarification of the Way
Monumenta Serica, Vol. 25 (1966), pp. 169-196
T52n2103: Guang hong ming ji 廣弘明集 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Kohn, Livia
Laughing at the Tao (Translation of the Xiaodao lun 笑道論)
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995.
translated by: Despeux, Catherine
La culture lettrée au service d'un plaidoyer pour le bouddhisme. Le 'Traité des deux doctrines' ('Erjiao lun') de Dao'an
In: Bouddhisme et lettrés dans la Chine médiévale. Paris-Louvain: Peeters, 2002. pp. 145-227.
translated by: Zürcher, Erik
Chih Tun's Introduction to his 'Eulogy on an Image of the Buddha Śākyamuni'
Buddhist Conquest of China, 1959: 177-179.
translated by: Jülch, Thomas
On whether or nor Buddhist Monks should bow to the Emperor
Monumenta Serica, Vol. 60-1 (2012): 1-43.
T52n2104: Ji gu jin fo dao lun heng 集古今佛道論衡 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Assandri, Friederike
Ji gujin fodao lunheng
Die Debatten zwischen Daoisten und Buddhisten in der frühen Tang-Zeit und die Chongxuan-Lehre des Daoismus. PhD-Dissertation (Heidelberg),2002.
translated by: Jülch, Thomas
Fodao lunheng
In: Bodhisattva der Apologetik - die Mission des buddhistischen Tang-Mönches Falin. München: Herbert Utz Verlag 2014. Vol. 3, pp. 205-270.
T52n2106: Ji shen zhou san bao gan tong lu 集神州三寶感通錄 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lippiello, Tiziana
In: Auspicious Omens and Miracles in Ancient China: Han, Three Kingdoms and Six Dynasties,
Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 39 (Sankt Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica, 2001), 177–201.
T52n2108: Ji sha men bu ying bai su deng shi 集沙門不應拜俗等事 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Zürcher, Erik
"Documents concerning the Controversy of 340 AD."
Buddhist Conquest of China, 1959: 160-164.
T52n2109: Po xie lun 破邪論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Jülch, Thomas
Poxie lun
In: Bodhisattva der Apologetik - die Mission des buddhistischen Tang-Mönches Falin. München: Herbert Utz Verlag 2014. Vol. 1, pp. 189-374.
T52n2110: Bian zheng lun 辯正論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Jülch, Thomas
Bianzheng lun
In: Bodhisattva der Apologetik - die Mission des buddhistischen Tang-Mönches Falin. München: Herbert Utz Verlag 2014. Vol. 2, pp. 1-396.
T52n2114: Hu fa lun 護法論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Kaplan, Uri
In Defense of the Dharma
In: Buddhist Apologetics in East Asia. Leiden: Brill 2019.
T53n2121: Jing lü yi xiang 經律異相 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard
Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du tripitaka chinois et traduits en francais
Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1962. Vol. 3, pp 207- 284. [First published: Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1910.]
T53n2122: Fa yuan zhu lin 法苑珠林 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Shinohara, Koichi (Vols. 1-3); Hirano Ziegler, Harumi (Vols. 4-5)
The Fayuan Zhulin (The Jade Garden of Dharma Forest)
BDK English Tripiṭaka Series. Moraga, CA: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America. Vol. 1 (Fasc.1-7), 2019; Vol. 2 (Fasc.8-12), 2019; Vol. 3 (Fasc.13-20), 2020; Vol. 4 (Fasc.21-27), 2020; Vol. 5 (Fasc.28-34), 2022; Vol. 6 (Fasc.35-40).
translated by: Campany, Robert Ford
Signs from the Unseen Realm
Honolulu: Hawaii University Press, 2012.
translated by: Hsu, Alexander O.
"Curing/Curating Sickness: Selections from the Chapter on the ‘Sufferings of Illness’ from A Grove of Pearls from the Garden of Dharma."
In: P. Salguero (ed.) Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 20-29.
translated by: Salguero, C. Pierce
"A Selection of Buddhist Healing Narratives from East Asia."
In: P. Salguero (ed.) Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 205-218.
T54n2125: Nan hai ji gui nei fa zhuan 南海寄歸內法傳 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Takakusu, Junjirō
I-Tsing - A Record of the Buddhist Religion as Practised in India and in the Malay Archipelago (AD 671–695)
London: Clarendon, 1896.
translated by: Li, Rongxi
Buddhist Monastic Traditions of Southern Asia
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2000. 188 pp.
translated by: Fujishima, Ryauon [Fujishima Ryōon]
"Deux chapitres extraits des mémoires d'I-Tsing sur son voyage dans l'Inde."
Journal Asiatique, Huitiéme Série Tome 12, 1888, pp. 411-439. [at gallica]
translated by: Kleine, Christoph
"Health Care in Indian Monasteries: Selections from Yijing’s Record of the Inner Law Sent Home from the Southern Seas."
In: P. Salguero (ed.), Buddhism and Medicine - An Anthology of Premodern Sources, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017, pp.145-160.
T54n2126: Da song seng shi lüe 大宋僧史略 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Albert Welter
Topical Compendium of the Buddhist Order in China
The Administration of Buddhism in China: A Study and Translation of Zanning and his Topical Compendium of the Buddhist Order in China (Da Song Seng shilue 大宋僧史略). Amherst, New York: Cambria Press, 2018.
T54n2130: Fan fan yu 翻梵語 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chen, Chin-chih
Fan Fan-Yü: Ein Sanskrit-chinesisches Wörterbuch aus dem Taishō-Tripiṭaka
Unpublished PhD dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 2004.
T54n2131: Fan yi ming yi ji 翻譯名義集 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Levi, Sylvain; Chavannes, Edouard
La notation de tréfonds (Ālaya vijñāna) (Extrait du Fan yi ming yi tsi)
In: Matériaux pour l'étude du système Vijnaptimatra: un système de philosophie bouddhique. Paris: Libraire Ancienne Honoré Champion, 1932, pp. 125-173.
T54n2137: Jin qi shi lun 金七十論 (*Suvarṇasaptati, Sāṃkhyakārika/śāstra) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: M. J. Takakusu
"La Sāṃkhyakārikā étudiée à la lumière de sa version chinoise"
BEFEO Tome IV, Hanoi (1904), 1–65; & BEFEO, Tome IV, Hanoi (1904), 978–1061. Translation part here.English version translated from Takakusu's French by S. S. Suryanarayanan: "The Sāṃkhya Kārikā – Studied in the Light of its Chinese Version" (Madras, 1931).
T54n2138: Sheng zong shi ju yi lun 勝宗十句義論 (*Vaiśeṣika-daśapadārtha-śāstra) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Ui, Hakuju
The Vaiśeṣika Philosophy according to the Daśapadārtha-śāstra: Chinese Text with Introduction, Translation and Notes.
