Bibliography of English-Language Works on Pure Land Buddhism: 1960
to the Present [1984].
Author/Editor: ??
Otani daigaku Shinshu sogo kenkyusho kenkyusho kiyo大谷大學真宗總合研究所研究所紀要
1 (1984), pp. 1-17.
Buddhism: A Bibliography.
Author/Editor: ??
Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1973.
Descriptive catalogue of the Naritasan Institute collection of
Tibetan works.
Author/Editor: ??
Narita (Japan): Naritasan Shinshoji, 1989.
Thai Buddhism: A Bibliography.
Author/Editor: ??
Bangkok: Thai Studies Research Center Thammasat University,
Bibliography of Foreign-Language Articles on Japanese Buddhism, 1960 to 1987.
Author/Editor: ??
Ôtani Daigaku Shinshû Sôgo kenkyû-sho Kenkyû-sho Kiyô / Annual Memoirs of the
Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute, Vol. 6 (Kyoto, 1988), p. 151-212.
Bibliography of Foreign-Language Articles on Japanese Buddhism, Supplement 1960
to 1969.
Author/Editor: ??
Ôtani Daigaku Shinshû Sôgo kenkyû-sho Kenkyû-sho Kiyô / Annual Memoirs of
the Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute, Vol. 8 (Kyoto,
1990), p. 1-21.
The Sanskrit Buddhist Literature of Nepal.
Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1882.
The Sacred Books of Buddhism: A Catalogue of Selected Works held in
the Australian University Library.
Revised and enlarged edition. Canberra; Miami, FLA.: The Library;
Books Australia, 1981.
Migrants and religion: An Annotated Bibliography.
Author/Editor: Australia. Dept. of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (?)
Canberra: Australian Govt. Publication Service, 1996. Library bibliography series Vol. 22
A Bibliography on Japanese Buddhism.
Author/Editor: BANDO, Shojun; HANAYAMA, Shôyû; SATŌ, Ryôjun
Tokyo: CIIB Press, 1958.
American Buddhism: A Bibliography on Buddhist Traditions and Schools
in the U.S.A. and Canada.
Author/Editor: BAUMANN, Martin
Dated June 1999.
Bibliographie du Bouddhisme, Vol. 1.
Author/Editor: BEAUTRIX, Pierre
Bruxelles: Institut Belge des Hautes Etudes Bouddhiques, 1970.
(Editions de Textes.) [Bibliography of texts edited in their original
Bibliographie du Bouddhisme Zen.
Author/Editor: BEAUTRIX, Pierre
Bruxelles: Institut Belge des Hautes Etudes Bouddhiques,
Bibliographie de la Littérature Prajnaparamita.
Author/Editor: BEAUTRIX, Pierre
Bruxelles: Institut Belge des Hautes Études Bouddhiques, 1971.
(Publications de l'Institut Belge des Hautes Études Bouddhiques. I.
Série Bibliographies. 3.)
Buddhismus, Staat und Gesellschaft in den Länder des
Author/Editor: BECHERT, Heinz
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1973. Volume 3 contains a large
bibliography on almost any aspect of Theravada Buddhism.
Systematische Übersicht über die buddhistische Sanskrit-Literatur / A
Systematic Survey of Buddhist Sanskrit Literature.
Author/Editor: BECHERT, Heinz.
Erster Teil: Vinaya Texte. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner,
Bibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon into Western Languages.
Author/Editor: BINGENHEIMER, Marcus
Available online at
Indian Texts from Central Asia (Leningrad Manuscript Collection)
Tokyo: 1986. Paper, v, 42 pages. ISBN 4-906267-19-X. (BIBLIOGRAPHIA PHILOLOGICA BUDDHICA: Series
Minor Vol.5)
A Selected List of Books and Articles on Japan in English, French and
Author/Editor: BORTON, Huah
et al., Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1954.
Indian, Tibetan and Southeast Asian Buddhist Ethics (With Annotated
Author/Editor: BROOKS, Douglas R.
In: A Bibliographical Guide to Comparative Studies of Ethics. (CARMAN,
J. (Ed.)) 1991. pp. 70-101.
Catalogue of Buddhist Books.
San Francisco: Buddhist Churches of America, 1968.
