The project, funded by the Numata Foundation (Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai 仏教伝道協会), aims at a complete translation of the 中阿含經 into English. With 60 fascicles T.26 will be the longest Chinese Buddhist text translated into a Western language so far (there are versions of the text in modern Japanese and Korean). Since the vaggas are translated by different scholars, the editors have to ensure that the final result achieves a good degree of consistency in wording and style. For this we use a glossary based on a list of the most frequent terms. A combination of traditional proof-reading and various electronic supports will provide a version that is both true to the original and terminological consistent. The project commenced in 2006.
The first volume has appeared:
Marcus Bingenheimer, Anālayo, Roderick Bucknell.The Madhyama Āgama (The Middle Length Discourses). Vol.1 Berkeley, CA: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation & Research. The volume covers Vaggas 1-8, Fascicles 1-16, Sutras 1-71. ISBN: 978-1-886439-47-4.
Editors: Ven. Anālayo, Roderick Bucknell, Marcus Bingenheimer.