With F.W. Thomas. London: Royal Asiatic Society 1917, pp.93-119. 2nd Edition (Reprint?) Varanasi : Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series, 1962 (Chowkhamba Sanskrit Studies 22). Available at the Internet Archive
translated by: Miyamoto, Keiichi.
Daśapadārthī - An Ancient Indian Literature of Throughly Metaphysical Realism
Kyoto: Rinsen Book Company, 2007, pp.7-25This builds on previous work by Miyamoto especially the Appendix I "Daśapadārthī of Candramati" in his "The Metaphysics and Epistemology of the Early Vaiśeṣikas" (Pune: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1996). Miyamoto (2007, 3) also contains a judgement on Ui's previous version: "Consequently we are now completely free from the worst translation [sic] of the text by Dr. Hakuju Ui which have [sic] perplexed students of Indian philosophy for eighty years."
T54n2139: Lao zi xi sheng hua hu jing xu shuo 老子西昇化胡經序說 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Kohn, Livia.
"Huahu jing (Conversion of the Barbarians), Introduction"
In: The Taoist Experience, An Anthology. Albany, NY: SUNY Press1993, pp. 71-80.
T54n2140: Mo ni jiao xia bu zan 摩尼教下部讚 (S.2659 (Or. 8210)) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Waldschmidt, Ernst; Lentz, Wolfgang
Die Stellung Jesus im Manichäismus
Berlin: Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jahrgang 1926, Nr.4. Available here.
translated by: Waldschmidt, Ernst; Lentz, Wolfgang
"Manichäische Dogmatik aus chinesischen und iranischen Texten"
Berlin: Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jahrgang 1933, pp. 481-607.
translated by: Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1987, pp. 11-68.
translated by: Tsui, Chi
"摩尼教下部讚 Mo Ni Chiao Hsia Pu Tsan - The Lower (Second?) Section of the Manichæan Hymns"
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (BSOAS) 1943 (11), 174-219. Available here.
T54n2141A: Mo ni guang fo jiao fa yi lüe 摩尼光佛教法儀略 (S. 3969) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Haloun, Gustav; Henning, W.B.
"The Compendium of the Doctrines and Styles of the Teaching of Mani, the Buddha of Light"
Asia Major, N.S. III, (1952): pp. 184-212.
translated by: Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig
"Kompendium der Lehren und Regeln Manis, des Buddhas des Lichts"
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1987, pp. 69-76.
translated by: Tajadod, Nahal
Mani - Le Bouddha de Lumière – Catéchisme manichéen chinois
Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf 1990.
T54n2141B: 波斯教殘經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Chavannes, Édouard; Pelliot, Paul
"Un traité manichéen retrouvé en Chine"
Journal Asiatique Serie 10 Vol. 18 (1911), pp. 499–617; Serie 11 Vol. 1 (1913) , pp. 99–199; Serie 11 Vol. 2 (1913) 261-392.
translated by: Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1987, pp. 77-104.
T54n2142: Xu ting mi shi suo jing 序聽迷詩所經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Moule, Arthur Christopher
In: Christians in China Before the Year 1550.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 1930, pp. 59-64. (Various reprints)
translated by: Saeki, (Peter) Yoshiro 佐伯好郎
"The Hsü-T’ing Messiah Sûtra"
In: Nestorian Documents and Relics in China. Tokyo: Toho bunkwa gakuin: The Academy of oriental culture, 1937. 2nd rev. edition, Tokyo: Maruzen, 1951, pp.125-160.An English language abridgement of Keikyo no kenkyu 景教の研究 (1935).
translated by: Tang, Li
"Book of Jesus, the Messiah"
In: A Study of the History of Nestorian Christianity in China and its Literature in Chinese. Frankfurt am Main et al.: P.Lang, 2002, pp. 145-156. (European University Studies: Series 27, Asian and African Studies. Vol. 87)
translated by: Rosenkranz, Gerhard
"Das Sutra über Jesus den Messias"
In: Die älteste Christenheit in China. Schriftenreihe der Ostasien Mission. Heft 3/41939, pp. 8-19.
T54n2143: Jing jiao san jiao meng du zan 景教三教蒙度讚 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Moule, Arthur Christopher
In: Christians in China Before the Year 1550.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 1930, pp. 53-55. (Various reprints)
translated by: Saeki, (Peter) Yoshiro 佐伯好郎
"The Nestorian Motwa Hymn in Adoration of the Holy Trinity"
In: Nestorian Documents and Relics in China. Tokyo: Toho bunkwa gakuin: The Academy of oriental culture, 1937. 2nd rev. edition, Tokyo: Maruzen, 1951, pp. 266-268.An English language abridgement of Keikyo no kenkyu 景教の研究 (1935).
translated by: Tang, Li
"Gloria in Excelsis Deo"
In: A Study of the History of Nestorian Christianity in China and its Literature in Chinese. Frankfurt am Main et al.: P.Lang, 2002, pp. 181-183. (European University Studies: Series 27, Asian and African Studies. Vol. 87)
translated by: Rosenkranz, Gerhard
"Der Lobgesang"
In: Die älteste Christenheit in China. Schriftenreihe der Ostasien Mission. Heft 3/41939, pp. 74 f.
T54n2144: Da qin jing jiao liu xing zhong guo bei song 大秦景教流行中國碑頌 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Legge, James
"The Nestorian Monument in Hsi-an Fu"
London: Truebner, 1888.
translated by: Moule, Arthur Christopher
In: Christians in China Before the Year 1550.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 1930, pp. 34-52. (Various reprints)
translated by: Saeki, (Peter) Yoshiro 佐伯好郎
"The Translation of the Nestorian Inscription"
In: Nestorian Documents and Relics in China. Tokyo: Toho bunkwa gakuin: The Academy of oriental culture, 1937. 2nd rev. edition, Tokyo: Maruzen, 1951, pp. 53-112.An English language abridgement of Keikyo no kenkyu 景教の研究 (1935). An earlier version of this translation was published in Y. Saeki: The Nestorian Monument in China, 1916 [1928], pp. 163 ff.
translated by: Rosenkranz, Gerhard
"Die Inschrift des Denkmals von Si-an"
In: Die älteste Christenheit in China. Schriftenreihe der Ostasien Mission. Heft 3/41939, pp. 49-59.
T55n2145: Chu san zang ji ji 出三藏記集 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Link, Arthur E.
"Shih Seng-yu and His Writings."
Journal of the American Oriental Society 80, no. 1 (1960): 17-43.Translation of the preface on pgs. 34-40.
translated by: Boucher, Daniel
"Dharmarakṣa and the Transmission of Buddhism to China."
Asia Major 19 (2006): 13-37.
translated by: Liebenthal, Walter
"A Clarification (Yu-i Lun)."
Sino-Indian Studies 5, no. 2 (1956): 88-99.
translated by: Shih, Robert
"La Préface du Ta Tche Che Louen par Seng-jouei."