Jōdōkyō tenjaku mokuroku 浄土教典籍目録
Author/Editor: Bukkyō daigaku sōgo kenkyūsho 佛教大学総合研究所
Contains detailed entries on Pure Land primary texts and commentaries (インド(漢訳) 57
件, チベット 240 件,中国・朝鮮 185 件,日本 415 件). Tokyo: 凸版印刷, 2011
Catalogue of the Buddhist Sanskrit manuscripts in the University
Library, Cambridge.
Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1992.
An Outline and an Annotated Bibliographie of Chinese Philosophy.
Author/Editor: CHAN, Wing
tsit. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961.
Buddhism in Recent Translations.
Author/Editor: CHAPPELL, David W.
Buddhist Christian Studies 9 (1989), pp. 295-299.
Bibliography of Tibetan Studies.
Author/Editor: CHAUDHURI, Sibadas
Calcutta: Asiatic Society, 1971.
Contributions to a Buddhistic Bibliography.
Author/Editor: CHAUDHURI, Sibadas
Calcutta: Asiatic Society, 1967.
A Bibliography of Indian and Buddhist Logic.
Author/Editor: CHI, Richard
S.Y. Buddhist Formal Logic. London: Royal Asiatic Society, 1969.
pp. 181-222
Source Materials in Buddhist Studies in Western Languages (From the
late 19th century to 1989).
Author/Editor: CHIANG, Gary
Nantou, Taiwan: Right View Publications, 1993.
Bibliographie bouddhique
Author/Editor: CLAUSON, G.L.M.; DUTT, Nalinaksha et al.
Founded by J. Przyluski 1928. Vols 1-8 published until 1936. Discontinued during 1937-1948. Continued 1949-1958
(Vols. 9-31). Index volumes: 1955 as Fascicule annexe to Vol 23 (Index to Vols. 7-23).
1967 as Vol. 32 (Index to Vols. 24-31).
Paris: Librairie orientaliste Paul Guenther, 1928-1933.
Paris: Libraire l'Amérique et Orient Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1934 -1967.
(Buddhica. Documents et travaux pour l'étude du Bouddhisme.). Tome 1-31 (Janvier 1928
- Mai 1958); 32 (Index
général des tomes 24-27 et 28-31).
I (1928-29); II (1929-30); III (1930-31); IV-V (1931-33); VI (1933-34); VII-VIII (1934-36);
(1936-47); XXI-XXIII (1947-50; ISBN : 978-2-7200-0241-0); Fascicule annexe, XXIII
bis. Rétrospective : l'oeuvre de Louis de La Vallée Poussin par Marcelle Lalou et
Index général des tomes VII-XXIII. (1955; ISBN : 978-2-7200-0245-8);
XXIV-XXVII (1950-54; ISBN : 978-2-7200-0242-7); XXVIII-XXXI (1955-1958; ISBN : 978-2-7200-0243-4).
Tome XXXII. Index général des tomes XXIV-XXVII et XXVIII-XXXI (1967; ISBN : 978-2-7200-0244-1).
Keeping up with recent studies, 11: Buddhism.
Author/Editor: COLLINS, Steven
Expository Times 97. pp. 3-8.
Buddhist Scriptures: A Bibliography.
Author/Editor: CONZE, Edward
Edited and revised by LANCASTER, Lewis. New York,
London: Garland, 1982. (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities.
Prajnaparamita Literature.
Author/Editor: CONZE, Edward
Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Tokyo: The Reiyukai, 1978.
(Bibliographia Philologica Buddhica. Series Maior. 1.)
Text, Sources and Bibliography of the Prajnaparamita-hrdayasutra.
Author/Editor: CONZE, Edward
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1948.
The Prajnaparamita Literature. Second, revised and enlarged edition.
Author/Editor: CONZE, Edward
Tokyo: Department for Scientific Publications, The Reiyukai, 1978. Clothbound, viii, 138 pages. ISBN 4-89298-797-2. (BIBLIOGRAPHIA PHILOLOGICA BUDDHICA:
Series Maior Vol.1)
A Bibliography on Sinhala Buddhism.
Author/Editor: DEEGALLE, Mahinda
Journal of Buddhist Ethics (1997) (http://www.psu.edu/jbe/jbe.html
or http://www.gold.ac.uk/jbe/jbe.html)
Répertoire du Canon Bouddhique Sino-Japonais – Édition de Taisho.