In: Indianisme et Bouddhisme – Mélanges offerts à Mgr Étienne Lamotte. Louvain: Institute Orientaliste. (1980): 321-328.
translated by: Hurvitz, Leon; Link, Arthur
"Three Prajnaparamita Treatises of Tao-an."
In: Mélanges de sinologie offerts à Monsieur Paul Demiéville. Vol. 2. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1974 pp. 403-470.
translated by: Lai, Jane 黎翠珍; Diana Yue余丹; Martha Cheung 張佩瑤
“Chusanzang jiji出三藏記集A Collection of Records on the Emanation of the Chinese Tripitaka”
In: Martha P.Y. Cheung (ed.), An Anthology of Chinese Discourse on Translation (Volume 1): From Earliest Times to the Buddhist Project, London & New York, Routledge, 2014, pp.52-55, 53-59, 68-124.
T55n2161: Yu qing lai mu lu 御請來目錄 (Go-shōrai mokuroku) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hakeda, Yoshito S.
In: Kūkai: Major Works
New York & London: Columbia University Press, 1972, pp. 140–150.
translated by: Takagi, Shingen; Dreitlein, Thomas Eijō
In: Kūkai on the Philosophy of Language
Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2010, pp. 199–232.
T56n2185: Sheng man jing yi shu 勝鬘經義疏 (Shōmangyō gisho) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Dennis, Mark
Prince Shōtoku’s Commentary on the Śrīmālā Sutra
Moraga, CA: BDK Amerika 2011.
T56n2186: Wei mo jing yi shu 維摩經義疏 (Yuimagyō gisho) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hubbard, Jamie
Expository Commentary on the Vimalakīrti Sutra
Moraga, CA: BDK Amerika 2012.
T56n2190C: T56n2190C: Fa hua jing shu 法華經釋 (Hokekyō shaku) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Yamamoto, Chikyō
In: Works of St. Kōbō Daishi
Kōyasan: Kōyasan University, 1993, pp. 154–167.
T57n2203A: T57n2203A: Ban ruo xin jing mi jian 般若心經祕鍵 (Hannya shingyō hiken) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hakeda, Yoshito S.
In: Kūkai: Major Works
New York & London: Columbia University Press 1972, pp. 262–275.
translated by: Yamamoto, Chikyō
In: Works of St. Kōbō Daishi
Kōyasan: Kōyasan University, 1993, pp. 124–140.
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
A Secret Key to The Sūtra on the Heart of Transcendental Discernment
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, Delivering the Heart of Transcendental Discernment: An Explanation of The Heart Sūtra Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya Sūtra (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 62–78. ISBN: 979-8-593-11943-8.
translated by: McMullen, Matthew
The Key to the Secret of the Heart Sutra
Moraga, CA: BDK Amerika 2023, 231-240.
translated by: Kawahara, M. Eihō; Jobst, C. Yūhō
Geheimschlüssel des Herzsūtra der zur Vollendung gebrachten Weisheit
In: Kōbō Daishi Kūkai: Ausgewählte Schriften. Munich: Iudicium, 1992, pp. 125–151.
translated by: Fesyun, A. G.
In: Kukay: Izbrannye trudy
Moscow: Serebryanye Niti, 1999.
translated by: Trubnikova, N. N.
"Razlicheniye ucheniy"
V yaponskom Buddizme 9-go veka. Kukay (Kobo Daysi) o razlichiyakh mezhdu taynym i yavnymi ucheniyami. Moscow: Rosspen, 2000, pp. 291–311.
T58n2211B: T58n2211B: Da ri jing kai ti 大日經開題 (Dainichikyō kaidai) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Yamamoto, Chikyō
In: Works of St. Kōbō Daishi
Kōyasan: Kōyasan University, 1993, pp. 141–153.
T62n2246: Fan wang jing kai ti 梵網經開題 (Bonmōkyō kaidai) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Yamamoto, Chikyō
In: Works of St. Kōbō Daishi
Kōyasan: Kōyasan University, 1993, pp. 168–183.
T71n2312: Kanjin kakumushō 觀心覺夢鈔 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Weinstein, Stanley
“The Kanjin Kakumushō.”
PhD diss., Harvard University.1965.
translated by: Muller, A. Charles
Observing the Mind, Awakening from a Dream
Moraga, CA: BDK Americ. Inc., 2021.
T74n2348: Risshū kōyō 律宗綱要 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Pruden, Leo M
The Essentials of the Vinaya Traditions
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1995.
translated by: Hankó, László
Kommentierte Übersetzung des Risshū kōyō
In: Der Ursprung der japanischen Vinaya-Schule Risshū und die Entwicklung ihrer Lehre und Praxis. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, 2003, 328-377.
T74n2366: Tendai hokkeshū gishū 天台法華宗義集 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Swanson, Paul L
The Collected Teachings of the Tendai Lotus School
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1995.
translated by: Robert, Jean-Noël
In: Quatre courts traités sur la Terrasse Céleste
Paris, Librairie Arthème Fayard, 2007 (coll. Trésors du bouddhisme). ISBN 978–2–213–63422–7
T77n2426: Mi zang bao yao 祕藏寶鑰 (Hizō hōyaku) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hakeda, Yoshito S.
In: Kūkai: Major Works
New York & London: Columbia University Press 1972, pp. 157–224.
translated by: Yamamoto, Chikyō
In: Works of St. Kōbō Daishi
Kōyasan: Kōyasan University 1993, pp. 240–331.
translated by: Giebel, Rolf
The Precious Key to the Secret Treasury
In: Shingon Texts. Berkeley, CA : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2004. BDK English Tripiṭaka Series.
translated by: Fesyun, A. G.
In: Kukay: Izbrannye trudy
Moscow: Serebryanye Niti, 1999.
translated by: Trubnikova, N. N.
"Razlicheniye ucheniy"
V yaponskom Buddizme 9-go veka. Kukay (Kobo Daysi) o razlichiyakh mezhdu taynym i yavnymi ucheniyami. Moscow: Rosspen, 2000, pp. 211–227.
T77n2427: Bian xian mi er jiao lun 辯顯密二教論 (Ben kemmitsu nikyō ron) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hakeda, Yoshito S.
In: Kūkai: Major Works
New York & London: Columbia University Press 1972, pp. 151–157.
translated by: Yamamoto, Chikyō
In: Works of St. Kōbō Daishi
Kōyasan: Kōyasan University 1993, pp. 193–239.
translated by: White, Kenneth R.
In: The role of Bodhicitta in Kūkai's Shingon Practice. PhD Disseration (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 1998, pp. 261-410. English and Original. [Published as: The role of Bodhicitta in Buddhist enlightenment including a translation into English of Bodhicitta-Śāstra, Benkemmitsu-Nikyōron, and Sammaya-Kaijo Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2005.]
translated by: Giebel, Rolf
On the Differences between the Exoteric and Esoteric Teachings
In: Shingon Texts. Berkeley, CA : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2004.BDK English Tripiṭaka Series.
translated by: Fesyun, A. G.