Fascicule Annexe du Hobogirin.
Author/Editor: DEMIÉVILLE, Paul; DURT, Hubert; SEIDEL, Anna
Edition révisée et augmentée. Paris: Adrien Maisonneuve Libraire
D'Amerique et D'Orient; Tokyo: Maison Franco-Japonaise, 1978.
The Nyingma Edition of the sDe-dge bKa'-'gyurbs Tan-'gyur: Research
Catalogue and Bibliography.
Author/Editor: DHARMA MUDRANALAYA under the direction of TARTHANG TULKU.
Oakland, CA.: Dharma Press, 1982.
The New Religions of Japan: A Bibliography of Western-Language
Author/Editor: EARHART, H.
Byron. Tokyo: Sophia University, 1970.
Bibliography of Tibet, Vol. 1, Buddhism.
Author/Editor: EIMER, Helmut
Central Asiatic Journal 37-1/2 (1993), pp. 153-155.
The Tibetan Indexes (dkar chag) to the Collected Works (bka' 'bum) of A kya gsan 'dzin
rdo rje .
Author/Editor: EIMER, Helmut
Tokyo: Paper, iv, 42 pages. ISBN 4-906267-10-6. (BIBLIOGRAPHIA PHILOLOGICA BUDDHICA:
Series Minor Vol.4) (1980)
Die Xerokopie des Lhasa-Kanjur / The Xerox Copy of the Lhasa Kanjur
Author/Editor: EIMER, Helmut
Tokyo: 1977, reprinted 1979. Paper, iv, 41 pages. ISBN 4-906267-03-3. (BIBLIOGRAPHIA PHILOLOGICA
BUDDHICA: Series Minor Vol.1)
Location List for the Texts in the Microfische Editon of the Phug brag Kanjur: Compiled
from the Microfische Edition and Jampa Samten's Descriptive Catalogue.
Author/Editor: EIMER, Helmut
Tokyo: 1993. Paper, xii, 126 pages. ISBN 4-906267-32-7. (BIBLIOGRAPHIA PHILOLOGICA BUDDHICA:
Series Maior Vol.5)
Le bouddhisme. 1. Les sources.
Author/Editor: FILLIOZAT, Jean
DEMIÉVILLE, Paul. L'Inde classique. Manuel des études indiennes
par Louis RENOU et Jean FILLIOZAT. Tome II avec le concours de P.
DEMIÉVILLE, Olivier LACOMBE et Pierre MEILE. Paris: Imprimerie
Nationale; Hanoi: École Francaise d'Extrème-Orient, 1953 (Bibliothèque
de l'École Francaise d'Extrème-Orient. 3.), §§ 1929-2169.
A Bibliography for the Study of Buddhism in Ceylon in Western
Author/Editor: GARD, Richard
Abbott. San Francisco: Asia Foundation, 1957 (2nd ed.).
Buddhist Political Thought. A Bibliography, Outlines and
Bibliographical Index. SAIS, Summer Session 1952.
Author/Editor: GARD, Richard
Abbott. Washington: The School of Advanced International Studies,
Buddhist Text Information.
Author/Editor: GARD, Richard
New York: The Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions.
Issued in March, June, September, December of a year. Cumultative Index
in December. Number 1 (November 1974) ff.
A Selected Bibliography for the Study of Buddhism in Burma in Western
Author/Editor: GARD, Richard
Abbott. San Francisco: Asia Foundation 1957.
Zen Buddhism: A Classified Bibliography of Western Language
Author/Editor: GARDNER, James.L
Salt Lake City, UT.: Wings of Fire Press, 1991.
Buddhist Bibliography
Author/Editor: GARIN-MICHAUD, Roger
Bibliography of Jainism.
Author/Editor: GOMBRICH, Richard
South Asian Bibliography: A Handbook and Guide edited by J.
PEARSON. Sussex: Harvester Press, 1979.
Bibliography of South Asian Buddhism.
Author/Editor: GOMBRICH, Richard
South Asian Bibliography: A Handbook and Guide edited by J.
PEARSON. Sussex: Harvester Press, 1979.
Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of the India
Printed by order of the Secretary of state for India in council.
London: 1887, 1935.
Der buddhistische Kanon: Eine Bibliographie.
Author/Editor: GRÖNBOLD, Günter
Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 1984.
Khmer Monk Education in the Thai Border Camps [with Bibliography on
Khmer Buddhism].
Author/Editor: GYALLAY-PAP, Peter
Bangkok?: Khmer-Buddhist Educational Assistance Project (KEAP),
Bibliographie zur Frage nach den Wechselbeziehungen zwischen
Buddhismus und Christentum.
Author/Editor: HAAS, Hans
Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1922.
The Christian-Buddhist Encounter: A Select Bibliography.
Author/Editor: HACKETT, David G.
Berkeley, Ca.: Program for the Study of New Religious Movements in
America, Graduate Theological Union, 1979.
Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis: A Bibliographical Essay.
Author/Editor: HAIMES, Norma
Psychologia: An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient
15:1 (1972). pp. 22-30.
Buddhism in India, Ceylon, China and Japan: A Reading Guide.
Author/Editor: HAMILTON, Clarence
Herbert. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1931.
Bibliography on Buddhism.
Author/Editor: HANAYAMA, Shinsho
Edited by The Commemoration Committee for Professor Shinsho
HANAYAMA's Sixty-first Birthday. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press, 1961.
(Literature until about 1940)
Der Pali-Kanon: Ein Wegweiser durch Aufbau und deutsche Übersetzungen
der heiligen Schriften des Buddhismus.
Author/Editor: HECKER, Hellmuth
Hamburg: [published privately] 1965.
Deutsche Bibliographie des Buddhismus.
Author/Editor: HELD, Hans Ludwig
München, Leipzig: Hans Sachs, 1916. Reprinted: Hildesheim, New
York: Georg Olms, 1973.
Southeast Asia - An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Reference
Sources in Western Languages.
Author/Editor: HOBBS, C.
Cecil. 2nd Edition, revised and enlarged. Washington D.C.: Library
of Congress, 1964.
Japanese Religion and Philosophy: A Guide to Japanese Reference and Research
Author/Editor: HOLZMAN, Donald, et al.
The University of Michigan, Center for Japanese Studies, Bibliographical Series, Nr.
7. Ann Arbor, 1959.
Rpr. Westport, Greenwood Press, 1976.
A Bibliography of Buddhist Materials in the Recorded Sound
Collection of the Library of Congress.
Author/Editor: HOOKER, Floyd B.
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
16-1 (1993), pp. 209-242.
China: A Critical Bibliography.
Author/Editor: HUCKER, Charles O.
Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1968.
Catalogue du Kanjur tibétain de l'édition de 'Jang sa-tham.
Author/Editor: IMAEDA, Yoshiro
2 volumes. ISBN 4-906267-13-0.
Première partie: Edition en fac-similé avec introduction (1982). Paper, 103 pages (incl. 68 pages of plates).
Seconde partie: Texte en translittération (1984). Paper, 112 pages.
Guide to Buddhist Philosophy.
Author/Editor: INADA, Kenneth K.
Boston, Mass.: G.K. Hall, 1985.
Buddhist Literature of the Manchus: A Catalogue of the Manchu
Holdings in the Raghu Vira collection at the International Academy of
Indian Culture.
??: The Academy, 1981.
Doctoral Disseratations in Jaina and Buddhist Studies.
Author/Editor: JAINA, Sagaramala
Varanasi: P.V. Research Institute, 1983.
Bibliography on Buddhism and Human Rights.
Author/Editor: KEOWN, Damien
Journal of Buddhist Ethics (http://www.psu.edu/jbe/jbe.html or
K.B.S. Bibliography of Standard Reference Books for Japanese Studies
with Descriptive Notes (Vol. IV, Religion)
Author/Editor: KISHIMOTO, Hideo
Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1966.
Buddha and his Doctrines - A Biographical Essay
Author/Editor: KISTNER, Otto.
London: Trübner & Co.: 1869
A Bibliography on Japanese Buddhism written in English Language by
Author/Editor: KOJIMA, Bumpo
Tokyo, Kyoto: Toshokankai, vol. IV-4 (March 1953), pp. 138-140;
vol. VII- 6 (December 1955), pp. 205-206
A Short Bibliography on Japan.
Tokyo: 1936.
Bibliographischer Führer durch die Buddhistische Literatur.
Author/Editor: KRETSCHMER, Roland
Wolfenbüttel (Germany): 1988.