In: Kukay: Izbrannye trudy
Moscow: Serebryanye Niti, 1999.
translated by: Trubnikova, N. N.
"Razlicheniye ucheniy"
V yaponskom Buddizme 9-go veka. Kukay (Kobo Daysi) o razlichiyakh mezhdu taynym i yavnymi ucheniyami. Moscow: Rosspen, 2000, pp. 56–93.
translated by: Karelova, L. B.
In: Buddiyskaya filosofiya v srednevekovoy Yaponii..
Moscow: Yanus-K., 1998, pp. 263–270.
T77n2428: Ji shen cheng fo yi 即身成佛義 (Sokushin jōbutsu gi) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Translating Institute in Kōyasan University
"The Doctrine of Bodily-Attaining-Buddhahood."
Mikkyō Bunka 27–34, 38 (1954-1957).Translation is in vols. 33, 34 & 38.
translated by: Beyer, Stephan
"A Translation of the Sokushin-Jōbutsu-gi."
Mikkyō Bunka 82 (1967): 96–84.
translated by: Hakeda, Yoshito S.
In: Kūkai: Major Works
New York & London: Columbia University Press 1972, pp. 225–234.
translated by: Inagaki, Hisao
Kūkai’s Principle of Attaining Buddhahood with the Present Body.
Asia Major (New Series) Vol. 17 (1972), pp. 190-215. Available online at the Asia Major website. [Also published in: Ryūkoku Translation Pamphlet Series 4. Kyoto: Ryūkoku University. 1975.]
translated by: Kiyota, Minoru
In: Tantric Concept of Bodhicitta: A Buddhist Experiential Philosophy
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1982, pp. 94–109.
translated by: Yamamoto, Chikyō
In: Works of St. Kōbō Daishi
Kōyasan: Kōyasan University 1993, pp. 53–76.
translated by: Giebel, Rolf W.
The Meaning of Becoming a Buddha in This Very Body
In: Shingon Texts. Berkeley, CA : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2004. BDK English Tripiṭaka Series.
translated by: Takagi, Shingen; Dreitlein, Thomas Eijō
In: Kūkai on the Philosophy of Language
Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2010, pp. 27–78.
translated by: Kawahara, M. Eihō; Jobst, C. Yūhō
Wie erlangt man Buddhawerdung in der gegenwärtigen Existenz
In: Kōbō Daishi Kūkai: Ausgewählte Schriften. Munich: Iudicium, 1992, pp. 19–49.
translated by: Fesyun, A. G.
In: Kukay: Izbrannye trudy
Moscow: Serebryanye Niti, 1999.
translated by: Trubnikova, N. N.
"Razlicheniye ucheniy"
V yaponskom Buddizme 9-go veka. Kukay (Kobo Daysi) o razlichiyakh mezhdu taynym i yavnymi ucheniyami. Moscow: Rosspen, 2000, pp. 127–141.
T77n2429: Sheng zi shi xiang yi 聲字實相義 (Shōji jissō gi) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Translating Institute in Kōyasan University
"A Treatise on the Meaning of Voice and Syllable and Reality."
Mikkyō Bunka 7–13 (1949-1951).
translated by: Hakeda, Yoshito S.
In: Kūkai: Major Works
New York & London: Columbia University Press 1972, pp. 234–246.
translated by: Yamamoto, Chikyō
In: Works of St. Kōbō Daishi
Kōyasan: Kōyasan University 1993, pp. 77–96.
translated by: Giebel, Rolf
The Meanings of Sound, Sign, and Reality
In: Shingon Texts. Berkeley, CA: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2004. BDK English Tripiṭaka Series.
translated by: Takagi, Shingen; Dreitlein, Thomas Eijō
In: Kūkai on the Philosophy of Language
Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2010, pp. 79–125.
translated by: Kawahara, M. Eihō; Jobst, C. Yūhō
Die Bedeutung von Urlaut und Zeichen sowie ihr Verhältnis zur Wirklichkeit
In: Kōbō Daishi Kūkai: Ausgewählte Schriften. Munich: Iudicium, 1992, pp. 53–77.
translated by: Paul, Gregor
"Kûkais ‘Die Bedeutungen von Laut, Wort und Realität.’ Annotierte Übersetzung der ersten Hälfte."
In: Klischee und Wirklichkeit japanischer Kultur, Festschrift für Toshinori Kanokogi. Frankfurt, Bern, and New York: Verlag Peter Lang, 1987.
translated by: Fesyun, A. G.
In: Kukay: Izbrannye trudy
Moscow: Serebryanye Niti, 1999.
T77n2430: Hong zi yi 吽字義 (Unji gi) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Translating Institute in Kōyasan University
"The Doctrine of the Word Hūṃ."
Mikkyō Bunka 17–25 (1952-1953).Translation in vols. 20–25
translated by: Hakeda, Yoshito S.
In: Kūkai: Major Works
New York & London: Columbia University Press 1972, pp. 246–262.
translated by: Yamamoto, Chikyō
In: Works of St. Kōbō Daishi
Kōyasan: Kōyasan University 1993, pp. 97–123.
translated by: Giebel, Rolf
The Meanings of the Word Hūṃ
In: Shingon Texts. Berkeley, CA : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2004. BDK English Tripiṭaka Series.
translated by: Takagi, Shingen; Dreitlein, Thomas Eijō
In: Kūkai on the Philosophy of Language
Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2010, pp. 127–197.
translated by: Kawahara, M. Eihō; Jobst, C. Yūhō
Die Bedeutung des Zeichens HŪM
In: Kōbō Daishi Kūkai: Ausgewählte Schriften. Munich: Iudicium, 1992, pp. 81–121.
translated by: Fesyun, A. G.
In: Kukay: Izbrannye trudy
Moscow: Serebryanye Niti, 1999.
T77n2431: Yu yi gao 御遺告 (Goyuigō) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bohner, Hermann
In: 'Kōbō Daishi' Monumenta Nipponica, Vol. 6, No. 1/2 (1943), pp. 266-313. Translation: 300-313.Contains translations of the four earliest biographies of Kūkai. Only the Goyuigō is in the Taishō.
T77n2456: Bao jing chao 寶鏡鈔 (Hōkyōshō) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Vanden Broucke, Pol
The Compendium of the Precious Mirror
In: Hōkyōshō ‘The Compendium of the Precious Mirror’ of the Monk Yūkai. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Ghent National University 1992, pp. 9-88. Available [here].
T78n2462: San mei ye jie xu 三昧耶戒序 (Sammayakaijō) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: White, Kenneth R.
In: The role of Bodhicitta in Kūkai's Shingon Practice. PhD Disseration (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 1998, pp. 411-439. English and Original. [Published as: The role of Bodhicitta in Buddhist enlightenment including a translation into English of Bodhicitta-Śāstra, Benkemmitsu-Nikyōron, and Sammaya-Kaijo Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2005.]
T79n2514: Wu lun jiu zi ming mi mi shi 五輪九字明祕密釋 (Gorin kuji myō himitsushaku) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: van der Veere, Henny
In: A Study into the Thought of Kōgyō Daishi Kakuban.
Leiden: Hotei Publishing, 2000, pp. 125–218.
translated by: Todaro, Dale
The Illuminating Secret Commentary on the Five Cakras and the Nine Syllables
In: Shingon Texts. Berkeley, CA : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2004. BDK English Tripiṭaka Series.
T79n2515: Mi yan jing tu lüe guan 密嚴淨土略觀 (Mitsugon jōdo ryakkan) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Andreeva, Anna
Short Meditation on the Pure Land, Mysteriously Adorned
In: Pure Lands in Asian Texts and Contexts - An Anthology. G. Halkias and R. Payne (Eds.). Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2019, pp. 65-72.
T79n2522: A mi tuo mi shi 阿彌陀祕釋 (Amida hishaku) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Johnson, Peter Lunde
An Esoteric Explanation of the Name ‘Infinite Life & Light’
In: Johnson, Peter Lunde, The Land of Pure Bliss: Sukhāvatī. Second Edition (An Lạc Publications, 2020), pp. 428–431. ISBN: 979-8-5951-0477-7
T79n2527: Mi yan yuan fa lu chan hui wen 密嚴院發露懺悔文 (Mitsugonin hotsuro sange mon) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Todaro, Dale
The Mitsugonin Confession
In: Shingon Texts. Berkeley, CA : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2004. BDK English Tripiṭaka Series.
T80n2543: Xing chan hu guo lun 興禪護國論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tokiwa, Gishin
A Treatise on Letting Zen Flourish to Protect the State
In: Zen Texts. Berkeley, CA : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2005.
T81n2575: Zong men wu jin deng lun 宗門無盡燈論 (Shōmon mujintō ron) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Okuda, Yoko
The Discourse on The Inexhaustible Lamp of the Zen School
Tokyo: Tuttle 1996 [First published London: Zen Center 1989].
translated by: Cleary, Thomas
The Undying Lamp of Zen - The Testament of Zen Master Torei
Boston and London: Shambala, 2011.
translated by: Mohr, Michel
Traité sur l'inépuisable lampe du Zen - Tōrei (1721 - 1792) et sa vision de l'éveil
Bruxelles: Inst. Belge des Hautes Etudes Chinoises 1997. (Mélanges chinois et bouddhiques 28).
T82n2580: Pu quan zuo chan yi 普勸坐禪儀 (Fukan zazen gi) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bielefeldt, Carl
Principles of Seated Medition - A comparative translation of Dōgen's meditation manuals
In: Dōgen's Manuals of Zen Meditation. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1988. pp. 174-187.
translated by: Yoshida, Osamu
A Universal Recommendation for True Zazen
In: Zen texts. Berkeley, CA : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2005.
translated by: Masunaga, Reiho
Rules for Zazen
In: The Soto Approach to Zen. Tokyo, Japan: Layman Buddhist Society Press (Zaike bukkyo kyokai), 1958, pp. 100-105.
translated by: Houn Jiyu-Kennett, with Miyagawa, Myozen
Zazen Rules
In: Selling Water by the River. London, George Allen & Unwin ltd., 1973, pp. 231-233.
translated by: Houn Jiyu-Kennett
Rules for Meditation
In: The Liturgy of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives for the Laity. Mount Shasta, CA: Shasta Abbey Press, 1987, pp. 97-100.
translated by: Waddell, Norman and Abe, Masao
Universal Promotion of the Principles of Zazen
In: The Heart of Dōgen’s Shōbōgenzō. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2002, pp. 1-6.
translated by: Yokoi, Yūhō, with Victoria, Daizen
A Universal Recommendation for Zazen
In: Zen Master Dogen – An Introduction with Selected Writings. NY: John Weatherhill Inc., 1976, pp. 45-47.
translated by: Cook, Francis Dojun
General Recommendations for Doing Zazen
In: How to Raise an Ox. Ommerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2002, pp. 65-68. [Originally published LA: Center Publications, 1978]
translated by: Tanahashi, Kazuaki
Recommending Zazen to All People
In: Enlightenment Unfolds. Boston, MA: Shambala Publications, 1999, pp. 32-34.
translated by: Nishijima, Gūdo and Cross, Chodo
Universal guide to the Standard Method of Zazen
In: Shōbōgenzō: The True Dharma-Eye Treasury, Volume I. Berkeley, CA: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2008, pp. 363-365.
translated by: Dumoulin, Heinrich
Allgemeine Bemerkungen zur Förderung des Zazen
Monumenta Nipponica XIV (1958), pp. 429-436. Revised in: Dōgen-Zen. Kleine Schriften der Sōtō Schule. Zürich: Theseus Verlag, 1990, 25-48.
T82n2581: Xue dao yong xin ji (Gakudō yōjin shū) 学道用心集 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Houn Jiyu-Kennett (Peggy Teresa Nancy KENNETT)
Important Aspects of Zen
In: Zen is Eternal Life. Mount Shasta, CA: Shasta Abbey Press, 1999, pp. 162-178. Previously published as 'Selling Water by the River,' 1972.
translated by: Tanahashi, Kazuaki
Guidelines for Studying the Way
In: Moon in a Dewdrop, New York: North Point Press, 1985, pp. 31-43.
translated by: Yokoi, Yūhō; Daizen Victoria
Points to watch in Buddhist Training.
In: Zen Master Dōgen - An Introduction with Selected Writings. New York: Weatherhill, 1976. pp. 48-57.
T82n2582: Zheng fa yan zang 正法眼藏 (Shōbōgenzō) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Nishiyama, Kōsen; Stevens, John.
Shōbōgenzō. The Eye and Treasury of the True Law
Tokyo: Nakayama shobō, 1975.Translated from English into German by A.M. Eckstein as "Shōbōgenzō. Der Schatz des Wahren Dharma" Frankfurt: Angkor, 2008.
translated by: Nishijima, Gudō; Cross, Chodo.
Master Dogen's Shobogenzo
Woods Hole. MA: Windbell Publications, 1994–1999. 4 Vols. [Later republished privately by: Dogen Sangha]Published as "Shōbōgenzō: The True Dharma-Eye Treasury" Berkeley, CA: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2008. (BDK English Tripiṭaka Series). Available online at (July 2013). German translation of this English by G. Linnebach as "Shobogenzo. Die Schatzkammer des wahren Dharma-Auges" (Werner Kristkeitz Verlag, 2008).
translated by: Nearman, Hubert
Shōbōgenzō. The Treasure House of the Eye of the True Teaching
Order of Buddhist Contemplatives. Mount Shasta, CA: Shasta Abbey Press. 2007. ISBN: 978–0–930066–27–7Available online at (July 2013)
translated by: Tanahashi, Kazuaki.