Bibliography of Tibetan Studies.
Author/Editor: KULOY, Halvard
Kare; IMAEDA, Yoshiro. Narita (Japan): Naritasan Shinshoji,
The Korean Buddhist Canon: A Descriptive Catalogue.
Author/Editor: LANCASTER, Lewis R.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979.
Littertur om Buddhistisk-Kristen Dialog.
Author/Editor: LANDE, Aasulv
Svensk Missionstidskrift 70-4 (1982). pp. 47-53. [Swedish]
Der frühe türkische Buddhismus und seine literarischen Denkmäler.
Author/Editor: LAUT, Jens
Peter. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1986.
Zen and Psychotherapie: A Partially Annotated Bibliography.
Author/Editor: LESH, T.
Journal of Humanistic Psychology 10 (1970). pp. 75-83.
Bibliographies on the Net [A list of on-line religious
Author/Editor: LIPTON, Sandra
The Religious Periodical Press in China.
Author/Editor: LÖWENTHAL, Rudolf 羅文達
Peking: Synodal Commission in China, 1940. I. Catholic Press (Catholic Press of China, Catholic Press of Manchuria)--II. Protestant
Press--III. Buddhist Press--IV. Taoist (Daoist) Press--V. Confucian Press--VI. Mohammedan
(Islamic, Muslim) Press--VII. Jewish Press--VIII. Russian Orthodox Press
The Religious Periodical Press in China : supplement
Author/Editor: LÖWENTHAL, Rudolf 羅文達
Peking: Synodal Commission in China, 1940-1947. Supplement consists of four articles bound into one volume:
1. "The Catholic Press in China: a supplement." (Supplement for the years 1939/40-1943),
Collectanea Commissionis Synodalis, Peking, vol. XVI, nos. 9-12 (Sept.-Dec. 1943),
pp. 672-679.
2. "The Buddhist periodical press in China from 1937 to 1944." CCS vol. XVIII, nos.
1-6 (Jan.-June, 1945), pp. 83-86.
3. "Christian radio broadcasting in China." CCS, vol. XVI, nos. 7-8 (July-Aug., 1943),
pp. 520-522.
4. "Le presse juive à Shanghai apres la guerre du Pacifique." Bulletin de l'Universitaire
l'Aurore, Shanghai (1947), pp. 183-191 & 429-433., ser. III, vol. VIII, no. 2 (30)
& no. 3 (31)
Feminist Theology and Spirituality: An Annotated Bibliography.
Author/Editor: MACNICHOL, Sally
Noland; WALSH, Mary Elizabeth. Woman's Studies Quaterly 21:1-2
(Spring-Summer 1993). pp. 177-196.
India: A Critical Bibliography.
Author/Editor: MAHAR, J. Michael.
Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1964.
Indica et Buddhica - Scholia: Indological and Buddhological Scholarship
Author/Editor: MAHONEY, Richard
From the webpage (09.2011): "Indica et Buddhica - Scholia is a collaborative archive enabling Indologists and
Buddhologists to catalogue, store and retrieve bibliographical materials, including
data on articles, books, images, theses, software, working papers and so on" Website:
A Buddhist Bibliography.
Author/Editor: MARCH, Arthur
Charles. London: The Buddhist Lodge, 1935.
Kurze Bibliographie der Bücher über Japan in Deutsch, Holländisch,
Schwedisch und Norwegisch.
Author/Editor: MASAHARU Anesaki
Tokyo: Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai, 1938.
Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Tokyo University
Author/Editor: MATSUNAMI, Seiren
Tokyo: Suzuki Research Foundation, 1965.
Bibliography of Literature on Buddhist Topics Published on the
Territory of the G.D.R. since 1945.
Author/Editor: MODE, Heinz
Adolf. Halle: Buddhist Centre Halle, 1967.
Buddhism in Brazil.
Author/Editor: MOREIRA DA ROCHA, Cristina
A List of Works on Japanese Buddhism Written in Western Languages.
Author/Editor: NAKAMURA Hajime, ISHIGAMI Zenno.
Appendix II of Indian & Buddhist Studies in Japan.
Distributed by the Japanese Ministry of Education at Unesco Conference,
Nov.1957, held in Tokyo.
Indian Buddhism: A Survey with Bibliographical Notes.