Treasury of the True Dharma Eye: Zen Master Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō
Shambhala Publications, 2011.
translated by: Orimo, Yoko
Shôbôgenzô : La vraie Loi, Trésor de l'Oeil Tome
Paris: Sully 2005–2012.
translated by: The Sōtō Zen Text Project (Carl Bielefeldt; Griffith Foulk; William Bodiford; Stanley Weinstein)
Treasury of the True Dharma Eye: Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō
Tokyo: Sōtōshu shumuchō 曹洞宗宗務庁2023. 8 Vols. Vol1: 1-15, Vol2: 16A-30, Vol3: 31-45, Vol4: 46-60, Vol5: 61-75, Vol6: T1- T12, Vol7: S1-S9, Vol8: Introduction, Appendices, Bibliography.
translated by: Masunaga, Reiho
Uji, Shōji, Genjōkoan, Bendōwa
In: The Soto Approach to Zen. Tokyo, Japan: Layman Buddhist Society Press (Zaike bukkyo kyokai), 1958, pp. 81-99, 125-161.
translated by: Cook, Francis Harold.
How to Raise an Ox: Zen Practice as Taught in Zen Master Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō, Including Ten Newly Translated Essays
Los Angeles: Center Publications, 1978.
translated by: Bielefeldt, Carl.
"Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō Sansuikyō."
In: The Mountain-Spirit. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1979.
translated by: Kim, Hee-Jin.
Flowers of Emptiness: Selections from Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō
Lewiston, NY: Edward Mellan Press, 1985.
translated by: Cleary, Thomas.
Shōbōgenzō: Zen Essays
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1986.
translated by: Yokoi, Yūhō.
The Shōbōgenzō
Tokyo: Sankibō Buddhist Bookstore, 1986.
translated by: Cook, Francis Harold.
Sounds of Valley Streams: Enlightenment in Dōgen's Zen: Translation of Nine Essays from Shōbōgenzō
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1989.
T82n2583: Yong ping yuan he shang song gu 永平元和尚頌古 (Eihei gen oshō juko) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Yokoi, Yūhō
The Eiheiji Kōroku (Ch.9)
In: The Eihei Kōroku. Tōkyo: Sankibō, 1987.This is chapter 9 of the Eihei kōroku 永平廣錄
translated by: Leighton, Taigen Dan; Okumura, Shohaku
Volume 9: Koans and Verse Comments
Dogen's Extensive Record: A Translation of the Eihei Koroku [永平広錄]. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2004, pp. 537-598.This is chapter 9 of the Eihei kōroku 永平廣錄
T82n2584: Yong ping yuan chan shi qing gui 永平元禪師清規 (Eihei gen zenji shingi) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Leighton, Taigen Daniel; Okumura, Shohaku
Dogen's Pure Standards for the Zen Community: A Translation of Eihei Shingi
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995.
translated by: Houn Jiyu-Kennett (Peggy Teresa Nancy KENNETT)
Dōgen’s Monastic Rules
In: Zen is Eternal Life. Mount Shasta, CA: Shasta Abbey Press, 1999, pp. 104-161. Previously published as 'Selling Water by the River,' 1972.
translated by: Yokoi, Yuho
Regulations for Monastic Life by Eihei Dogen
Tokyo: Sankibo Buddhist Bookstore, 1973.
translated by: Ichimura, Shohei
Zen Master Eihei Dogen’s Monastic Regulations
Washington, North American Institute of Zen and Buddhist Studies, 1993.
translated by: Benl, Oscar
Die Lehre des Küchenmeisters
Oriens Extremus Vol. 22 (1975): 59-86. Available here.
translated by: Uchiyama, Kosho; Viallet, François-A.
Zen für Küche und Leben
Braunschweig: Aurum Verlag, 1976. Reprinted 1991. Republished Frankfurt: Angkor Verlag, 2007. German translation from unpublished English and published modern Japanese.
T82n2585: Zhuan guang lu 傳光錄 (Denkōroku) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Cleary, Thomas F.
Transmission of Light: Zen in the Art of Enlightenment
San Francisco : North Point Press 1990. Reprinted in The Collected Translations of Thomas Cleary Vol.4 (pp.17-228).
translated by: Yokoi, Yūhō (横井, 雄峯)
The Denkōroku
Tokyo: Sankibō 1993.
translated by: Nearman, Hubert
The Denkōroku - The Record of the Transmission of the Light.
Mount Shasta, CA: Shasta Abbey Press, 1993.
translated by: Cook, Francis Harold
The Record of Transmitting the Light: Zen master Keizan's Denkōroku
Somerville, MA : Wisdom Publications 2003.
translated by: Keller, Guido
Denkōroku - Die Weitergabe des Lichtes.
Frankfurt: Angkor Verlag, 2008.
translated by: D'Ortschy, Brigitte
Denkō-Roku - Die Weitergabe des Lichtes.
Grünwald: Wolken-Verlag, 2005. ISBN: 3-935241-06-2.
T82n2586: Zuo chan yong xin ji 坐禪用心記 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Heine, Steven
Advice on the practice of zazen
In: Zen texts. Berkeley, CA : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2005.
translated by: Nearman, Hubert
Instructions on How to do Pure Meditation
In: Buddhist Writings. Mount Shasta, CA: Shasta Abbey Press, 1994, pp. 191-210.
translated by: Joshu, Yasuda and Hoshin, Anzan
Zazen Yojinki: Notes on What To Be Aware of in Zazen
In: The Art of Just Sitting. Summerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2002, pp. 41-50.
translated by: Okumura, Shōhaku
Things We should Be Careful About Regarding Zazen
In: Shikantaza – an introduction to Zazen. Sōsenji, Japan, Sotoshu Shumacho, 1985, pp. 83-90.
translated by: Masunaga, Reiho
Zazenyōjinki (Points to Watch in Zazen)
In: The Soto Approach to Zen. Tokyo, Japan: Layman Buddhist Society Press (Zaike bukkyo kyokai), 1958, pp. 106-124.
translated by: Dumoulin, Heinrich
Merkbuch für die Übung des Zazen
Monumenta Nipponica XIII (1957), pp. 329-346. Revised in: Dōgen-Zen. Kleine Schriften der Sōtō Schule. Zürich: Theseus Verlag, 1990, pp. 55-74. ISBN: 978-3859360402.
T83n2608: Xuan ze ben yuan nian fo ji 選擇本願念佛集 (Senchaku hongan nembusshū) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Morris, Augustine; Kondo,Tessho
Senchaku Hongan Nembutsu Shū
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1997. 170 pp.
translated by: Senchaku Shū English Translation Project
Hōnen's Senchaku-shū. Passages on the Selection of the Nembutsu in the Original Vow.
Honolulu: Univeristy of Hawai'i Press and Tokyo: Sōgō Bukkyō Kenkyūjō Taishō University 1998.
translated by: Repp, Martin
Kap. 4.2 Das Senchaku shū
In: Hōnens religiöses Denken - Eine Untersuchung zu Strukturen religiöser Erneuerung. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2005, pp. 313-495.
T83n2612: She yi hei gu shang ren yu deng lu 拾遺黑谷上人語燈錄 (Shūi kurodani shōnin gotōroku) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Atone, Jōji; Hayashi, Yōko
Collected Teachings of Hōnen: The Japanese Anthology
Part 1 of The Promise of Amida Buddha - Hōnen's Path to Bliss. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2011.
T83n2646: Xian jing tu zhen shi jiao zheng wen lei 顯淨土真實教行證文類 (Kyōgyōshinshō 教行信証) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Suzuki, Daisetz Teitarō, trans.
Kyōgyōshinshō – The Collection of Passages Expounding the True Teaching, Living, Faith and Realizing of the Pure Land
Kyōto: The Eastern Buddhist Society, 1973.
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
The True Teaching, Practice and Realization of the Pure Land Way
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 1-292.
translated by: Inagaki, Hisao
Kyōgyōshinshō: On Teaching, Practice, Faith, and Enlightenment
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2003. 452 pp.
T83n2647: Jing tu wen lei ju chao 淨土文類聚鈔 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
Passages on the Pure Land Way
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 293-317.
T83n2648: Yu tu chao 愚禿鈔 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
Gutoku's Notes
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 585-619.
T83n2649: Ru chu er men ji song 入出二門偈頌 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
Hymn of the Two Gateways of Entrance and Emergence
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 621-629.
T83n2650: Jing tu he zan 淨土和讚 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Kell, Gerhard
Jōdo Wasan – Hymnen über das Reine Land
Kyoto: International Association of Buddhist Culture, 1986.
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
Hymns of the Pure Land
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 319-357.
T83n2651: Jing tu gao seng he zan 淨土高僧和讚 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
Hymns of the Pure Land Masters
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 359-393.
T83n2652: Zheng xiang mo fa he zan 正相末法和讚 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
Hymns of the Dharma-Ages
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 395-429.
T83n2653B: T83n2653B: Huang tai zi sheng de feng zan 皇太子圣德奉贊 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
Hymns in Praise of Prince Shōtoku
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 431-447.
T83n2654B: T83n2654B: Jing tu san jing wang sheng wen lei 淨土三經往生文類 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
A Collection of Passages on the Types of Birth in the Three Pure Land Sutras
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 637-652.
T83n2655A: T83n2655A: Ru lai er zhong hui xiang wen lei 如來二種迴向文類 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
Passages on the Two Aspects of the Tathagata's Directing of Virtue
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 631-635.
T83n2656A: T83n2656A: Zun hao zhen xiang ming wen 尊號真像銘文 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
Notes on the Inscriptions on Sacred Scrolls
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 491-520.
T83n2657: Yi nian duo nian wen yi 一念多念文意 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
Notes on Once-Calling and Many-Calling
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 471-490.
T83n2658B: T83n2658B: Wei xin chao wen yi 唯信鈔文意 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
Notes on 'Essentials of Faith Alone'
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 449-469.
T83n2659: Mo deng chao 末燈鈔 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
Lamp for the Latter Ages
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 521-555.
T83n2660: Qin luan sheng ren yu xiao xi ji 親鸞聖人御消息集 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
A Collection of Letters
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 557-572.
T83n2661: Tan yi chao 歎異抄 (Tannisho) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Bando, Shojun; Stewart, Harold
Tannisho: Passages Deploring Deviations of Faith
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1996.
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 659-682.
T83n2668: Rennyo shōnin ofumi 蓮如上人御文 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rogers, Ann T.; Rogers,Minor L
Rennyo Shonin Ofumi: The Letters of Rennyo
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 1996.
T83n2675: Wei xin chao 唯信鈔 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
Essentials of Faith Alone
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 683-697.
T83n2677: Yi nian duo nian fen bie shi 一念多念分別事 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Hirota, Dennis et al.
Clarification of Once-Calling and Many-Calling
In: Shinran's Collected Works. Vol. 1. Kyoto: Jōdōshinshū Hongwanji-ha, 1997, pp. 699-704.
T84n2688: Li zheng an guo lun 立正安國論 (Risshō ankoku ron) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Rodd, Laurel Rasplica
"Treatise on the Establishment of the Orthodox Teaching and the Peace of the Nation"
In: Nichiren: Selected Writings. Unpublished PhD thesis (University of Michigan) 1977, pp.98-140
translated by: Watson, Burton
"Risshō ankoku ron (Establishment of the Legitimate Teaching for the Protection of the Country)"
In: Yampolsky, Philip (ed.). Selected Writings of Nichiren. New York: Columbia UP 1990, pp. 11-49
translated by: Murano, Senchū
"The Treatise on the Establishment of the Orthodox Teaching and the Peace of the Nation"
In: Two Nichiren Texts. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2003.
T84n2689: Kai mu chao 開目抄 (Kaimoku shō) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Watson, Burton
"The Opening of the Eyes"
In: Yampolsky, Philip (ed.). Selected Writings of Nichiren. New York: Columbia UP 1990, pp. 50-147
translated by: Murano, Senchū
Kaimokusho or Liberation from Blindness
Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2000.
T84n2690: Xuan shi chao 撰時抄 (Senji shō) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Dollarhide, Kenneth James
"The Senji Shō"
In: Nichiren's Doctrine of the Age of the Last Law according to the Senji Sho. Unpublished PhD thesis (McMaster University) 1981, 55-170.
translated by: Watson, Burton
"The Selection of the Time"
In: Yampolsky, Philip (ed.). Selected Writings of Nichiren. New York: Columbia UP 1990, pp. 181-249.
T84n2691: Bao en chao 報恩抄 (Hōon shō) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Watson, Burton
"Repaying Debts of Gratitude"
In: Yampolsky, Philip (ed.). Selected Writings of Nichiren. New York: Columbia UP 1990, pp. 250-318.
T84n2692: Guan xin ben zun chao 觀心本尊抄 (Kanjin no honzon shō) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Watson, Burton
"The True Object of Worship"
In: Yampolsky, Philip (ed.). Selected Writings of Nichiren. New York: Columbia UP 1990, pp. 148-180.
translated by: Murano, Senchū
"The Most Venerable One Revealed for the First Time at the Beginning of the Fifth of the Five Five hundred-year Ages"
In: Two Nichiren Texts. Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2003.
T84n2695: San da mi fa chao 三大祕法抄 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Del Campana, Pier P.
Sandaihiho-sho. An Essay on the Three Great Mysteries.
Monumenta Nipponica, Vol. 26, No. 1/2 (1971), pp. 205-224.