Author/Editor: NAKAMURA, Hajime
Hirakata: KUFS (Kansai University of Foreign Studies), 1980.
(Intercultural Research Institute Monograph. 9.) Reprint: Delhi:
Motilal, 1987.
A Catalogue of the Buddhist Tripitaka.
Author/Editor: NANJIO, Bunyiu (1849-1927)
Reprint: New Delhi: Lokesh Chandra, 1980.
Bibliography of D.T. Suzuki.
Author/Editor: NISHITANI, Keiji
SAKAMOTO, Hiroshi. The Eastern Buddhist 2 (1967), pp.
South and Southeast Asia: A Bibliography of Bibliographies.
Author/Editor: NUNN, G.
Raymond. Hawaii: East-West Center Library, University of Hawaii,
East Asia: A Bibliography of Bibliographies.
Author/Editor: NUNN, Raymond G.
Honolulu: East-West Center Library, University of Hawaii,
Verzeichnis der Schriften Erich Frauwallners.
Author/Editor: OBERHAMMER, Gerhard
Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südostasiens 20 (1976). pp.
Catalogue of Tibetan Works kept in Otani University Library.
Author/Editor: OTANI DAIGAKU TOSHOKAN [Library of the Otani University].
Kyoto: 1973.
Works of Guiseppe Tucci.
Author/Editor: PETECH, Luciano. SCIALPI, Fabio
East and West 34: 1/3 (1986). pp.23-42.
The Works of Professor Bruno Petzold (1873-1949).
Author/Editor: PETZOLD, Arnulf H.
Stony Brook, NY.: Institute for Advanced Studies of World
Religions, Melville Memorial Library, State University of New York at
Stony Brook, 1982.
Mahayana Texts Translated into Western Languages - A Bibliographical
Author/Editor: PFANDT, Peter
Compiled on behalf of the Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar der
Universität Bonn. Revised Edition with Supplement. Köln: E.J. Brill,
Bibliography of Indian Philosophy.
Author/Editor: POTTER, Karl
Heinz. Delhi, Patna, Varanasi: Motilal Barnasidass, 1970. (The
Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. 1.) Supplements: POTTER, K.H.
Bibliography of Indian Philosophies: First Supplement. Journal of
Indian Philosophy, 2 (1972-74), 65-112; 175-209; 397-413. Second
Supplement. JIP, 4 (1976-77), 295-399. Third Supplement. JIP, 6
(1978), 87-127; 195-231; 299-324. Available online (09.2011):
The Yogacara School of Buddhism: A Bibliography.
Author/Editor: POWERS, John
Philadelphia, PA.; Metuchen, NJ.: American Theological Library
Association; Scarecrow Press, 1991.
Buddhistische Philosophie.
Author/Editor: REGAMÉY, Constantin
Bern: A. Francke, 1950. (Bibliographische Einführungen in das
Studium der Philosophie. 20/21.) 86 pp.
Guide to Buddhist Religion.
Author/Editor: REYNOLDS, Frank
E; HOLT, John; STRONG, John. Arts Section by Bardwell SMITH with
Holly WALDO and Jonathan C. GLASS. Boston, Mass.: G.K.Hall,
A Study of Early Buddhism: A bibliographical essay on work related
to early Theravada and Sinhalese Buddhism.
Author/Editor: REYNOLDS, Frank
The Two Wheels of the Dharma (B. Smith ed.). pp. 6-30, 107-121.
The Literature of the Madhyamka School of Philosophy in India.
Author/Editor: RUEGG, David
Seyfort. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1981. (A History of Indian
Literature. Volume 7, Fasc.1.)
Bibliographia Philologica Buddhica, Series Maior & Series Minor. Bibliographia Indica
et Buddhica
Author/Editor: Ryukai Library
Three series of Buddhist studies bibliographies published by the International College
for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, Tokyo. Since 1978. Available at
Buddhist Literature Yesterday and Today.
Author/Editor: SAIN, G. R.
Delhi: Concorde Press, 1992.
A Brief Survey of Buddhist Studies in Post-war Japan - An Annotated
Author/Editor: SAKURABE, Hajime
The Eastern Buddhist 1 (1966), pp. 131-139.
A Bibliography of Translations of Zen (Ch'an) Works.
Author/Editor: SASAKI, Ruth
Fuller. Philosophy East and West 10-3/4 (1960), pp.