T84n2698: Zhong zhong yu zhen wu yu shu 種種御振舞御書 (Shuju onfurumai gosho) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Watson, Burton
On Various Actions of the Priest Nichiren
In: Yampolsky, Philip (ed.). Selected Writings of Nichiren. New York: Columbia UP 1990, pp. 319-342.
T84n2701: Fan zi xi tan zi mu shi yi 梵字悉曇字母釋義 (Bonji shittan jimo narabi ni shakugi) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Takagi, Shingen; Dreitlein, Thomas Eijō
In: Kūkai on the Philosophy of Language
Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2010, pp. 275–305.
T85n2781: (Pelliot 2269; cf T 685): Yu lan pen jing zan shu 盂蘭盆經讚述 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Teiser, Stephen F.
"Commentary Praising the Yu-lan-p’en Sutra"
In: The Scripture on the Ten Kings: And the Making of Purgatory in Medieval Chinese Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1994. pp. 63–65.
T85n2818: Da sheng er shi er wen ben 大乘二十二問本 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Pa, Chow (aka Pachow, W.)
A study of the Twenty-two dialogues on Mahayana Buddhism
Taipei: 1979. Reprinted from Chinese Culture - A Quarterly Review, Vol. 20, no. 1, March 1979: 15-64, and Vol. 20, no. 2, June 1979. Includes the author's translation of the Twenty-two dialogues by T'an-k'uang and the critically edited original text in Chinese 'Ta-ch'ęng ęrh-shih ęrh węn.'
T85n2833: Guan xin lun 觀心論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Cleary, Jonathan C.
Bodhidharma's Treatise on Contemplating Mind
In: Zen Dawn - Early Zen Texts from Dunhuang. Boston: Shambala Publications, 1986: 79–102.
translated by: Nearman, Hubert
Bodhidharma’s Discourse on Pure Meditation
In: Buddhist Writings. Mount Shasta, CA: Shasta Abbey Press, 1994, pp. 355-382.(See also Porter's translation of the text as part of T48n2009).
T85n2835: Da sheng kai xin xian xing dun wu zhen zong lun 大乘開心顯性頓悟真宗論 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Cleary, Jonathan C.
Treatise on the True Sudden Enlightenment School of the Great Vehicle, which opens up Mind and Reveals Reality-Nature
In: Zen Dawn - Early Zen Texts from Dunhuang. Boston: Shambala Publications, 1986: 103–130.
T85n2837: Leng qie shi zi ji 楞伽師資記 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Faure, Bernard
Traduction annotée du Mémoire (sur les Maîtres et Disciples [de l'école] du Laṅkā[vatāra-sūtra])
In: Le bouddhisme Ch’an en mal d’histoire: Genése d’une tradition religieuse dans la Chine des T’ang. Paris: Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient, 1989: 87-182.
translated by: Cleary, Jonathan C.
Records of the Teachers and Students of the Lanka
In: Zen Dawn - Early Zen Texts from Dunhuang. Boston: Shambala Publications, 1986: 17–78.
translated by: Schaik, Sam van
Masters of the Lanka
In: The Spirit of Zen. New Haven, London: Yale University Press, 2018, 88-208.
T85n2838: Chuan fabao ji 傳法寶記 (P.2634, P.3858, P.3559) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: McRae, John
Annals of the Transmission of the Dharma Treasure
In: The Northern School and the Formation of Early Ch'an Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1986. pp. 255-269.
T85n2865: Hu shen ming jing 護身命經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Lowe, Bryan D.
The Scripture on Saving and Protecting Body and Life: An Introduction and Translation.
Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies 27 (2014): 1-34.Translation based on the Nanatsu-dera manuscript 佛說救護身命經. The T. text itself is based on Pelliot 2340.
T85n2870: Xiang fa jue yi jing 像法決疑經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Tokuno, Kyoko
"Book of Resolving Doubts Concerning the Semblance Dharma"
Buddhism in Practice. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. pp. 260–271.
T85n2878: Qiu ji jing 救疾經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Goble, Jeffrey
Scripture Spoken by the Buddha on Healing Diseases
In: Three Buddhist Texts from Dunhuang - The Scripture on Healing Diseases, the Scripture Urging Goodness, and the New Bodhisattva Scripture. Asian Medicine 12 (2017) 265–278.
T85n2879: Pu xian pu sa shuo zheng ming jing 普賢菩薩說證明經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Forte, Antonino
In: Political Propaganda and Ideology in China at the End of the Seventh Century
Napoli: Instituto Universitario Orientale, 1976, 271-280. (Republished as Kyoto: The Italian School of East Asian Studies 2005.)
T85n2881: Shan e yin guo jing 善惡因果經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Gauthiot, Robert; Pelliot, Paul
Le Sutra des Causes et des Effets
2 vols. Paris, 1920, 1928 (Mission Pelliot en Asie Centrale, serie in quarto 2), 33–47.
T85n2887: Fu mu en zhong jing 父母恩重經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Arai, Keiyo.
"The Sutra on the Profundity of Filial Love"
In: Apocryphal Scriptures. Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2005. (BDK English Tripiṭaka 25-I, 25-V, 25-VI, 29-I, 104-VI).
translated by: Yifa 釋依法; Peter M. Romaskiewicz
"Sutra on the Profound Kindness of Parents"
In: The Yulan Bowl Sutra and Collection of Filial Piety Sutras. Taiwan: Buddha's Light Publishing, 2008. Woodenfish Translation Series.
T85n2897: Tian di ba yang shen zhou jing 天地八陽神呪經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Oda, Juten; Giebel, Rolf W.
A Study of the Buddhist Sūtra called Säkiz Yükmäk Yaruq or Säkiz Törlügin Yarumïš Yaltrïmïš in Old Turkic.
Berliner Turfantexte 33. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2015. Translation on pp. 111–239.
T85n2909: Di zang pu sa jing 地藏菩薩經 (S 6257) [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Zhiru
"Scripture on the Bodhisattva Dizang"
In: The Making of a Savior Bodhisattva: Dizang in Medieval China. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2007, p. 258.
T85n2916: Quan shan jing 勸善經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Goble, Jeffrey
Scripture Urging Goodness
In: Three Buddhist Texts from Dunhuang - The Scripture on Healing Diseases, the Scripture Urging Goodness, and the New Bodhisattva Scripture. Asian Medicine 12 (2017) 265–278.
T85n2917: Xin pu sa jing 新菩薩經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Goble, Jeffrey
New Bodhisattva Scripture
In: Three Buddhist Texts from Dunhuang - The Scripture on Healing Diseases, the Scripture Urging Goodness, and the New Bodhisattva Scripture. Asian Medicine 12 (2017) 265–278.
T85n2920: Seng qie he shang yu ru nie pan shuo liu du jing 僧伽和尚欲入涅槃說六度經 [Check CBC Attribution Database]
translated by: Yü, Chün-fang
In: Kuan-yin. The Chinese Transformation of Avalokiteśvara
New York: Columbia University Press, 2001. pp. 218–220.