Buddhism: A Select Bibliography.
Author/Editor: SATYAPRAKASH.
Gurgaon: Indian Documentation Service, 1976. 2nd edition revised
and enlarged, 1986.
Ueber den Willen in der Natur. [2nd edition]
Author/Editor: SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur
Frankfurt am Main: Hermann'sche Buchhandlung, 1854, pp. 119-120. Perhaps the first attempt at a bibliography of Buddhism; contains 23
items and is presented in a footnote. (Not part of the first edition.)
Research in Buddhist Studies: University of Delhi a Descriptive
Author/Editor: SETH, Veda
Delhi: Department of Buddhist Studies University of Delhi,
Bibliographia delle fonti Buddhiste: Buddhismo indiano.
Author/Editor: SHIRIEDA, Giovanni
Instituto Giapponese di Cultura in Roma: Annuario, 4 (1966-67),
Japan and Korea: A Critical Bibliography.
Author/Editor: SILBERMAN, Bernhard S.
Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1962.
A Catalogue of the Stog Palace Kanjur.
Author/Editor: SKORUPSKI, Tadeusz
Tokyo: 1985. Paper, xxvi, 366 pages. ISBN 4-906267-17-3. (BIBLIOGRAPHIA PHILOLOGICA BUDDHICA:
Series Maior Vol.4)
Buddhism in Australia: A Bibliography.
Author/Editor: SPULER, Michelle
Bibliographical Sources for Buddhist Studies: from the Viewpoint of Buddhist Philology.
Author/Editor: SUEKI, Yasuhiro
Tokyo: 1998. Paper, xxii, 195 pages. ISBN 4-906267-41-6.
Addenda I (1999). Paper, 49 pages. ISBN 4-906267-46-7.
Addenda II (2000). Paper, viii, 72 pages. ISBN 4-906267-47-5.
Addenda III (2001). Paper, xiv, 146 pages. ISBN 4-906267-48-3.
Second Edition Revised and Enlarged (2008). Paper, xxvii, 810 pages. ISBN 978-4-906267-61-3.
(BIBLIOGRAPHIA INDICA ET BUDDHICA Vol.3). Since then as eDocument editions
online at International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies Library.
Buddhism in Hawaii: An Annotated Bibliography.
Author/Editor: SUZUKI, Mabel
Kiyoko. Honolulu: 1975.
The State of Buddhist Studies in the World 1972-1997.
Author/Editor: SWEARER, Donald & PROMTA, Sompran
Bangkok: Center of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 2000.
Resources for a Buddhist-Christian encounter: An Annotated
Author/Editor: Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies
Wofford Heights, CA: Multifaith Resources, 1993.
A Catalogue of the United States Library of Congress Collection of Tibetan Literature
in Microfiche.
Author/Editor: TACHIKAWA, Musashi in collaboration with Tsulkrim Kelsang and Shunzo ONODA
Part I Tokyo: 1983. With a foreword by E. Gene Smith. Paper, xiv, 353 pages. ISBN 4-906267-14-9. Part
II Tokyo: 1988. Paper, viii, 406 pages. ISBN 4-906267-14-9. (BIBLIOGRAPHIA PHILOLOGICA
BUDDHICA: Series Maior Vol.3a+b)
Bibliography of English-Language Works on Pure Land Buddhism:
Primarily 1983-1989.
Author/Editor: TANAKA, Kenneth
The Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 5
(1989 Fall), pp. 85-99.
The Architecture of Tibet: An Introductory Bibliography.
Author/Editor: TEAGUE, Edward H.
Monticello, Ill. (P.O. Box 229, Monticello 61856): Vance
Bibliographies, 1985.
The Australian Buddhist Library held in the National Library of
Australia, Canberra: A Classified Catalogue.
Author/Editor: THE BUDDHIST LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA (Ao zhou fo jiao tu shu
Canberra: The Library, 1989.
A Survey of Bibliographies in Western Languages Concerning East and
Southeast Asian Studies.
Tokyo: 1969.
Note on the Kashgar Manuscript of the Saddharmapundarikasutra
Author/Editor: TODA, Hirofumi
Tokyo: 1977, reprinted 1980. Paper, iv, 39 pages. ISBN 4-906267-04-1. (BIBLIOGRAPHIA PHILOLOGICA
BUDDHICA: Series Minor Vol.2)
Catalogue of the Tohoku University Collection of Tibetan works on
Author/Editor: TOHOKU DAIGAKU INDOGAKU KENKYUKAI [Association for Indian Studies,
Tohoku University].
Sendai [Japan]: Tohoku Daigaku Bungakubu, 1953.
Asian Bibliography: Japan (and Korea).
Author/Editor: TUCKER, Frank H.
Colorado Springs: 1966.
Bibliography of Asian Studies.
Author/Editor: The Association of Asian Studies.
Ann Arbor. Published annually since 1946. Title until 1956: Far
Eastern Bibliography.
A Bibliography of Indian Philosophy. Part II.
Author/Editor: The Dr. C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar Research Endowment Committee
Madras: 1968.
A Selected List of Books in Japanese in Western Languages
Author/Editor: The Information Centre of Asian Studies of the Toyo Bunko
Tokyo: The Information Centre of Asian Studies of the Toyo Bunko,
A Survey of Buddhist Sogdian Studies
Author/Editor: UTZ, David A.
Tokyo: 1978, reprinted 1980. Paper, iv, 26 pages. ISBN 4-906267-05-X. (BIBLIOGRAPHIA PHILOLOGICA
BUDDHICA: Series Minor Vol.3)
Buddhist Architecture - A Bibliography of English Language
Author/Editor: VANCE, Mary A.
Monticello, Ill. (P.O. Box 229, Monticello 61856): Vance
Bibliographies, 1982.
Zen Buddhism: A Bibliography of Books and Articles in English,
Author/Editor: VESSIE, Patricia
Armstrong. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International,
The Cultural Revolution in China: An Annotated Bibliography.
Author/Editor: WANG, James
C.F. New York: Garland Publications, 1976.
The Works of Heinrich Dumoulin: A Select Bibliography.
Author/Editor: WATANABE, Manabu
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 12:2/3 (1985). pp.
E. Lamotte, History of Indian Buddhism. An Additional Bibliography.
Author/Editor: WEBB, R.
Premier Colloque Etienne Lamotte (Bruxelles/ Liege 24-27 Septembre
1989). DURT, Hubert (Ed.). Louvain la Neuve: Institut Orientaliste de la
Université Catholique de Louvain, 1993. pp. 161-174.
Some Books in English Useful in Connection with the Study of
Author/Editor: WEEDON, William S.
Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 1971.
Buddhist Studies Dissertations and Theses Completed at the University
of Hawaii at Manoa, 1935 -1990.
Author/Editor: WIIG, Linda
Honolulu: School of Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Studies,
University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1991.
Books on Buddhism: An Annotated Subject Guide.
Author/Editor: YOO, Yushin
Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1976.
Buddhism: A Subject Index to Periodical Articles in English,
Author/Editor: YOO, Yushin
Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1973.
A Bibliography of the Sanskrit Texts of the Saddharmapundarikasutra.
Author/Editor: YUYAMA, Akira
Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1970. (Oriental
Monograph Series. 5.)
A Select Bibliography on the Sanskrit Language for the Use of Students in Buddhist
Author/Editor: YUYAMA, Akira
Tokyo: 1982. Paper, iv, 17 pages. ISBN 4-906267-16-5. A Revised Edition (1992). Paper, vi, [2],
24 pages. ISBN 4-906267-28-9. (BIBLIOGRAPHIA INDICA ET BUDDHICA Vol.1)
Buddhist Sanskrit Manuscript Collections: A Bibliographical Guide for the Use of Students
in Buddhist Philology
Author/Editor: YUYAMA, Akira
Tokyo: The Library, The International Institute for Buddhist
Studies, 1992. Paper, xi, 28 pages. ISBN 4-906267-31-9. (BIBLIOGRAPHIA INDICA ET BUDDHICA Vol.2)
Systematische Übersicht über die Buddhistische Sanskrit-Literatur / A Systematic Survey
of Sanskrit Literature - Part 1: Vinaya - Texte.
Author/Editor: YUYAMA, Akira; BECHERT, Heinz
Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1979. 53 pgs.
A Selected Bibliography on Ch'an Buddhism in China.
Author/Editor: ZEUSCHNER, Robert B.
Journal of Chinese Philosophy 3-3 (1976), pp. 299-311.